Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Relative Prices

I have long ago grown tired of the endless comparisons of the price per gallon of gasoline with what people routinely pay for other liquids, such as coffee, milk and bottled water. Such comparisons would actually be relevant if we bought coffee, milk or bottled water 20 gallons at a time. The fact of the matter is that we buy and consume fuels in much larger volumes than those other things; so the effect of the huge price increases is more staggering.
Although worrying about the truth has never been a high priority for the Bush haters, their claim that the Iraq war was all about oil has obviously been proven to be as bogus as all of their other spurious charges against the President. In spite of what the elite media want us to believe, Bush is a very intelligent man and knows all too well that two of the biggest influences on the economy are interest rates and the price of fuel. It is most definitely in the best interest of his reelection to keep both of those as low as possible. To claim that he wants high fuel prices to enrich his oil buddies (and in the process destroy the national economy) is completely idiotic.
Update on the IRS Front: There is still no mention of an increase in their per mile standard rate.