title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Working With Corporations


From a reader:

Subject: Thank You

Thank You for your site.  You have shown me that being a C Corp may not be as bad as everyone says.  I am using a June 30 FY because of your opinion (and I'm working with a local CPA to keep me straight).

My reply:

I'm glad you found my info useful.  However, it is never to be relied on in lieu of the services of a competent professional tax advisor who can better assess your situation.

You should also keep an open mind in regard to avoiding the all or nothing approach to running a business.  As your company and personal wealth grow, you and your advisor could very easily see the need for another entity in addition to your C corp.

Good luck.

Kerry Kerstetter


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