title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Manufacturing Tax Gap Figures

I’ve written several times of how the IRS pulls numbers out of thin air as the supposed tax gap in order to justify more power for that agency, as well as how the media slavishly accept those figures without any kind of skepticism.  A new fictional tax gap is in the works now.

Ohio CPA Dana Stahl writes:

Mr Guru - more BS on the so-called "tax gap".  At least, I'm on the right track, aren't I?  I wonder who can be approached to challenge the thrust of this article.

My Reply:


I saw a summary of that report yesterday and figured right away that this was another case of our rulers comparing apples and oranges.  There are so many ways to calculate the value of economic activity in this country (GNP and GDP are just two), that it is impossible to match any of them up with what is shown on income tax returns.  Anybody who claims that such a comparison is possible has been smoking far too much wacky weed to be trusted.

As we have seen for several years, the mainstream media don't care one whit about accuracy when it gets in the way of their agenda.  Giving more power to the IRS has obviously been their goal for a very long time, and anything they can use to bolster that argument will be used regardless of its legitimacy.


More from Dana:

Mr Guru -couldn't agree more.  The MSM just pisses me off royally, with their obvious bias & agenda (yet they continue to deny such!).  Fortunately, there are more options today, with the internet, talk radio, etc. to at least get the true word out.

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