title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Impatient For Refund



Subject: How long to wait for a refund?

Dear Mr. Kerstetter,
I wonder if you could point me to a simple explanation of what happens if you think you deserve a rebate but the taxing authority thinks you've paid the right amount?
I would assume they would at least have to tell you that they disagree with your tax return.
Also, how long should it take to hear back?  I filed my taxes in the last week of March, and received my Maryland refund a couple of weeks later, but I still have not heard anything from California.
Thanks for your time.


It is normal practice for IRS and State tax agencies to send taxpayers a notice if any change is made to the tax return that was filed.  The explanations often leave a lot to be desired, but there is notification of a change.

If you have heard nothing from the FTB, you may want to contact them to see if they even received your 540.  Tax returns do get lost in the mail every day.  You may need to send a replacement copy if they have no record of receiving the one you mailed in March.  You should also know that they advise to wait eight weeks after submitting a tax return before getting concerned.  They process a lot more tax returns than any other state, and thus take more time to get refund checks out.

You can call the FTB at 1-800-852-5711 or try to locate info on your taxes online via their website.

Good luck.

Kerry Kerstetter


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