Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
The Real Debt - Whether or not the Federal Debt is at dangerously high levels is frequently debated, depending on the objective of the arguer. Besides being subjective in terms of size and percentage of the overall economy, the issue of its cause is also frequently debated. While the Left insists on blaming any deficits on too little revenue, caused by tax cuts, the better case can be made for too much spending being the direct link to the red ink.
Bloomberg Tarnishes GOP Tax-Cutting Image - It was obvious from the beginning that he is a classic RINO (Republican In Name Only.
Millions won't make you happier
The Richer Are Getting Poorer
The power of the rich
New tax increases to take effect in Virginia
Your checkbook just became obsolete - I just noticed the "Check 21" changes in how banks can process checks as of October 28 in an ad I received for the new 2005 version of the VersaCheck program I have long been using to print checks.