title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Tuesday, March 25, 2003

American Royalty

I get a lot of grief from fellow Libertarians and conservatives over my support for term limits for all politicians.  They claim that we already have term limits via the ballot box.  I wish that were true.  The fact of the matter, as described in this article, is that once elected, the powers of incumbency are practically insurmountable, with almost 99% reelection rate.  They become rulers for life. 

I maintain my belief that if our founding fathers had predicted that future generations would not heed their examples of serving a few terms and then moving on to normal civilian lives, with a constant turnover, they would have included maximum terms of office in the Constitution. They did their best to prevent against being ruled by royalty; but failed to anticipate the addiction to power that would set in with incumbents.  Career politicians, who are not required to abide by the rules we little people have to, are dangerous. Without mandatory limits on their time on the throne, things just continue to get more unbalanced.  They continue to increase the size and cost of government, with increasing size of extorted campaign donations from their victims.


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