title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Monday, September 15, 2003
War and Taxes - David Frum's take on the idiocy of the argument that the Bush tax cuts have caused the budget deficit.

Sneak Attack in Oregon. The state legislature just piled on the tax increases. - The Left Coast is just very expensive for taxpayers.

The Tax-Cut Con - Marxist Paul Krugman tries to make a case for why the tax cuts were bad and we should soak the evil rich even more. It's true to the spirit of the anti-capitalism New York Slimes.

Dizzying Dive to Red Ink Poses Stark Choices for Washington - With its typical journalistic credibility, the NY Slimes has the nerve to refer to the projected budget surpluses as if they were really attainable. Those predictions by the Clinton gang were 100% bogus and were based on the unchallenged underlying assumption that the stock market would rise in value at over 20% per year for all time. To blame the fact that such moronic pie in the sky predictions didn't come true on Bush is nothing short of insane.

Tax wealthy to pay for Iraq war - Standard soak the evil rich socialist bilge from the Marxist dwarf who served as Clinton's Labor Secretary.

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