title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Blog Features
Blogger, the main tool I have been using to prepare this blog since I started it three and a half years ago, has just had a major redesign in its interface and the features it can support. I have been spending some time today experimenting with the underlying HTML code and directories. As a result, there have been changes to the URLs linking to the archives and to the individual postings. If the new and improved system works as advertised, they should be more stable. If you have previously obtained links that no longer work, you should check the archives from this opening page.

One new feature that Blogger now offers, which I have decided not to implement at this time, is commenting, where readers can post their comments to my blog. It's not that I don't want or appreciate reader feedback; but my time is already stretched too far as it is, without adding the task of having to police the postings. From the volume of hate mail I already receive because of my support of lower taxes, I can envision having to spend too much time keeping the comments clean to make it worthwhile. As can be seen by the small number of things I am currently able to post, compared to many more prolific bloggers, I'm lucky to be able to find the time to add these few.

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