Scientific Name. Apache plume is an evergreen shrub with tiny leaves, upright branching, white flowers and amazing feather-like seed clusters. Proper pruning can renew or rejuvenate overgrown, deciduous shrubs. One option is to prune the shrubs back over a three year period. The plant’s common name is said to come from these seed heads, which resemble feather war bonnets. The idea of a low maintenance garden or landscape is filled with many definitions and opinions. Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Fallugia Species, Apache Plume (Fallugia paradoxa) supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFiles database at Dave's Garden. Plants may be pruned if necessary in spring. And, plants need water and grooming to varying amounts for successful garden performance. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. Here are some long-blooming shrubs I recommend for their ease of care and natural beauty. Small white flowers in spring, followed by clusters of pinkish-white seed heads. Take with Apache plume flower essence when healing E.T. Don’t plant an Apache plume in or adjacent to irrigated lawns. 1815 W. Iron Springs Road Prescott, AZ 86305. See more ideas about shrubs, plants, soil. In general, plants will ship after the last front date. Fallugia paradoxa. Fallugia paradoxa, or Apache plume, forms a dense, twiggy mass reaching up to 6 feet tall. An important browse plant for wild and domestic animals and is excellent in erosion Plant shipment depends on nursery location, the specific plant's productions timetable, local weather issues, and your location. Harmony is a hybrid cultivar of this species and I. histrioides, and the information here … Introduced into cultivation in California by Theodore Payne. Rounded. Every Day Leaves are dark green above, rust color beneath, 1/4" to 3/4" long, pinnately compound 3-7 oblong lobes. Photo Location: Moab Utah on 2018-06-17. We appreciate your patience and understanding with your shipping process and timeline. Thyme 928-445-4159. Flowering occurs from late spring until late summer, and is followed by clouds of showy pink feather-duster-like seed heads. This caryopteris receives some afternoon shade but still blooms fully next to an Apache plume. Apache Plume. Where to Plant Caryopteris. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Will tolerate some shade but may be less upright and floppy. Fallugia paradoxa. Fallugia paradoxa (Apache plume). Photo #4/24 of Apache Plume (Fallugia paradoxa). Begin by removing one-third of the largest, oldest stems at ground level in late winter/early spring (March or early April). Average Landscape Size. ... Growth Habit. Plant Type and Taxonomy . 1975. Very drought and heat tolerant. Figure 4—Fallugia paradoxa,Apache-plume: seedling with References primary leaves only (left);seedling with primary and secondary leaves (right). Everything was pretty expensive. Apache plume is native to the Southwest. Ideal in a Xeriscape setting, Apache plume … I didn’t live in Albuquerque when the Approved Plant List was first created, but I believe the initial intent was to limit the list to native plants that would look appropriate in the foothills. Take datura flower essence when seeking a deeper meaning to life, doing a vision quest, or making a deeper connection to the spirit world. PLANT CARE INFORMATION Apache Plume or Ponil Fallugia paradoxa DESCRIPTION: Another staple for mid- to high desert gardens, Apache Plume is a long-lived, semi-evergreen shrub. This desert native can grow 4-5 ft. tall and as wide, and is best suited to sunny locations and well-draining conditions with low amounts of supplemental water. Jun 24, 2016 - The Colorado climate is marked by extreme temperatures, drought, wind, hail, and alkaline soil, conditions that make plant selection and planting a challenge to even the most experienced gardener. Online Catalog . 2 Plant Guide African Sumac Rhus lancea Apache Plume Fallugia paradoxa Apricot Armenian plum Plant Guide Legend Location: Red Hills Desert Garden Tonaquint Garden Water Needs: Very Low Low Moderate Moderate-High High Apache Plume. History. The only issue I have is price. Email for availability and current pricing. Catalog: Plant Care & Germination Tips: Search Catalog: Contact Us: Home: View Your Cart. Apache Plume. Some cultivars are hardy down to zone 4. Stiff, grayish green leaves line the thin twigs and sometimes remain on the shrub throughout winter. This product is currently out of stock and unavailable. abduction experiences, energetic implants, or unexplainable time lapses. Native to the Southwestern U.S. and Northern Mexico. Apache plume Fallugia paradoxa. ALL PLANTS INDEX CACTI SEED INDEX SUCCULENT SEED INDEX GRASS SEED INDEX REVEGETATION SEED INDEX HERB SEED INDEX Shrub Care … These are preceded paradoxically by beautiful white anemone-like flowers. Apache Plume (Fallugia paradoxa) is a very interesting plant for a number of reasons.First its an xeriscape plant which does not need a lot of water, it has very fine foliage, its a woody plant/small tree, it has beautiful white flowers and very pink artistic fine seed pods making it very showy all year round. Apache plume is drought-tolerant when well established. You shouldn't need to prune the plant because it is too large for the space (instead replace it with a lower growing plant). A native plant to Colorado and throughout the Southwest, Apache Plume is growing in popularity thanks to its special attributes: Up to 4 feet tall White, rose-like flowers transform to pink, feathery seed heads It should be planted only in soil that drains well and should not be over watered. Apache Plume. Instead, plant it in dry spots in south or west exposures. Native Americans used the plant for medicinal purposes, as well as for tools.Planting and care:Apache plume Size is normally 3 to 6 feet tall and nearly as wide. Share this product with friends! Thyme plants re-seed, grow pretty little flowers, attract bees and taste delicious! It is hardy to zone (UK) 8. Named for the bright green foliage that turns golden red in autumn, golden currant is a drought-tolerant plant suitable for growing in a range of conditions. Blauer AC, Plummer AP, McArthur ED, Stevens R, Giunta BC. General Information. Care and Maintenance. Apache plume produces single rose-like white flowers in a fine-textured shrub. Apache Plume (Fallugia paradoxa) is a native plant of the southwestern United States including New Mexico.It grows throughout all four of the southwestern deserts: Chihuahuan, Great Basin Mojave, and Sonoran. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Photo of the entire plant of Apache Plume (Fallugia paradoxa) posted by carlysuko - The stunning desert globemallow plant (Sphaeralcea ambigua) is a familiar sight all over the desert Southwest and a popular attraction for the native bees and butterflies.You can find them in many areas of the Southwest—along dirt roads; dry, rocky slopes; on the edges of sandy marshes; and many other areas. Plant Guide 1 Plant Guide Washington County, Utah 533 E. Waterworks Dr. St. George, UT 84770 This native plant is one of several that starts volunteer seedlings around our garden. If we can’t move them, we always can pull them up if in the way of another plant. This plant's common name is derived from the fact that it resembles Apache war bonnets. Apache plume is native to the mountains and mid to high deserts of the American West from Colorado to California, and south into Mexico. Plant Form: Shrub: Plant Size: 6' x 5' Plant Type: Evergreen: Water Usage: Low: Sunlight: Sun, Partial ... feathery seed tails. The silvery puffs of fruit heads have many styles emanating from a feathery plume up to 2 inches long. How to Prune Native Plants (without killing them) General Pruning Tips. Apache plume is a small deciduous to semi-evergreen shrub with shredded bark and white flowers. Plant taxonomy classifies this dwarf as Iris reticulata; it is a spring bulb plant.One of the common names is "reticulated iris"; another is "netted iris." Photos. Moderate. Plant database entry for Apache Plume (Fallugia paradoxa) with 24 images, 2 comments, and 45 data details. These white-to-pink plumes grow from a seed-like base at the tips of tangled, slender branches. Plants are in a constant state of living and changing; there are seasons of growth and inactivity that include cycles of flowering, leaf dropping and seed production. Prune back close to the ground when it begins to look unkempt or floppy to generate dense growth. If you design the planting appropriately pruning should only be part of the late summer and late winter clean up. Growth Rate. Southwest Native; Feathery red seed heads follow flowers adding a unique texture to the landscape; Very adaptable to all soil types; Long blooming period This southwestern native shrub is named for the pink or purple feathery seed heads which form conspicuous plumes above the foliage. This pretty and easy-care shrub can grow and bloom in either full sun or part sun in zone 5 through 8 Southwest gardens. Its fruits have long feathery plumes from which the plant derives its common name. Because of the limited number of choices, over time this list was expanded to include water-wise plants that maintained the same look as the natives, but allowed for more color. From California Native Plants, Theodore Payne's 1941 catalog: "Small intricately branched deciduous shrub 2 to 5 feet high with finely cut leaves and white flowers 1 to 1 1/2 inches across.The flowers are followed by attractive plumes of a delicate pink shade. Well-drained soil of low fertility — such as sandy loam or gravel — is ideal, and full sun is a must. Pale bark and semi-evergreen palm shaped leaves with downy undersides are also nice the plant I collected from still had leaves after a hard frost in mid-December. How to Care for Golden Currant. Decorations in the Desert Southwest. Store Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Fallugia paradoxa is a deciduous Shrub growing to 2.5 m (8ft) by 3 m (9ft) at a medium rate. 6'x6' Care Information. The staff was also very helpful in giving tips on how to take care of my new plant. It is dense and fast growing; spreading by woody rhizomes it will also form an informal hedge relatively quickly. Although some might see this as a drawback, we welcome the seedlings. In summer, five-petaled white flowers with yellow centers and wispy pink seed heads add accents of … An upright, semi-evergreen, multi-branched shrub. It is in flower from July to August. plants tend to be evergreen and must be hardened off care-fully to minimize transplant losses. Apache Plume is a small, drought and heat tolerant shrub, normally growing to about 3’-4’ tall and wide.