Lawmakers wrestle with competing tax-cut plans
U.S. Senate panel set to pass compromise tax plan
Senate Lawmakers Debate Dividend Taxes
Snowe wins victory on tax-cut limit
The Daschle Republicans (Cont.) - aka RINOs
Senate Tax Cut Package Would Include Tax Increases
Analysis Deficit - As I've always said, the numbers being bandied about to describe the size of the tax cut are bogus, fabricated out of thin air with no foundation in reality. They claim that lower tax rates cost the government money; when the truth is that lower rates generate much more revenue to the Treasury.
As Bush Tax Plan Falters, Conservatives Find a Silver Lining - Lower capital gains tax rates would be a step in the right direction.
GOP Senators Reach Tax Cut Pact
Senate Republicans Reach Deal on Dividend Tax Cut
GOP senators strike tax-cut bill agreement
GOP sets plan for dividend tax cut
Senate Panel Debates Dividend Tax Cut - As I predicted several months ago, the most likely outcome of the debate over taxation of dividends will be a certain nominal amount per year tax free per person; similar to the $100 per year of tax free dividends that was part of the tax law in the 1970s, when I started in the tax business. That satisfies the requirements of the DemonRats; a tiny tax break for small investors and not enough incentive to motivate corporations to make the huge dividend payments that would stimulate the economy.