Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
IRS Adjusts Tax Tables to New Schedule - A little more take home pay for most employees.
Dot-Com Losses Not Broker's Fault - It was the fault of the idiots who fell for the line that stock prices would go up forever and ever.
IRS Targets Tax Shelter For Stock-Options Income (link to article expired) - Some of the big CPA firms were selling bogus tax avoidance schemes that are now blowing up on their clients.
Refusal to Hike Taxes, Not Soaring Spending, Behind State Crises - How the left-wing mainstream media interpret the problem.
GOP Files Challenge to Tripling of PRC Car Tax - Maybe it can be stopped before it takes effect on October 1. I still fail to see how Governor Doofus thinks this is a good idea in the face of a recall election.
Dan Walters: Car tax arbitrary, irrational; reinstating it makes perfect sense - to some sick people. If the higher car tax does become real in October, there will be a lot more vehicles with Oregon plates driving around in the PRC.