title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Sunday, November 10, 2002
Not Giving Up

It's good to know that the only political party that actually advocates removing taxes isn't giving up their efforts after just one loss at the ballot box. Here in Arkansas, the State party leaders are already preparing for a petition drive to put another measure on the ballot to remove sales tax from human food and medicine. In Massachusetts, they are going to take another stab at removing the state income tax.

We didn't arrive at such high levels of taxation overnight. It will take patience and persistence to change the momentum to the other direction.

I hope the New York Libertarians are doing what they can to prevent NYC Mayor Bloomberg from implementing his planned $2 Billion annual increase in property taxes. For someone who is supposed to be a Republican and a capitalist, the new mayor is acting like anything but.

While some may blame term limits for not allowing Rudy Giuliani to serve a third term, it's really his fault for not considering the need for a successor to carry on his fine work. I know Rudy is currently riding high on his recently published book, called Leadership, which I must admit I haven't read. While I have no criticism of his accomplishments as Mayor of the largest city in the nation, I'm sure even he would admit to being lax in the area of planning for leadership succession.


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