title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Donating Pre-Tax Retirement Accounts To Charity

From a reader:

Subject: For your blog
Conrad Teitell, LLM (principal at Cummings & Lockwood) has initiated a website to encourage permanent legislation on charitable IRA  rollovers.  The website is at: IraGift.org

You may consider this for your blog.

James W. Fogal, CFP
I wrote back:

Thanks for passing that along.  I wasn't aware of that bill; but it makes a lot of sense.  I've long thought that it was crazy that it's more beneficial tax-wise to donate pre-tax retirement accounts to charity after you pass away than while you are alive. 

I will include this on my blog.

Kerry Kerstetter

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