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Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
State sales tax deduction gains support - There has long been a desire to reinstate the sales tax deduction for people who live in states with no income tax.

House Budget Panel Mulls Tax Reform Options - The scariest thing here is the discussion about having combined consumption and income taxe to replace the current system. The only way the Fair Tax proposal makes sense is if the 16th Amendment is repealed and the Federal income tax is completely eliminated and replaced with a national sales tax. Having a national sales tax on top of the income tax is just making things worse. Even if the Federal tax rates were to be dropped as an offset to the new sales tax, just keeping the income tax system in place guarantees future rate increases. It is humanly impossible for our rulers to resist.

The 2004 Tax Law - Kaye Thomas' summary of the recently signed law.

MAXIMUM SEC. 179 DEDUCTION FOR SUVs TO BE SLASHED - This isn't an actual law yet, but the environmental wackos seem to have been successful in forcing their opinions of suitable transportation on the rest of us. Of course, with a new threshold of 14,000 pounds, you may want to buy something like this. If you're worried about that weight qualifier being pushed even higher, this one will more than cover it.

169 Business School Profs Criticize Bush Tax Policies - In case anyone was under the false assumption that business schools were immune from the Marxist infiltration of college campuses in this country. Let's see how many profs sign a comparable letter supporting capitalism.

A New Strategy For Giving Away Your Money. IRS Blesses Accounts That Let Donors Keep Managing Money They've Given to a Charity


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