title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Monday, May 19, 2003

The Senate tax cut saves the wrong jobs.

Will tax cut mean less government? Bush's bid to restrain growth isn't likely to succeed, analysts say.

Military waste under fire
$1 trillion missing -- Bush plan targets Pentagon accounting - Of course, nobody will lose their job for misplacing a trillion dollars of taxpayers' money.  However, try leaving off $1,000 of income from your tax return and you'll have bloody hell to pay with IRS.

Web Vigilantes Give Spammers Big Dose of Their Own Medicine - Some good news in the spam war.  These freelancers will get the job of shutting down spammers done much faster than is possible by governmental agencies. 

Charities get just dimes on dollar. State report shows amount fund-raisers skim from donations.  - Why it's best to donate directly to the charities you support and prevent the middlemen from siphoning off most of the money.

Insiders Say Lack of Financial Knowledge is Common - No kidding.

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