title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Money more important than decency

Panel suggests repealing alternative minimum tax 

What is more telling about the mentality of our rulers is this sub-head:

Still at issue: How to recoup lost revenue

As I’ve long explained, the words fairness and taxes cannot be in the same sentence with any credibility.  When it comes to money for our rulers to confiscate from the people, fairness is an entirely inappropriate concept.  Just because the AMT has evolved into an insane, unfair, immoral, unethical, convoluted mess is not reason enough to eliminate it, as long as it is still producing dollars for our rulers to spend.  If our rulers had any concept of decency, travesties like the AMT would be removed without regard for the money involved.


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