Unless you know exactly what you’re doing, it’s not easy to even find a jugular vein. It doesn’t matter what attacks you, they know if you’re confident. If the mountain lion still isn’t deterred, throw rocks at it. To create this article, 31 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. but it wasn’t the simplest one. For advice on how to avoid encountering a mountain lion in the first place, scroll down... Wild Animal Attack Prevention and Response, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/should-you-run-or-freeze-when-you-see-a-mountain-lion/, http://mountainlion.org/featurearticlesign.asp, http://westernwildlife.org/cougar-outreach-project/cougar-identification/, https://www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/lion/lion_faq.html, http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5251229.pdf, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. One lady had a pair of surgical forceps with her and drove them into the lion’s eye socket. Mountain lions target the head and the throat, usually killing or disabling their prey by strangulation or a broken neck. If you ever run into a mountain lion, yell at it forcefully while backing away slowly. Big Bend mountain lion attacks boy, 6 A 6-year-old boy was attacked by a mountain lion while walking near the lodge at Chisos Basin in Big Bend A good knife does well up close. A mountain lion was killed after it attacked a man inside a park in Colorado earlier this month. Sky-Hi News reports he was able to defend himself with his pocketknife by stabbing the male lion in the face as it came towards him. Jake never slashed a hog, knowing it would do no good. If you ever find yourself in a dangerous encounter with a mountain lion, it's best to be prepared, especially if you live in an area that is home to big cats. Push on that spot and in only a few seconds the lion is going to have to move and think of something different. With today’s short and dull knives you can stab repeatedly and might even poke the heart without doing real damage to it. Mountain lions move at a much slower pace than dogs or coyotes, so the tracks will be further spread apart and also directly behind each other. Try setting the fireworks off every other night for a week or so. When I link to products I only earn commissions if someone buys and keeps the product. A bobcat is very different and much smaller than a mountain lion, and likely will not attack a human. A 10mm Glock is not going to be too heavy and would be a good defense. So, we see here two knives I made. If you’re working with a long blade and you stab a mountain lion in the left side of the chest or on the side behind the shoulder blade, you’re at least in the area of the heart. How do I make it go away? The man told Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials that he … If he does not already carry a firearm then he should. If you see a mountain lion, you should probably call your dog into your house to keep it from getting into a fight. Will a fence work to protect our residence? I have spotted a mountain lion in my yard many times. Double-edged, sharp on both sides, with the belly of the blade swelling near the point, where in that interior zone it will do the most damage. I’d lots rather poke a lion with a spear or a staff and convince it to move along, and in most cases that will work, if the lion is facing you and checking you out to see if you’re an easy mark. In another incident, a lumberjack attacked a lion that was mauling a fellow worker, expecting to stop the cat with an axe blow to the back. I don’t like killing and never have. He was looking for places to hunt elk in Bighorn Park subdivision near Kremmling when the cougar struck, CBS Denver reports. Having studied a large number of case histories of actual mountain lions attacks on humans, I will not recommend golf balls to anyone except those whose last option in a confrontation happens to be feeding parts of your own body to the lion. Richard Marriott survived an attack by a mountain lion Saturday night near Kremmling, CO fighting back by stabbing the animal with a pocket knife and throwing rocks at it, … Mountain lions are not the only animals that make these kinds of markings; bears will often make similar markings, but there will be larger chunks of bark missing. A missed throw is just reinforcement of the idea that you’re defenseless and ineffective. If you have strong wrists that’s very practical. I doubt that cougars are any more cooperative. All good options. Try to grab something to fight back with. Top is a functional skean dubh, good for all sorts of camp work. I do get offers but I turn them down. Nothing you can do about it. This is how he did that. On Monday, a trail runner in Colorado was attacked by a mountain lion. Richard Marriott, from Evergreen, Colorado, was attacked on August 10th while scouting the area for hunting spots. About the Mountain Lion or Cougar. If you run, the mountain lion will see you as a prey and chase after you. If my dog is chasing a mountain lion off my property, will the lion eventually kill my dog? Photo by nbennato at morguefile.com, [Let me simplify, 11/3/2016. Marriott was in the woods at the time to hunt. My neighbor told me that he used fireworks to scare the puma and it seems to have worked. Jake knew how to work with hogs and how to use a knife. No, this would be a very bad idea. amzn_assoc_enable_interest_ads = "true"; Dec 6, 2013 … That’s what you need if you want to kill something. Lever the blade back and forth with the ribs as a fulcrum and you slash everything. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "auto"; By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. A trail staff doesn’t offer the same lethality as a spear unless you’re really good. How to Kill a Mountain Lion with Your Bare Hands, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Adventures in Home Maintenance — The Right, the Wrong and the Hillbilly Way, Life and Death in the Minimalist Universe, Backpacking Axes — Matching Axes to Your Needs and Your Gear, Cutting Down Firewood — How to Fell Trees Safely and Accurately, Firewood Cutting with a Crosscut Saw — Starts Every Time, Green Guide to Chopping, Hewing and Racing Axes, How to Fix, Repair or Replace an Axe Handle, Lacquered vs Bare Wood Axe Handles and the Demise of Turney Wood Products, Sharpening the Axe and Making the Axe Work Right, Splitting Firewood — the Laws of Physics in a Hillbilly’s Hands, The Upside-Down Soda Bottle Garden — Pros and Cons, Expert Survival Tips That Don't Work -- Try Them at Home, Frog and Fish Spears, and Trail Spears -- Old Tools That Make Sense, Living in Lion Country – Tips for Coexisting with America's Greatest Predator, Simple Survival Food Fishing -- Gorge Hook and Panfish Pole, Survival and First Aid Kits for the Pocket and the Pack. All original material on this site is the sole property of the author and cannot be reproduced in any form without his express permission. The odds would be stacked highly against you…as in 100000:1 you’re killed in a “fight” with a grown cougar. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "amerishama-20"; You can use your legs as leverage and hands to grab the lion’s throat to keep it from biting. A strong one won’t. Even if the woodcutters simply strung a wooden club across their shoulders, so the butt of the club hung behind their necks, the tigers kept their distance. Approved. Spammers and hackers made it impossible for me to keep anything but this one site running. If you grow up in those circumstances you learn the things people used to know, like how to kill something cleanly. They’re seldom at hand when you really need them, and you can bring better equipment than you can pick up on the ground. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Beautiful solution! They’re hard, symmetrical and accurate, and don’t weigh much or take up much room. If you look at museum pieces, you see lots of leaf-blade daggers. What hunters do is all about business. If you do get attached by a bobcat, fight back and it will likely run away. If you know he is going to attack, it could be a good idea to use a gun if you know how to use one, but aim for a kill shot. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Woodcutters suffer an unusual number of deaths due to tigers, yet tigers are an important and endangered species, so ways had to be found to let the two coexist without undue bloodshed. Of the case studies I found, only one person managed to kill a mountain lion with a knife. The heart is a small target. A mountain lion was killed after it attacked a man inside a park in Colorado earlier this month. I’ve seen this demonstrated many times in films of other indigenous hunters working with “primitive” weapons. And running will nearly always trigger an attack. Let's be real: Your chances of beating back a seriously pissed-off bear, mountain lion, or pack of coyotes aren't much better than those of finding a unicorn in an elk herd. A 14-year-old deer hunter said he was attacked by a mountain lion … Barehanded, that’s your only chance. If you’re attacked and you want to live, you have to fight. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. If you are smart enough to carry weapons, read on.]. You should first attempt to fire a warning shot to scare off the lion before it attacks. The 10th Mountain Division's (a light infantry division) specialty involves fighting effectively in harsh conditions. If it seems like hitting the nose is the best option, do it. No, you’d likely bleed out in the process. My suggestion, taken from a modern Japanese martial artist, was to carry a small pouch of golf balls to throw. Two simple solutions were found. In this case, 88% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. What should I do if a bobcat attacks me and no one is around? Since tigers like to attack from behind (as do mountain lions) and the target was usually the neck, one of the more effective defenses was for the woodcutters to wear cheap Halloween masks on the backs of their heads. Posted at 2:44 PM, … In cases where people have wrestled cougars, about half the time people lose. That makes it a target for the dominant hand.
The cats can’t eat everything in one day, and often lose the battle by lolling about until they’re ready for a refill. It can run around 64-80km/h. Mountain lions tend to pounce on prey, tackle them and gouge their mid-sections with their claws before trying to bite the throat and snap the neck. It is equipped for hard action in winter and mountain warfare. Build it as high as you wish Keep in mind, though, that mountain lions can jump 15 feet from standing and 40 feet running, so the best option is for the fence to be angled outwards because cats usually get deterred from something that is past that 90 degree angle. It might not kill them, although they’ll be hacking and coughing for a few days if you do it lightly. Animals are tougher than we are, and even starving cougars have done things that would earn a human the Medal of Honor. Yes. You won’t find many trail spears for sale these days. Against a mountain lion you’ll need at least a six-inch blade if you know what you’re doing and you’re strong. No wonder there aren’t many of you left. 578 Posts #4 • Dec 29, 2009. You couldn’t carry a firearm in a national park at the time, but I did have my two-and-a-half-inch utility knife and I started folding out the blade as a precaution. It is … Some found tools like rocks, or had something useful with them like a pocket knife, but small weapons don’t have much effect on lions. Of the cases I studied, I found two of these.