title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Democrats: Repeal some tax cuts - Why it's not safe to trust the DemonRats with the economy any more than with our defense.

Our Over-budget Government - As I've always said, the projected costs of government programs are always heavily understated. They always turn out to be hundreds of times higher. Of course, by then, the rulers who used those numbers, as well as the mind-numb sycophants in the press who accept them as legitimate, are long gone from the scene.

The Nevada tax increase - A big disappointment to the tax refugees who fled the PRC to relocate to the low tax neighboring state.

Grover Norquist's Schwarzenegger campaign - Trying to get Arnold to take the no new taxes pledge.

When Texas Governments Compete with the Private Sector, We All Lose

Benefit Cuts for Baby Boomers? - What I've always predicted would be in the future for Social Security. Also why I've considered it insane for people to continue to flush their money down this sewer when there are so many very easy ways to hold onto the money and preserve a more secure future for themselves.

ACU Applauds Senate's Delay of $13 Billion Tobacco Tax Increase - Nicotine addicts are such tempting targets for the money sucking vampires at all levels of government.

U.S. Income Gap Widening, Study Says - Any time you see a story like this, especially from an openly socialist publication, you know they are trying to set the stage for the inevitable solution to this "problem," wealth redistribution by our imperial rulers.

Millions of Micro-Managers Share Blame for State's Crises - To be fair, the governor isn't the only one who needs to be recalled. He had plenty of help from the legislators in screwing up the state. Toss them all out and pick names at random from the phone directory, and there will be a better chance of fixing things than allowing the same crooks to stay in Sacramento, regardless of who, if anyone, becomes the new governor.

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