title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Friday, June 08, 2007

DemonRats Seek Formula To Blunt AMT - In their typical Marxist fashion, their solution is to hit the evil rich with even more punitive taxes. Remember that, once accepted as a valid technique, the breaking point for when this surtax applies can always be lowered. The 10% millionaire surtax in the 1993 Clinton-Gore tax increase actually kicked in at $250,000; so the definition of evil rich is entirely flexible and subject to the whims of our crazy imperial rulers in DC. 


Wesley Snipes Plays Race Card – The fact that he was an idiot to buy into an already disproven tax protestor scam has nothing to do with the IRS’s prosecution of him for tax fraud?   Can you say “grasping at straws” on his way to the clink for being as much of a moron as Richard Hatch?



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