title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Friday, June 20, 2003
When the Check Isn't in the Mail
What's a nonprofit to do when a donor reneges on a pledge?

Balancing the Books - Tax cuts don't cause deficits. Spending does.

Buffet Can Talk Stocks, Not Taxes. His death-tax analysis is all wrong for a number of reasons. - As I've been saying for years, this capitalism guru preaches a lot of Marxism.

Saving Your Nest Egg. Retirement funds suffer if you go on disability. An insurance policy can help

SEC Can Accelerate Hiring After Congress Waives Rule - Good move by our rulers in DC. People like me, who can easily spot corporate accounting fraud, aren't going to put up with the normal civil service crap involved with working for the government.

Speaking of policing corporations, the WSJ has an interesting article on conflicts of interest when head honchos from non-profit organizations sit on the boards of for-profit companies. They see a tendency to look the other way from problems, as long as the corp contributes to the charitable organization.

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