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Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Bush Signs Tax Cut Bill

Bush expects tax cuts to fuel economy, campaign

Bush to sign tax cut he once belittled

Fix a Real Tax Problem - This bill does nothing to address the problems with the insane AMT.

Tax Cut an Empty Gesture to Cities

President Signs Tax Cut Package Into Law

UPDATE - Bush signs tax cut bill; Republicans promise more

Bush Signs Tax Cut Bill, Asserting It Will Revive Economy

Tax cutters now take aim on �sunsets�

The Tax-Cut Skeptics Back Home

Tax Cuts Revisited: A Benefit For All Americans

Liberals lose in federal poker

Your tax refund should arrive shortly - These advance refund checks are going to create another headache like the ones in 2001 for people with lousy records.  I had scores of clients who had no idea whether or not they had received their 2001 refund checks; so we had to guess when completing the 2001 1040s. At least half the time, they were wrong and IRS had to change the refunds or add more tax due.  That is just one of the reasons we are requiring everyone to have their finances on QuickBooks; so that I can look and find out whether or not tax refunds were received, as well as what estimated tax payments were made, another big problem with lousy records.   

Democratic Presidential Hopefuls Criticize Tax Cut - As if we need another reason to avoid the DemonRats.

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