title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Karl Marx Would Be Proud

It's a sad and sickening day in the USA for those of us who believe in capitalism. To say that today's ruling by the US Supreme Court that tax revenue is more important than private property rights is an absolute abomination would be a huge understatement. Impeachment of those five justices who voted to torch the Fifth Amendment would be in order if our Constitution were in any way respected nowadays. Unfortunately, as proven daily by the treasonous actions of the DemonRats in regard to the war on terror, and the unwillingness of the GOP to do anything about it, defense of the Constitution has been abandoned by our rulers in DC, in spite of the fact that they all took oaths to defend and uphold it. The wholesale adoption of the Communist Manifesto marches on in this country.

Scott Ott of Scrappleface has the right idea that Bush May Condemn and Seize Supreme Court.

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