title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Friday, November 19, 2004

Taxing Thoughts - Thanks to Ohio CPA Dana Stahl for the link to this.


 How to Fix Social Security


Senate Approves Four Year Extension To Ban On Internet Tax


FTB mails annual "mortgage interest" nonfiler notices - Interesting twist on tax enforcement by the PRC.  Using 1098s from lenders, they assume nonfilers earned four times the amount of mortgage interest paid in unreported taxable income and send out bills with taxes, interest & penalties on that amount.  As I always say, it's best to file tax returns even when no taxes are due in order to prevent tax agencies from concocting bogus amounts out of thin air.


Sale of California Real Estate - The rules for withholding taxes from sales of real estate in the PRC change as of 1/1/05. I tried to set up this pdf chart as an html web page, but it's protected to prevent that kind of conversion.


IRS Money Maker - Interesting summary of the IRS's activities for the past year, including their claim to have squeezed out $43.1 billion in enforcement revenue on a budget of $10 billion.  Individuals earning over $100,000 per year are in the IRS's cross-hairs.


Treasury and IRS Issue Indexed Amounts for 2005 Health Savings Accounts 



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