Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Creative Way To Make A Point
Here's a group that came up with a creative way to illustrate their displeasure with the huge amounts of pork in the Federal budget, a rolling porkermobile.

In a perfect example of beauty being in the eye of the beholder, I can't say that I can agree with what this Socialist group, TrueMajority, considers to be pork and what is necessary government spending. They want to cut the defense department fat and move it to welfare programs, for a net savings to the taxpayers of exactly zero.
I have to take a hard line approach on this. If it's not something that is authorized by the US Constitution, then the Federal government has no right to spend any money on it. Defense of the nation is the number one responsibility of the Feds. Welfare is not something our founding fathers wanted the central government being involved in.