title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Sunday, June 01, 2003

States Use Gimmicks To Tackle Deficits - What's wrong with this picture?  Our rulers are rewarded with awesome powers and benefits for using "creative accounting" tricks to balance their books; yet those in the private sector who do the same things are prosecuted and sent to the slammer.  It's just one of the endless examples of the double standards by which we allow our rulers to stay in power.

Rethinking Prop. 13.  Unintended consequences need attention

Debate over Prop. 13 still rages. Benefits are clear at tax time; the cost is harder to see

I always knew that eventually popular sentiment in support of the Prop. 13 limits and methods of reassessing properties would change when there would be enough people paying the much higher market value rates while their neighbors had the lower limited taxes, just because they have been there for several years.  Resentment over someone else's lower taxes is a natural human tendency in this country.

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