Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Friday, August 28, 2009
Inmates running the asylum
It's bad enough that the person in charge of the IRS, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, is an acknowledged tax cheat who claims not to understand how to use TurboTax.
Now, Charlie Rangel, the Chairman of the House Ways & Means committee, which writes all of the tax laws, has been discovered to be hiding even more income and assets than were previously disclosed. Just a few of the current news stories, courtesy of Drudge:
The Absent-Minded Chairman. Charlie Rangel wins the personal lottery.
Stop embarrassing us, Mr. Rangel. Resign
Even the most casual observer of DC hypocrisy knows that if Rangel were a member of the GOP and not the party of the JackAss, he would have been forced to resign long ago. Legal, ethical, and moral standards simply do not apply to the Dims.
Not that I've ever had much respect for the bozos in power in DC; but this kind of example should make it tougher for average people to continue to bend over and allow the DemonRats to fiscally rape us.
Not that I've ever had much respect for the bozos in power in DC; but this kind of example should make it tougher for average people to continue to bend over and allow the DemonRats to fiscally rape us.