Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Sunday, October 13, 2002
Any Excuse Will Do
The pro income tax forces in Tennessee are still at it. Their latest attempt to enact a state income tax uses the classic "for the children" excuse. You can be sure that any new tax earmarked for something as specific as teacher payroll will find its way into being used for everything else. Government is consistently atrocious when it comes to using taxes and fees for their intended purposes. Trust funds and lock boxes mean nothing to our rulers, as they routinely dip into them for other uses. This happens all the way from the imaginary Social Security trust fund down to local dog catcher's fees.
The only way to keep a tax from getting out of control is to prevent it from ever being enacted in the first place. Here's hoping the anti-tax forces in Tennessee can keep up their fight. As always, they will be portrayed as evil enemies of children for daring to oppose an income tax that will be used to provide quality education.