Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
It's Hopeless For the PRC
Here are just a couple of reasons, other than the high taxes I normally discuss, that the name "People's Republic of California" is justly deserved. The mindset among the rulers out there isn't very different than full out socialism.
They refuse to accept the realities of the basic supply and demand laws of economics and continue to assume that they can force certain results. Those are no more possible than making water flow uphill or the sun rise in the West.
This isn't new and is the very reason why I, after living in the San Francisco Bay Area for 38 years, decided to leave almost eleven years ago. Things have deteriorated since then, and show no sign of improving.
Price controls on gasoline - Lower prices will result in lower supply and more shortages.
Forcing employers to pay for employee medical costs - Higher costs on employers will result in fewer employers staying inside the PRC and those who do stay will hire fewer workers.
It is becoming much more difficult to counter those who believe it would be best for the USA if the PRC were to just break off and float off into the Pacific; or those like Cruz Bustamante, who want to give the State back to Mexico.