In many image processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition applications, there is often a large degree of uncertainty associated with factors such as the appearance of the underlying scene within the acquired data, the location and trajectory of the object of interest, the physical appearance (e.g., size, shape, color, etc.) The Spring XD uses cluster technology to build up its core architecture. Data is prepared in the analyze stage for further processing and integration. At present, HDFS and HBase can support structure and unstructured data. Static links can become a maintenance nightmare if a customer changes his or her information multiple times in a period of time. Ji, W. Chen, T. Huynh, and K. Najarian, “Rule-based computer aided decision making for traumatic brain injuries,” in, I. Yoo, P. Alafaireet, M. Marinov et al., “Data mining in healthcare and biomedicine: a survey of the literature,”. Future big data application will require access to an increasingly diverse range data sources. APIs will also need to continue to develop in order to hide the complexities of increasingly heterogeneous hardware. Boolean regulatory networks [135] are a special case of discrete dynamical models where the state of a node or a set of nodes exists in a binary state. Robust applications have been developed for reconstruction of metabolic networks and gene regulatory networks. These methods address some concerns, opportunities, and challenges such as features from images which can improve the accuracy of diagnosis and the ability to utilize disparate sources of data to increase the accuracy of diagnosis and reducing cost and improve the accuracy of processing methods such as medical image enhancement, registration, and segmentation to deliver better recommendations at the clinical level. What is unique about Big Data processing? Our mission is to achieve major technological breakthroughs in order to facilitate new systems and services relying on efficient processing of big data. 11.7 represent the core concept of Apache Storm. A vast amount of data in short periods of time is produced in intensive care units (ICU) where a large volume of physiological data is acquired from each patient. Another option is to process the data through a knowledge discovery platform and store the output rather than the whole data set. Different methods utilize different information available in experiments which can be in the form of time series, drug perturbation experiments, gene knockouts, and combinations of experimental conditions. Part of my research focuses on algorithms and Markov random fields, a class of probabilistic model based on graphs used to capture dependencies in multivariate data (e.g., image models, data compression, computational biology). The use of a GUI also raises other interesting possibilities such as real time interaction and visualization of datasets. In this paper, we discuss some of these major challenges with a focus on three upcoming and promising areas of medical research: image, signal, and genomics based analytics. A certain set of wrappers is being developed for MapReduce. Review articles are excluded from this waiver policy. A task-scheduling algorithm that is based on efficiency and equity. MapReduce is the Hadoop's native batch processing engine. Ashwin Belle and Kayvan Najarian have patents and pending patents pertinent to some of the methodologies surveyed and cited in this paper. Data of different types needs to be processed. A. Bartell, J. J. Saucerman, and J. For example, Martin et al. Hence, the design of the access platform with high-efficiency, low-delay, complex data-type support becomes more challenging. Several types of data need multipass processing and scalability is extremely important. Moreover, Starfish's Elastisizer can automate the decision making for creating optimized Hadoop clusters using a mix of simulation and model-based estimation to find the best answers for what-if questions about workload performance. Positron emission tomography (PET), CT, 3D ultrasound, and functional MRI (fMRI) are considered as multidimensional medical data. All authors have read and approved the final version of this paper. What makes it different or mandates new thinking? Hadoop becomes the most important platform for Big Data processing, while MapReduce on top of Hadoop is a popular parallel programming model. Starfish is a self-tuning system based on user requirements and system workloads without any need from users to configure or change the settings or parameters. One can already see a spectrum of analytics being utilized, aiding in the decision making and performance of healthcare personnel and patients. Classify—unstructured data comes from multiple sources and is stored in the gathering process. Hadoop adopts the HDFS file system, which is explained in previous section. The rapidly expanding field of big data analytics has started to play a pivotal role in the evolution of healthcare practices and research. Examples of the first generation tools are Onto-Express [139, 140], GoMiner [142], and ClueGo [144]. Historically streaming data from continuous physiological signal acquisition devices was rarely stored. "Big data" is high-volume, -velocity and -variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making. Users should be able to write their application code, and the framework would select the most appropriate hardware to run it upon. The specifics of the signal processing will largely depend on the type of disease cohort under investigation. One example is iDASH (integrating data for analysis, anonymization, and sharing) which is a center for biomedical computing [55]. A combination of multiple waveform information available in the MIMIC II database is utilized to develop early detection of cardiovascular instability in patients [119]. A dynamic relationship is created on-the-fly in the Big Data environment by a query. Most experts expect spending on big data technologies to continue at a breakneck pace through the rest of the decade. Amazon Kinesis is a managed service for real-time processing of streaming big data (throughput scaling from megabytes to gigabytes of data per second and from hundreds of thousands different sources). The integration of images from different modalities and/or other clinical and physiological information could improve the accuracy of diagnosis and outcome prediction of disease. It also uses job profiling and workflow optimization to reduce the impact of unbalance data during the job execution. This results from strong coupling among different systems within the body (e.g., interactions between heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure) thereby producing potential markers for clinical assessment. Current data intensive frameworks, such as Spark, have been very successful at reducing the required amount of code to create a specific application. This software is even available through some Cloud providers such as Amazon EMR [96] to create Hadoop clusters to process big data using Amazon EC2 resources [45]. Big Data that is within the corporation also exhibits this ambiguity to a lesser degree. To represent information detail in data, we propose a new concept called data resolution. Explain how the maintenance of metadata is achieved. In addition to the growing volume of images, they differ in modality, resolution, dimension, and quality which introduce new challenges such as data integration and mining specially if multiple datasets are involved. If John Doe is actively employed, then there is a strong relationship between the employee and department. Developing methods for processing/analyzing a broad range and large volume of data with acceptable accuracy and speed is still critical. Among the widespread examples of big data, the role of video streams from CCTV cameras is equally important as other sources like social media data, sensor data, agriculture data, medical data and data evolved from space research. S. Tang, ... B.-S. Lee, in Big Data, 2016. In particular, computational intelligence methods and algorithms are applied to optimization problems in areas such as data mining (including big data), image processing, privacy and security, and speech recognition. A best-practice strategy is to adopt the concept of a master repository of metadata. The implementation and optimization of the MapReduce model in a distributed mobile platform will be an important research direction. After decades of technological laggard, the field of medicine has begun to acclimatize to today’s digital data age. The entire structure is similar to the general model discussed in the previous section, consisting of a source, a cluster of processing nodes, and a sink. And choose one area i.e. Accuracy is another factor that should be considered in designing an analytical method. Care should be taken to process the right context for the occurrence. Big data analytics has been recently applied towards aiding the process of care delivery and disease exploration. Future data intensive framework APIs will continue to improve in four key areas; exposing more optimal routines to users, allowing transparent access to disparate data sources, the use of graphical user interfaces (GUI) and allowing interoperability between heterogeneous hardware resources. This similarity can potentially help care givers in the decision making process while utilizing outcomes and treatments knowledge gathered from similar disease cases from the past. A. Papin, “The application of flux balance analysis in systems biology,”, N. E. Lewis, H. Nagarajan, and B. O. Palsson, “Constraining the metabolic genotype-phenotype relationship using a phylogeny of in silico methods,”, W. Zhang, F. Li, and L. Nie, “Integrating multiple ‘omics’ analysis for microbial biology: application and methodologies,”, A. S. Blazier and J. It is a highly scalable platform which provides a variety of computing modules such as MapReduce and Spark. With large volumes of streaming data and other patient information that can be gathered from clinical settings, sophisticated storage mechanisms of such data are imperative. Recognizing the problem of transferring large amount of data to and from cloud, AWS offers two options for fast data upload, download, and access: (1) postal packet service of sending data on drive; and (2) direct connect service that allows the customer enterprise to build a dedicated high speed optical link to one of the Amazon datacenters [47]. Figure 11.7. The improvement of the MapReduce programming model is generally confined to a particular aspect, thus the shared memory platform was needed. AWS Cloud offers the following services and resources for Big Data processing [46]: Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) VM instances for HPC optimized for computing (with multiple cores) and with extended storage for large data processing. Beard have no conflict of interests. It is responsible for coordinating and managing the underlying resources and scheduling jobs to be run. Yuri Demchenko, ... Charles Loomis, in Big Data Analytics for Sensor-Network Collected Intelligence, 2017. Apache Pig is a structured query language (SQL)-like environment developed at Yahoo [41] is being used by many organizations like Yahoo, Twitter, AOL, LinkedIn, etc. Compared to the volume of research that exists on single modal medical image analysis, there is considerably lesser number of research initiatives on multimodal image analysis. This Boolean model successfully captured the network dynamics for two different immunology microarray datasets. Pantelopoulos and Bourbakis discussed the research and development of wearable biosensor systems and identified the advantages and shortcomings in this area of study [125]. Liebeskind and Feldmann explored advances in neurovascular imaging and the role of multimodal CT or MRI including angiography and perfusion imaging on evaluating the brain vascular disorder and achieving precision medicine [33]. Without applying the context of where the pattern occurred, it is easily possible to produce noise or garbage as output. MapReduce framework has been used in [47] to increase the speed of three large-scale medical image processing use-cases, (i) finding optimal parameters for lung texture classification by employing a well-known machine learning method, support vector machines (SVM), (ii) content-based medical image indexing, and (iii) wavelet analysis for solid texture classification. Experiment and analytical practices lead to error as well as batch effects [136, 137]. More importantly, adoption of insights gained from big data analytics has the potential to save lives, improve care delivery, expand access to healthcare, align payment with performance, and help curb the vexing growth of healthcare costs. In this fast-growing digital world, Big Data and Deep learning are the high attention of data science. This method is claimed to be applicable for big data compression. In this framework, a cluster of heterogeneous computing nodes with a maximum of 42 concurrent map tasks was set up and the speedup around 100 was achieved. Signal Processing. The components in Fig. Although the volume and variety of medical data make its analysis a big challenge, advances in medical imaging could make individualized care more practical [33] and provide quantitative information in variety of applications such as disease stratification, predictive modeling, and decision making systems. Boolean networks are extremely useful when amount of quantitative data is small [135, 153] but yield high number of false positives (i.e., when a given condition is satisfied while actually that is not the case) that may be reduced by using prior knowledge [176, 177]. Stephen Bonner, ... Georgios Theodoropoulos, in Software Architecture for Big Data and the Cloud, 2017. As a subcategory or field of digital signal processing, digital image processing has many advantages over analog image processing.It allows a much wider range of algorithms to be applied to the input data and can avoid problems such as the build-up of noise and distortion during processing. B. Sparks, M. J. Callow et al., “Human genome sequencing using unchained base reads on self-assembling DNA nanoarrays,”, T. Caulfield, J. Evans, A. McGuire et al., “Reflections on the cost of ‘Low-Cost’ whole genome sequencing: framing the health policy debate,”, F. E. Dewey, M. E. Grove, C. Pan et al., “Clinical interpretation and implications of whole-genome sequencing,”, L. Hood and S. H. Friend, “Predictive, personalized, preventive, participatory (P4) cancer medicine,”, L. Hood and M. Flores, “A personal view on systems medicine and the emergence of proactive P4 medicine: predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory,”, L. Hood and N. D. Price, “Demystifying disease, democratizing health care,”, R. Chen, G. I. Mias, J. Li-Pook-Than et al., “Personal omics profiling reveals dynamic molecular and medical phenotypes,”, G. H. Fernald, E. Capriotti, R. Daneshjou, K. J. Karczewski, and R. B. Altman, “Bioinformatics challenges for personalized medicine,”, P. Khatri, M. Sirota, and A. J. Butte, “Ten years of pathway analysis: current approaches and outstanding challenges,”, J. Oyelade, J. Soyemi, I. Isewon, and O. Obembe, “Bioinformatics, healthcare informatics and analytics: an imperative for improved healthcare system,”, T. G. Kannampallil, A. Franklin, T. Cohen, and T. G. Buchman, “Sub-optimal patterns of information use: a rational analysis of information seeking behavior in critical care,” in, H. Elshazly, A. T. Azar, A. El-korany, and A. E. Hassanien, “Hybrid system for lymphatic diseases diagnosis,” in, R. C. Gessner, C. B. Frederick, F. S. Foster, and P. A. Dayton, “Acoustic angiography: a new imaging modality for assessing microvasculature architecture,”, K. Bernatowicz, P. Keall, P. Mishra, A. Knopf, A. Lomax, and J. Kipritidis, “Quantifying the impact of respiratory-gated 4D CT acquisition on thoracic image quality: a digital phantom study,”, I. Scholl, T. Aach, T. M. Deserno, and T. Kuhlen, “Challenges of medical image processing,”, D. S. Liebeskind and E. Feldmann, “Imaging of cerebrovascular disorders: precision medicine and the collaterome,”, T. Hussain and Q. T. Nguyen, “Molecular imaging for cancer diagnosis and surgery,”, G. Baio, “Molecular imaging is the key driver for clinical cancer diagnosis in the next century!,”, S. Mustafa, B. Mohammed, and A. Abbosh, “Novel preprocessing techniques for accurate microwave imaging of human brain,”, A. H. Golnabi, P. M. Meaney, and K. D. Paulsen, “Tomographic microwave imaging with incorporated prior spatial information,”, B. Desjardins, T. Crawford, E. Good et al., “Infarct architecture and characteristics on delayed enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and electroanatomic mapping in patients with postinfarction ventricular arrhythmia,”, A. M. Hussain, G. Packota, P. W. Major, and C. Flores-Mir, “Role of different imaging modalities in assessment of temporomandibular joint erosions and osteophytes: a systematic review,”, C. M. C. Tempany, J. Jayender, T. Kapur et al., “Multimodal imaging for improved diagnosis and treatment of cancers,”, A. Widmer, R. Schaer, D. Markonis, and H. Müller, “Gesture interaction for content-based medical image retrieval,” in, K. Shvachko, H. Kuang, S. Radia, and R. Chansler, “The Hadoop distributed file system,” in, D. Sobhy, Y. El-Sonbaty, and M. Abou Elnasr, “MedCloud: healthcare cloud computing system,” in, J. Another distribution technique involves exporting the data as flat files for use in other applications like web reporting and content management platforms. Classification helps to group data into subject-oriented data sets for ease of processing. There are multiple types of probabilistic links and depending on the data type and the relevance of the relationships, we can implement one or a combination of linkage approaches with metadata and master data. It is easy to process and create static linkages using master data sets. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. I have gone through various suggested emerging research area in image processing field for Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering. As mentioned in previous section, big data usually stored in thousands of commodity servers so traditional programming models such as message passing interface (MPI) [40] cannot handle them effectively. Who maintains the metadata (e.g., Can users maintain it? Another example of a similar approach is Health-e-Child consortium of 14 academic, industry, and clinical partners with the aim of developing an integrated healthcare platform for European paediatrics [51]. challenge in fog-supported big data processing in disaster areas. Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray, molecular imaging, ultrasound, photoacoustic imaging, fluoroscopy, positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT), and mammography are some of the examples of imaging techniques that are well established within clinical settings. However, the adoption rate and research development in this space is still hindered by some fundamental problems inherent within the big data paradigm. If the word occurred in the notes of a heart specialist, it will mean “heart attack” as opposed to a neurosurgeon who will have meant “headache.”. Applications of Image Processing Visual information is the most important type of information perceived, processed and interpreted by the human brain. Integration of disparate sources of data, developing consistency within the data, standardization of data from similar sources, and improving the confidence in the data especially towards utilizing automated analytics are among challenges facing data aggregation in healthcare systems [104]. In this paper, three areas of big data analytics in medicine are discussed. Tagging creates a rich nonhierarchical data set that can be used to process the data downstream in the process stage. This is due to the number of global states rising exponentially in the number of entities [135]. The goal of Spring XD is to simplify the development of big data applications. There is an incomplete understanding for this large-scale problem as gene regulation, effect of different network architectures, and evolutionary effects on these networks are still being analyzed [135]. Big data was originally associated with three key concepts: volume, variety, and velocity. For this model, the fundamental signal processing techniques such as filtering and Fourier transform were implemented. However, there are opportunities for developing algorithms to address data filtering, interpolation, transformation, feature extraction, feature selection, and so forth. Thus, understanding and predicting diseases require an aggregated approach where structured and unstructured data stemming from a myriad of clinical and nonclinical modalities are utilized for a more comprehensive perspective of the disease states. Although there are some very real challenges for signal processing of physiological data to deal with, given the current state of data competency and nonstandardized structure, there are opportunities in each step of the process towards providing systemic improvements within the healthcare research and practice communities. Tagging—a common practice that has been prevalent since 2003 on the Internet for data sharing. Taps provide a noninvasive way to consume stream data to perform real-time analytics. The variety of fixed as well as mobile sensors available for data mining in the healthcare sector and how such data can be leveraged for developing patient care technologies are surveyed in [127]. The exponential growth of the volume of medical images forces computational scientists to come up with innovative solutions to process this large volume of data in tractable timescales. Medical imaging provides important information on anatomy and organ function in addition to detecting diseases states. To understand this better let us look at the underlying requirements. Similarly, portable and connected electrocardiogram, blood pressure and body weight devices are used to set up a network based study of telemedicine [126]. For instance, a hybrid machine learning method has been developed in [49] that classifies schizophrenia patients and healthy controls using fMRI images and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data [49]. Big data used in so many applications they are banking, agriculture, chemistry, data mining, cloud computing, finance, marketing, stocks, healthcare etc…An overview is presented especially to project the idea of Big Data. Tagging is the process of applying a term to an unstructured piece of information that will provide a metadata-like attribution to the data. It focuses on algorithms and tools for sharing data in a privacy-preserving manner. This is due to the customer data being present across both the systems. Research community has interest in consuming data captured from live monitors for developing continuous monitoring technologies [94, 95]. MapReduce [17] is one of the most popular programming models for big data processing using large-scale commodity clusters. This parallel processing improves the speed and reliability of the cluster, returning solutions more quickly and with greater reliability. Research pertaining to mining for biomarkers and clandestine patterns within biosignals to understand and predict disease cases has shown potential in providing actionable information. But if you are processing data that is owned by the enterprise such as contracts, customer data, or product data, the chances of finding matches with the master data are extremely high and the data output from the standardization process can be easily integrated into the data warehouse. The most important step in creating the integration of Big Data into a data warehouse is the ability to use metadata, semantic libraries, and master data as the integration links. These actionable insights could either be diagnostic, predictive, or prescriptive. Figure 11.6 shows the example of departments and employees in any company. Using the data processing outputs from the processing stage where the metadata, master data, and metatags are available, the data is loaded into these systems for further processing. Consider two texts: “long John is a better donut to eat” and “John Smith lives in Arizona.” If we run a metadata-based linkage between them, the common word that is found is “John,” and the two texts will be related where there is no probability of any linkage or relationship. Dean and S. Ghemawat, “MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters,”, F. Wang, V. Ercegovac, T. Syeda-Mahmood et al., “Large-scale multimodal mining for healthcare with mapreduce,” in, W.-S. Li, J. Yan, Y. Yan, and J. Zhang, “Xbase: cloud-enabled information appliance for healthcare,” in, D. Markonis, R. Schaer, I. Eggel, H. Muller, and A. Depeursinge, “Using MapReduce for large-scale medical image analysis,” in. P. Zikopoulos, C. Eaton, D. deRoos, T. Deutsch, and G. Lapis, J. J. Borckardt, M. R. Nash, M. D. Murphy, M. Moore, D. Shaw, and P. O'Neil, “Clinical practice as natural laboratory for psychotherapy research: a guide to case-based time-series analysis,”, L. A. Celi, R. G. Mark, D. J. Medical data can be complex in nature as well as being interconnected and interdependent; hence simplification of this complexity is important. When utilizing data at a local/institutional level, an important aspect of a research project is on how the developed system is evaluated and validated. It allows the data to be cached in memory, thus eliminating the Hadoop's disk overhead limitation for iterative tasks. Image resolution is the Analytics of high-throughput sequencing techniques in genomics is an inherently big data problem as the human genome consists of 30,000 to 35,000 genes [16, 17]. As an example, for the same applications (e.g., traumatic brain injury) and the same modality (e.g., CT), different institutes might use different settings in image acquisitions which makes it hard to develop unified annotation or analytical methods for such data. These initiatives will help in delivering personalized care to each patient. Advanced Multimodal Image-Guided Operating (AMIGO) suite has been designed which has angiographic X-ray system, MRI, 3D ultrasound, and PET/CT imaging in the operating room (OR). Data access platform optimization. Gross, and M. Saeed, “Predicting icu hemodynamic instability using continuous multiparameter trends,” in, A. Smolinska, A.-Ch. Analysis of physiological signals is often more meaningful when presented along with situational context awareness which needs to be embedded into the development of continuous monitoring and predictive systems to ensure its effectiveness and robustness. Medical data has been investigated from an acquisition point of view where patients’ vital data is collected through a network of sensors [57]. Amazon Redshift fully managed petabyte-scale Data Warehouse in cloud at cost less than $1000 per terabyte per year. Related image analysis and processing topics, such as dimensionality reduction; image compression; compressive sensing in big data analytics; content-based image retrieval; and have designed a clinical decision support system that exploits discriminative distance learning with significantly lower computational complexity compared to classical alternatives and hence this system is more scalable to retrieval [51]. The authors evaluated whether the use of multimodal brain monitoring shortened the duration of mechanical ventilation required by patients as well as ICU and healthcare stays. Although this approach to understanding diseases is essential, research at this level mutes the variation and interconnectedness that define the true underlying medical mechanisms [7]. In these applications, image processing techniques such as enhancement, segmentation, and denoising in addition to machine learning methods are employed. Krish Krishnan, in Data Warehousing in the Age of Big Data, 2013. Xinwei Zhao, ... Rajkumar Buyya, in Software Architecture for Big Data and the Cloud, 2017. Our work aims at pushing the boundary of computer science in the area of algorithms and systems for large-scale computations. These include: infrastructure for large-scale cloud data systems, reducing the total cost of ownership of systems including auto-tuning of data platforms, query optimization and processing, enabling approximate ways to query large and complex data sets, applying statistical and machine […] Importance of Hadoop in big data. Challenges facing medical image analysis. Data has become central to our daily lives and there is growing demand for professionals with data analysis skills. One of the main highlights of Apache Storm is that it is a fault-tolerant, fast with no “Single Point of Failure” (SPOF) distributed application [17]. An animal study shows how acquisition of noninvasive continuous data such as tissue oxygenation, fluid content, and blood flow can be used as indicators of soft tissue healing in wound care [78]. Van Agthoven, B. Kieffer, C. Rolando, and M.-A. One of the frameworks developed for analyzing and transformation of very large datasets is Hadoop that employs MapReduce [42, 43]. have investigated whether multimodal brain monitoring performed with TCD, EEG, and SEPs reduces the incidence of major neurologic complications in patients who underwent cardiac surgery. This has allowed way for system-wide projects which especially cater to medical research communities [77, 79, 80, 85–93]. Two-thirds of the value would be in the form of reducing US healthcare expenditure [5]. Farhad Mehdipour, ... Bahman Javadi, in Advances in Computers, 2016. Employing multimodal data could be beneficial for this purpose [, Reducing the volume of data while maintaining important data such as anatomically relevant data [, Developing scalable/parallel methods and frameworks to speed up the analysis/processing [, Aligning consecutive slices/frames from one scan or corresponding images from different modalities [, Integrity, privacy, and confidentiality of data must be protected [, Delineation of anatomical structure such as vessels and bones [, Finding dependencies/patterns among multimodal data and/or the data captured at different time points in order to increase the accuracy of diagnosis, prediction, and overall performance of the system [, Assessing the performance or accuracy of the system/method. Raghuram Thiagarajan, S. M. Reza Soroushmehr, Fatemeh Navidi, and Daniel A. Determining connections in the regulatory network for a problem of the size of the human genome, consisting of 30,000 to 35,000 genes [16, 17], will require exploring close to a billion possible connections. Figure 11.7 shows an example of integrating Big Data and the data warehouse to create the next-generation data warehouse. This approach has been applied to determine regulatory network for yeast [155]. Although associating functional effects with changes in gene expression has progressed, the continuous increase in available genomic data and its corresponding effects of annotation of genes and errors from experiment and analytical practices make analyzing functional effect from high-throughput sequencing techniques a challenging task. These wrappers can provide a better control over the MapReduce code and aid in the source code development. Our research covers a broad range of topics related to the management and analysis of data. However, similar to clinical applications, combining information simultaneously collected from multiple portable devices can become challenging. The biggest advantage of this kind of processing is the ability to process the same data for multiple contexts, and then looking for patterns within each result set for further data mining and data exploration. Machine learning, especially its subfield of Deep Learning, had many amazing advances in the recent years, and important research papers may lead to breakthroughs in technology that get used by billio ns of people. These techniques are among a few techniques that have been either designed as prototypes or developed with limited applications. For instance, Starfish [47] is a Hadoop-based framework, which aimed to improve the performance of MapReduce jobs using data lifecycle in analytics. Compressing, sharing, and denoising in addition to machine learning methods are not applicable most. 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