title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Saturday, May 24, 2003

Bush Lauds Congress for $330B in Tax Cuts

President Bush Praises Congress for Tax Cuts

Tax cut will help a bit � economists

With Tax Cut Bill Passed, Republicans Call for More & Permanent Cuts

Tax-cut bill adds up to a big win for Bush - And for everyone else in the country, except for the DemonRats who want to keep the economy in recession.

Congress Passes $350 Billion Tax Cut Bill - The fact that the cited cost of the tax cut bill varies from story to story doesn't bother me because all such "costs" are completely bogus to start with.  Letting people keep more of their own money doesn't cost the government anything. As happened after the Reagan cuts of 1981, the increased economic activity will actually result in more money flowing to DC.  Any deficits will be caused solely by reckless spending.  

Liberals misread the tax issue


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