title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Republicans Indulging in Pork Along With Power

Man Cashes Penny Stash For $10,060 - A drastic style of the slow and steady savings strategy; 37 buckets full. As ridiculous as it sounds, he has a lot more to show for his "investment" efforts than most people who bought overpriced dot-com stocks.

Under Bush, spending soars - Very inconsistent. On one hand, Bush recognizes the power of letting people keep and spend more of their own money. On the other hand, he is enlarging the size and scope of government beyond even what the previous administrations did.

Taxes governed by people's will - Supposedly, Governor Arnold will raise taxes if enough people ask him to. It won't be hard to get a majority of people to "demand" higher taxes on the heavily despised evil rich. Let's hope that Arnold has enough sense, in spite of input from from his Marxist advisors (Warren Buffett), to see that such an approach would be more of what already created the massive outflow of tax refugees. If he has any hope of attracting people to return to the PRC, he has to reduce the punitive taxation of success and not make it worse, even if the lefty media claim that is what the people want.

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