title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Tax TV

I finally watched an episode of the IRS's Tax Talk Today webcast and was very impressed. This month's topic was the status of the 10 year IRS restructuring program. I wasn't too happy about some of their plans for the future; but I was glad to be alerted to them. While I watched it live this afternoon, they do archive the shows for later viewing. Viewing the shows is free for anyone. If you want one hour of CPE credit for it, you can fill out an evaluation and pay them $25. Since I have been happy with the approximately five dollar cost per CPE hour at The CPE Store, I passed on paying five times as much.

Next month's show, starting on February 11, should be interesting. It's on tax scams and schemes.


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