title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Upgrading QuickBooks

From a client:

Subject: quick books

 Hi Kerry...

 Are you still recommending we upgrade to quick books 06?  Apparently that comes out this week and my bookkeeper will be using it.



It's not essential that you always have the most current version of QuickBooks.  However, it's a good idea not to fall too far behind so that you can take advantage of the new features that make it easier to work with, as well as not fall victim to Intuit's sunset policy that orphans any version more than three years old.

For anyone currently thinking of upgrading to a newer version, I would hate to see them waste their money on the 2005 model, when the 2006 programs are so close to release.  In fact, I should be receiving my copies of the 2006 programs any day now and the public should be able to order it now as well. 



 Thanks, yes, they are releasing 2006 on the 11th...so since my bookkeeper is upgrading hers and you are too, then I need to get mine or not be supported, it sounds like.

Costco on line has it for $149. which is the cheapest, but maybe with Intuit's $80 rebate....that's not too bad in fact if they both hold.


I'm not sure what your bookkeeper is doing, but I will continue to support whichever Windows versions of QB the clients are using.  I don't really like using the older versions because they aren't as automated as the newer ones; but I do have all the QB versions from 1999 up to the most current installed on my computers and use whichever one is compatible with the data files the clients send me.

Over the past several years, I have found that the warehouse clubs have had the best prices for new releases off both Quicken and QuickBooks.



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