Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Coffee Addicts in Froth Over Espresso Tax
They're still trying for that 10 cents a cup in Seattle "for the children." A reminder why this case is important to watch. If it passes, the floodgates will open all over the country for every possible little add-on fee on every possible product and service to benefit every possible "good cause."
It may not seem like much money, but add ten cents to everything you pay for each and every day, and you are talking about real money for most people. In addition, the bookkeeping burden such things would place on vendors would be horrendous. This is the true hidden cost of the tax system, the time and expense to just comply with the rules. Imagine you are a small retail store owner and each item you sell has its own special 10 cent tax that you have to charge customers and then send to the appropriate agencies. You'd be pulling your hair out trying to keep it all straight.