title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Call for Benefit Cuts Spurs Political Frenzy - The deadly "Third Rail" of politics has been grabbed hold of. While I doubt if anything substantial will be done to remedy the SS problems, it's at least a good move to put the issue out there for debate and discussion. Continuing to keep our collective heads in the sand and hoping the problems will fix themselves can no longer be enough.

Net Phone Calls Eyed for Taxation - With any new technology, the tax vultures are certain to be hovering around.

Tax Distribution Tables don't Account for Income Mobility - Just as the definition of who is rich is subjective and changes over time, the inhabitants of the various tax brackets change quite often. I have seen plenty of people move from the very top bracket to the lowest and all around. To claim that everyone is always in the same bracket for their entire lives, as many of our rulers and wannabe rulers would have us believe as part of their class warfare rhetoric, is ludicrous.

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