Their personalities vary from super friendly to moody, but in general they are a family friendly bird and are not people aggressive. When you become familiar with the type of care each breed needs, and how many eggs they’re likely to produce you can make the best choice for your backyard or coop. The poor isa breowns can’t hold a candle next to the pearl white leghorns, especially those of the hy-line company. However they are a hardy heritage bird with a gentle and curious nature. Rhode Island Red Chicken Eggs: Rhode Island Red chickens lay light brown, medium to large eggs. Wyandotte (wine-dot) chickens are the darling of the poultry show circuit. It is one of the breeds of chickens best known for its ability to lay very dark, and large to extra large brown colored eggs. This genetic quirk helps to maintain egg production throughout the year. The egg layers that lay the most in a year tend to be very thin skinny chickens mostly meant for chicken stock. There are several different varieties but the double laced is probably the most popular and spectacular. Let me know in the comments below. Consider these tips if you want to make sure you obtain the best possible result from your chicken coop or farm: Chickens older than 3 years lay fewer eggs than younger chickens; Chickens need to have enough protein in their diet to lay eggs. If you keep your eyes open you can find them with different plumage colors, too. Chickens need about 16 hours of daylight to keep producing eggs on a regular basis, so you will need to add light in the winter months. Let us know your favorite egg laying breed in the comments section below…, Not many chicken keepers know about the extensive history of chickens. Read more about Wyandotte Chicken. There is very little difference in the taste of chicken eggs assuming what they eat is the same. Most chickens stop laying during the colder months but not the Austrolorp. As with many breeds, it comes down to whether they are handled frequently when they are chicks and whether human interaction is encouraged with treats. The white Leghorn is possibly the best layer of all! These birds are good foragers and as a bonus they are pretty good with children. Rhode Island Red. Read more about Sussex Chicken. Or the third option is to let your hens ‘retire’ and just keep them as pets, which can work depending on … They are hungry birds that love to forage for bugs, mice and other backyard critters to eat. For most of us chicken enthusiasts it is important for our chickens to give the best eggs, and the quality of your eggs depends on many factors – clean nest boxes, sufficient daylight, hen management and more. Which breeds of laying hen are you interested in keeping? Jun 22, 2016 George Clerk Getty Images. Some are true Bantams while others have been cross bred with other breeds like Plymouth Rocks. Leghorn; 3. Some of the more popular hybrids include the: Sadly they will only be this productive for 18-24 months as the stress of almost continuous egg laying takes its toll on the hens body. One of the best things about Sussex hens is that they enjoy free-ranging in the garden without destroying it. They reliably produce large white eggs and are some of the best layers in my flock. They really do not thrive in confinement, so urban living is not for this chicken. They are better known as the Basque hen and are still very rare. Fresh clean water is very important and you can add a vitamin/ electrolyte solution once a week to help them stay in peak condition. Some chickens do better free-ranging around the yard while others don’t mind being cooped up (literally!). If you’re wondering which breeds of chickens to try you’ve come to the right place. They’re calm and laid back, and will eat from your hand. Another American breed, these girls are renowned for being able to lay through the winter, unlike many other types of chickens. While not recognized in the US they are slowly becoming more popular. But, they are also an awesome meat bird as well. They are winter hardy and vigorous egg layers which assure a constant supply of these excellent sized, beautifully colored eggs. But don’t be confused, there’s no actual difference between the brown and white ones (other than their feather colors, of course). A well-loved heritage breed, the Rhode Island is one of the egg laying stars. If your family likes plenty of eggs, this is a breed to consider. They were developed as a dual purpose breed over the years and although it lost favor with the poultry industry, backyard keepers favored this heritage hen and so she endured! Barnevelders are not so well known outside of their native Netherlands. After a few years of keeping chickens and buying replacement chicks through hatcheries, you may want to explore allowing your hens to set a clutch of eggs, and hatch and raise their own chicks. You won’t have to worry about them flying off as they are almost flightless. The Jaerhon is a small, active and friendly hen. The Faverolles is an ancient heritage breed from France. If you choose to keep Rhode Island Reds, then make sure you have plenty of room for them to roam. All of these breeds will lay around 3 eggs per week. These hens will give you around 3 large tinted brown eggs per week – a little over 150 eggs per year. There are a number of breeds that are the best laying hens for beginners. Originally bred in Petaluma California, these girls will give you the all-American dream of fresh eggs almost every day. Best Egg Laying Chickens For Beginners. Then watch your birds and you will be amazed at what you can learn! Lisa Steele, a 5th generation chicken keeper and Master Gardener, and author of the popular books Fresh Eggs Daily: Raising Happy, Healthy Chickens Naturally and Gardening with Chickens lives with her husband on a small hobby farm in Maine where she raises a mixed flock of chickens and ducks, grows herbs and enjoys cooking using fresh vegetables from her garden and fresh eggs from her coop. Best chicken breeds for eggs. Whether you have kept chickens for years, or are just starting out on your chicken journey. If you’re watching your cholesterol, you’ll be pleased to know Ameraucana eggs are naturally lower in cholesterol than other eggs. One containing insoluble grit to aid with digestion and another containing oyster shell to add extra calcium to their diets for their bones and eggshells. The Hamburg is an industrious little bird that has been around for a long time (their history dates backs to 14th century Holland). Here are some of the best and broodiest domestic breeds for home hatching. The RIR is the state bird of Rhode Island. They lay far fewer, and smaller eggs than other breeds on this list, only around 170-180 per year, but the unusual color makes up for it. Their large size and eye-catching russet plumage are not their only good qualities. This means they can be raised for either eggs or meat. And while some breeds will lay an egg a day, others take a more relaxed approach. Rhode Island Reds are known as dual-purpose chickens. The chicken needs enough nutrition to meet all her own dietary needs and remain healthy, as well as extra nutrition to produce healthy eggs. Although she is a splendid layer, the Leghorn is not a cuddly bird. Wyandottes are very hardy birds. So whether you want your birds to be cuddly and affectionate or prefer them to do their own thing, there should be something for you here. Australians wanted a bird that was a good egg layer, so they cross bred the Orpington with several other breeds and came up with a winner! An Australorp will give you 4-5 light brown eggs per week which equates to around 200-250 per year. They have a mellow, friendly soul and love their people. While they come in many varieties, I can’t go past the deep brown feathers edged with deep black tips. This little Read More →, The cost of feeders can vary tremendously from $15-$150.00, so you should make sure you do your research and buy what you can afford. It is because of this that the Leghorn hens were an industry favorite for many years. The Rhode Island Red chicken breed starts laying eggs around 4-5 months, which is super earlier than other breeds. They have beards, muffs and feather feet, so they are quite funny to watch. The bright red comb and shiny white feathers are a cheery sight. It is now slowly making a comeback as folks are discovering what a useful bird the Delaware is. 1. They make excellent chickens for meat because they tend to grow faster than those raised to lay eggs or chickens that can do both or the so-called dual-purpose chickens. She is a bountiful layer, producing 4-5 large brown eggs each week. The best thing about this chicken is feed intake, which is very less compared to other breeds. Many old time chicken keepers have said their most important piece of equipment is a 5 gallon bucket – turn it upside down and sit on it. In fact, this is probably one of the best chickens for eggs of the blue variety. Isa Brown chickens make great laying hens for beginners because they are content to live in most climates, so they’ll be happy wherever you are. The Plymouth Rock breed of chicken is a great laying hen for beginners. They’re known to give between 250-300 eggs per year. They are friendly and inquisitive, so make a great bird for a family setting. If you want a … Providing your chickens with the right feeds is the most important thing to do if you truly care about their well-being. Welcome to the ultimate homestead chicken! The New Hampshire is often overlooked because of their rival (Rhode Island Reds). To keep you flock laying eggs, give them a good quality layer feed of 16% protein. She is a beautiful heritage bird that is friendly, curious, likes to be held and even enjoys lap time. This means they won’t sit on a clutch of eggs and stop laying. You can get to know the peculiarities and preferences of the flock. For an inexperienced owner, sticking to a proven feeding method is probably the best way to keep their girls healthy, happy and willing and capable of laying eggs. She is on the small side for a standard bird but is a prolific layer giving 3 white eggs per week – over 150 eggs per year. They are quite mellow and if raised by hand are not adverse to lap time. Exceptionally hardy, the Rhode Island Red lays large brown eggs. Leghorns are also great hens for beginners as they are very unlikely to go broody. Leghorn: The best backyard chickens for lots of eggs, these chickens lay extra-large white eggs, producing over 300 a year. They are small birds which makes them perfect for backyards or other small areas. Pearl-White Leghorn – The white leghorn is one of the best layers out there. Lohmann Brown Classic Chicken It came selectively from a crossbred from New Hampshire and some other egg laying chicken breed. She will put out 5-6 white eggs each week. While they are friendly with their humans they dislike being picked up or held. These are perfect free-range backyard birds. They are poor flyers and usually quiet so an urban setting would suit them quite well. Chicken Breeds for Eggs. Raising Araucanas is a pleasure as they do not have any special care needs. Plymouth Rock; 4. They have a bold personality, are curious, and are generally a good hen to have in your flock. Here we are describing about some best egg laying chickens for beginners. Sometimes called Araucanas (named for the Araucanan Indians in Chile, where this breed originates), these birds are known for laying blue and green eggs. The most common in the US is the Salmon Faverolles – their plumage is a warm honey brown. They can lay up to 365 eggs a year – yes an all seasons layer. By studying them and handling them regularly you will learn who is not feeling good today. I have had both White and Brown Leghorns. This article will explain all the different styles of Read More →. Rhode Island Red chickens are easy to care for, they will produce around 260 eggs per year. But hens are comparatively smaller in size than the rooster. They can lay up to 280 eggs per year . They originated from a Landrace chicken in Italy and were refined over the years to become the Leghorn that we know and love today. They’ll still give you plenty of eggs and you’ll have a good feeling for giving the girls some fresh air and affection. What’s more important to you: plentiful large eggs, a friendly demeanor or bright, colorful shells? Even when chickens are fed different diets, the taste difference is so minute that the average person can tell little difference. The most common variety seen is the Marraduna hen (golden cuckoo or barred). There are many color variations to choose from with speckled being the most popular. The Rhode Island Red came into being in the late 1800s and has not looked back – they have remained a firm favorite of chicken folk everywhere. Read more about Leghorn Chicken. They will give you 5-6 eggs per week depending on the strain of chicken you have. Chickens And More is quickly becoming the online destination for all backyard chicken enthusiasts. They love to free range and will fly up into trees for safety (and roosting if allowed). Sick chickens will not lay eggs so getting to know your flock as individuals is very important. The Arkansas Blue is a medium sized chicken that lays eggs very well. They are hardy, curious birds with tons of personality. “The Leghorn chicken is one of my favorite chicken breeds. If you keep Plymouths, you can expect around 200-250 eggs per bird per year. Most people get backyard chickens to lay eggs – so if you want lots of eggs you need to pick the correct breed. Combine this with their smallness and you get a very good feed conversion ratio – meaning they won’t cost too much to keep. For safe eggs and healthy chicks, we recommend Magicfly Digital Automatic Egg Incubator. She is like no other chicken you have ever seen. Several chicken breed charts are available online and in books, but their information is often based on old data. Isa Browns are the true workhorse of the egg laying world. You’ll love them because of their traditional reddish-brown feathers, but also because they can lay between 300-350 eggs every year! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They keep me and my family in eggs of all different colors and sizes. They are confident birds that will be very happy to explore your backyard. As an egg layer she will give you 4-5 brown eggs each week, that is around 200-250 eggs each year. Read more about Austrolorp Chicken. It may be surprising but your cute backyard chickens were once wild birds that roamed the jungles of Southeast Asia. This makes white eggs more cost-effective. Bantams; Wrap up They are one of the most popular backyard chicken breeds because they’re hardy, low maintenance, and lay lots of eggs. Layer feed should be formulated to keep the chicken healthy, and often has added ingredients specifically to enhance the quality of the eggs. You should allow them to free range as they are excellent foragers. They produce more eggs if left to explore and forage for greenery and grubs. They tend to do well in cold climates. Austrolorps come in blue, black and white and start laying relatively early in life when compared to other hen breeds. All of our selected hens are known to be good layers and many are dual purpose breeds too! The variant of Brown Leghorn chickens, White Leghorn is one of the best egg layers. I love Sussex hens because they are just beautiful to watch. On average, chickens that lay brown eggs are larger and cost more to raise. Just as hens come in all shapes, colours and sizes, so do their eggs. Spring into summer is the best time to hatch chickens eggs. If you’ve got an eye on the royal couple Harry and Meghan, you might like to keep some Sussex chickens in your flock. Expensive does not mean it is the best to suit your needs. Here are some of the top chicken feeds for egg layers. Ameraucana or Araucana; 9. In our selection above the Leghorn, Hamburg, Jaerhon and Ancona are the stars of white eggs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Rhode Island Red; 5. Sussex; 6. While they lay fewer eggs than some other breeds of hen, Wyandottes are simply stunning birds to look at. Even with their smaller size, they make a good dual-purpose chicken; using them for meat, once their laying production declines. 8 OF THE BEST BACKYARD CHICKEN BREEDS FOR EGGS. The Rhode Island Red, Australorp, Barnevelder, Delaware, Faverolles, New Hampshire and Sussex made our list for brown eggs. Remember though without a winter break (and rest from laying eggs) the long term health implications for your hens are bad. 7. These chickens look similar to a Sumatra with pale blue/gray feathering and a pea comb. Whether you are a newcomer or you have been keeping chickens for a while, finding the best chicken feeds for your layers can be a challenge.This brings us to the question, “What are the 5 best chicken feeds for laying eggs?” 1. Isa Browns; 2. As you grow in confidence you can start branching out and diversifying your flock. She does enjoy free ranging but does equally as well in confinement. Here’s my list of the best laying hens for beginners: When you’re just starting out, it is easier to choose just one breed of laying hen to begin with. This quality also gives their eggs an attractive selling point. Let me give you a rundown of some of the most popular breeds. This breed is by far one of the most popular breeds and there is a good chance if you know a lot of chicken owners you’ve seen SOMEONE with Rhode Island Reds. Copyright © 2020 Chicken Scratch & The Foundry, Leghorn Chicken: Eggs, Height, Size and Raising Tips, Swedish Flower Hen: Eggs, Height, Size and Raising Tips, Dong Tao Chicken: Eggs, Height, Size and Raising Tips, Top 5 Largest Chicken Breeds – Also Laying Largest Eggs, Top 4 Chicken Breeds to Raise for Blue Eggs (Up To 300 Per Year), Top 9 Best Laying Chickens That You’ll Get More Eggs, Guinea Fowl: Eggs, Height, Size and Raising Tips, Isa Browns: sturdy, highly productive egg layers, Leghorns: traditional, unlikely to go broody, Rhode Island Reds: naturally disease resistant, loves to roam, Sussex: pretty, eye-catching birds that are dual use, Plymouth Rocks: very child and pet friendly, Austrolorp: Australian birds known to lay all year round, Wyandotte: show hens, unsuited to curious children or active pets, Ameraucana: gives fewer eggs but provides a glorious blue eggshell. We have tried to select breeds with different likings (confinement, free range, people oriented) and to spice it up we added some variety to the selections. Everything you need to know to make sure you get the right hens for your needs and lifestyle. Below: A pair of Silver laced bantam chicks. The Ancona is a lovely bird that is quite hardy and very active. Some of the breeds selected may not be familiar to you, but they are all good layers. I’m cheating a bit here, as there are many different breeds of Bantam hen. It has see-through sides for easier monitoring. Read more about Araucana Chicken. Unlike other chicken breeds, Plymouth Rocks are far less likely to startle or go into shock if you have other pets. They are good egg layers putting out 4-5 brown eggs per week (between 180-220 per year). If they are hand raised they are not adverse to cuddles or lap time. These chickens lay a brown egg and are excellent layers, laying around 250 eggs a year. When is the best time to hatch chicken eggs? The question of how many chickens to buy depends on how many eggs you want (assuming you're raising chickens for eggs). Eggs: You should expect a young Rhode Island Red to lay 250 eggs a year. Sussex hens are a medium size bird and can produce around 250-300 eggs per year. They’re also strong and healthy birds who are likely to lay through all types of weather conditions. They are one of the most popular backyard chicken breeds because they are tough and lay lots of eggs. At one time it was the darling of the broiler industry, then hybrids came along and the Delaware faded into obscurity. Different people keep chickens for different reasons – keeping chickens as pets, breeding them for egg production and a few more.