2 Saul was staying in the outskirts of Gibeah in the pomegranate cave [] at Migron. 21; Ps. 11:13] Ephes-dammim. 27:17] walks before you, # ch. 1 Samuel 1 - ESV: There was a certain man of Ramathaim-zophim of the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephrathite. Verse. The name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other, Peninnah. 1 There was a certain man of Ramathaim-zophim of the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephrathite. 15:27 clothed with a linen ephod. Red Letter. 2 He had two wives. Red Letter. 1 Samuel 7 :: English Standard Version (ESV) Strong's. 3:1 Samuel was ministering before the Lord, a boy # Ex. 1 Now the Philistines # ch. And the word of the LORD was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision. They took bribes and perverted justice. The name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other, Peninnah. He had two wives. And Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. And the Israelites were encamped by the spring that is in Jezreel. Cross References 1 Samuel 23:21 And Saul said, "May you be blessed by the Lord, for you have had compassion on me. And they were gathered at Socoh, which belongs to Judah, and encamped between Socoh and Azekah, in Ephes-dammim. 19 And Saul spoke to Jonathan his son and to all his servants, that they should kill David. 1 And Samuel said to all Israel, “Behold, I have obeyed # ch. Red Letter. Paragraph. There is nothing better for me than that I should escape to the land of the Philistines. The Birth of Samuel. 8:20; Num. 3 Here I am; testify against me before the Lord and before his anointed. r But Jonathan, Saul’s son, delighted much in David. 1 There was a certain man of Ramathaim-zophim of the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephrathite. Bible > ESV > 1 Samuel 8 1 Samuel 8 English Standard Version: Par Israel Demands a King. Verse. I have walked before you from my youth until this day. 8:1, 5 and I am old and gray; and behold, my sons are with you. 74:9; Amos 8:11] And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision. Tools. And Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. Red Letter. 1 - 3 should be viewed as integrally related to what follows, not as a more likely component of the book of Judges or as a loosely attached prefix to the rest of 1,2 Samuel. Kingship is given its birth and then nurtured by the prophetic word and work of the prophet Samuel. Listen to the Bible. 1 Samuel 18 English Standard Version (ESV) David and Jonathan's Friendship. 1 Samuel 8:14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. 19; ch. KJV (Narrated) NKJV (Narrated) NKJV (Dramatized) NLT (Dramatized) NIV (Narrated) NIV (Dramatized) NASB (Narrated) RVR60 (Español) The Birth of Samuel. 2 He had two wives. 3 Yet his sons did not walk in his ways but turned aside after gain. The Lord Calls Samuel. 13:5 gathered their armies for battle. 1 Samuel 21. 19 And his mother used to make for him a little robe and take it to him each year # ch. And you shall reign over the people of the Lord and you will save them from the hand of their surrounding enemies. 18 # ver. 1Sa 7:1 ¶ 1Sa 7:1 - And the men of Kiriath-jearim came and took up the ark of the L ORD and brought it to the house of Abinadab on the hill. 1 There was a certain man of # [ver. Cross References 1 Samuel 9:17 When Samuel saw Saul, the Lord told him, "Here is the man of whom I spoke to you! 11:26] an Ephrathite. Cross References 1 Samuel 16:1 11; ch. 29 1 Now the Philistines had gathered all their forces at Aphek. 1 Samuel 1 English Standard Version The Birth of Samuel 1 There was a certain man of Ramathaim-zophim of the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephrathite. 1 Samuel 1:3 3 Now this man used to go up d year by year from his city e to worship and to sacrifice to the Lord of hosts f at Shiloh, where the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were priests of the Lord . 1 Samuel 3. Therefore be on your guard in the morning. Samuel’s Farewell Address. 8:5, 19, 20 your voice in all that you have said to me # ch. (1Sa 2:11; 1Sa 2:18; 1Sa 3:21; Ps 74:9; Am 8:11) 2 At that time Eli, whose eyesight had begun to grow dim so that he could not see, was lying down in his own place. And this shall be the sign to you that the Lord has anointed you to be prince 2 over his heritage. 3. And Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. 1Sa 3:1 ¶ 1Sa 3:1 - Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the L ORD in the presence of Eli. The name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other, Peninnah. 2 He had two wives. ESV Expository Commentary: 1 Samuel–2 Chronicles. Red Letter. Verse. Read texts from 1 Samuel and join the Genius community of scholars to learn the meaning behind the words. 15 And Samuel said to Saul, “The Lord sent me to anoint you king over his people Israel; now therefore listen to the words of the Lord. The name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other, Peninnah. 1:3 when she went up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice. 2 And Jonathan told David, “Saul my father seeks to kill you. 1 Samuel 1 :: English Standard Version (ESV) Strong's. Cross References 1 Samuel 18:3 Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. 1 There was a certain man of a Ramathaim-zophim of b the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, c an Ephrathite. 2 He had two wives. Paragraph. 1 There was a certain man of a Ramathaim-zophim of b the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, c an Ephrathite. And they were gathered at # Josh. 1 Samuel 16 English Standard Version David Anointed King 1 The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you grieve over Saul, since I have rejected him from being king over Israel? 2 And now, behold, the king # [ch. 17. 1 Samuel The Birth of Samuel. And Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. 1 Samuel 31 - ESV: Now the Philistines fought against Israel, and the men of Israel fled before the Philistines and fell slain on Mount Gilboa. Verse. Verse. 6:14; 1 Chr. 10:24; 11:14, 15 and have made a king over you. Stay in a secret place and hide yourself. Paragraph. Bible > ESV > 1 Samuel 11 1 Samuel 11 English Standard Version: Par Saul Defeats the Ammonites. 24:33 the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, # [1 Kgs. 1 When Samuel became old, he made his sons judges over Israel. Listen to the Bible. Listen to the Bible. 14 One day Jonathan the son of Saul said to the young man who carried his armor, “Come, let us go over to the Philistine garrison on the other side.” But he did not tell his father. 1 And Samuel said to all Israel, “Behold, I have obeyed your voice in all that you have said to me and have made a king over you. Tools. 11:30 Azekah, in # [1 Chr. 1 Samuel 17:42 And when the Philistine looked and saw David, he disdained him, for he was but a youth, ruddy and handsome in appearance. 1 Samuel 22 :: English Standard Version (ESV) Strong's. 2 And now, behold, the king walks before you, and I am old and gray; and behold, my sons are with you. KJV (Narrated) NKJV (Narrated) NKJV (Dramatized) NLT (Dramatized) NIV (Narrated) NIV (Dramatized) NASB (Narrated) RVR60 (Español) Tools. g And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision.. 2 At that time Eli, h whose eyesight had begun to grow dim so that he could not see, was lying down in his own place. Volume 3 Series edited by Iain M. Duguid, James M. Hamilton Jr., Jay Sklar, ... 1–2 Samuel John L. Mackay 1–2 Kings J. Gary Millar 1–2 Chronicles John W. Olley Scripture Index. (Jos 24:33; 1Sa 1:19; 1Ki 11:26). 1 Samuel 17. 2 And Saul took him that day and would not let him return to his father's house. 2 The name of his firstborn son was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beersheba. 3 Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. 10 c Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on his head d and kissed him and said, “Has not the Lord anointed you to be prince 1 over e his people Israel? KJV (Narrated) NKJV (Narrated) NKJV (Dramatized) NLT (Dramatized) NIV (Narrated) NIV (Dramatized) NASB (Narrated) RVR60 (Español) David at the Cave of Adullam. 18 As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision. 17 Now the Philistines gathered their armies for battle. Listen to the Bible. Saul Tries to Kill David. I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have provided for myself a king among his sons.” (1Sa 10:1; 1Sa 15:23; 1Sa 15:26; 1Sa 15:35; Ps 78:70; Ps 89:19; Ac 13:22). KJV (Narrated) NKJV (Narrated) NKJV (Dramatized) NLT (Dramatized) NIV (Narrated) NIV (Dramatized) NASB (Narrated) RVR60 (Español) Saul and the Medium of En-dor. 2:11, 18 Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord in the presence of Eli. The Lord Calls Samuel. Bible > ESV > 1 Samuel 1 1 Samuel 1 English Standard Version: Par The Birth of Samuel. 2 Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. 1 Samuel 28 :: English Standard Version (ESV) Strong's. Tools. Paragraph. Fill your horn with oil, and go. 1 Samuel 17 English Standard Version (ESV) David and Goliath. 10:10; Neh. 1 Samuel 3 - ESV: Now the young man Samuel was ministering to the LORD under Eli. I have walked before you from my youth until this day. 2 And Saul and the men of Israel were gathered, and encamped in # ver. # [ver. 1Sa 22:1 ¶ 1Sa 22:1 - David departed from there and escaped to the cave of Adullam. 1 # ch. Tools. 28:4; 2 Sam. The Birth of Samuel. 1 Samuel 1 English Standard Version (ESV) The Birth of Samuel. Paragraph. 4:15; Gen. 27:1; 48:10; [Deut. Saul Anointed King. 2 And Saul and the men of Israel were gathered, and encamped in the Valley of Elah, and drew up in line of battle against the Philistines. He it is who shall restrain my people. The name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other, Peninnah. KJV (Narrated) NKJV (Narrated) NKJV (Dramatized) NLT (Dramatized) NIV (Narrated) NIV (Dramatized) NASB (Narrated) RVR60 (Español) The Lord Calls Samuel. Endorsements “The ESV Expository Commentary will be a welcome addition to the toolbox of those who are committed to expounding the inerrant and infallible … Listen to the Bible. 15:35 Socoh, which belongs to Judah, and encamped between Socoh and # Josh. 2 He had two wives. 1 Samuel 14 English Standard Version (ESV) Jonathan Defeats the Philistines. 3 f Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord in the presence of Eli. David and Goliath. Bible > ESV > 1 Samuel 7 1 Samuel 7 English Standard Version: Par 1 And the men of Kiriath-jearim came and took up the ark of the Lord and brought it to the house of Abinadab on the hill. And they consecrated his son Eleazar to have charge of the ark of the Lord. 1 Samuel 15 English Standard Version (ESV) The Lord Rejects Saul. 2 At that time Eli, # ch. 1 There was a certain man of a Ramathaim-zophim of b the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, c an Ephrathite. 1 Samuel 29 English Standard Version << 1 Samuel 28 | 1 Samuel 29 | 1 Samuel 30 >> The Philistines Distrust David. 1 Samuel 3 :: English Standard Version (ESV) Strong's. 19] Ramathaim-zophim of # See Josh. The Lord Calls Samuel 1 Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord in the presence of Eli. 1Sa 28:1 ¶ 1Sa 28:1 - In those days the Philistines gathered their forces for war, to fight against Israel. 1 Samuel 27 - ESV: Then David said in his heart, "Now I shall perish one day by the hand of Saul. 2 He had two wives.