Plants of the Eastern Caribbean. Version 14 . Different authors accept from four to 18 species in the genus. Evergreen in frost-free areas; use as a summer annual in cooler northern zones. Flora Montiberica. Common names Bougainvillea in language. The bracts are fairly large and crinkled, and come in shades of rose, rusty-red, and purple. Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spp. Bougainvillea glabra in these areas tend to bloom year round. Bougainvillea glabra, B. spectabilis ornamental with magneta bract. DOI:10.11594/jtls.08.02.14, Herrera K, Lorence D H, Flynn T, Balick M J, 2010. 89.1): Habit: Large perennial … Washington, DC, USA: Smithsonian Institution. Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. Scientia Horticulturae, 120(3), 399-405. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2008.11.023, Acevedo-Rodríguez P, Strong M T, 2012. Flora of Pakistan/Pakistan Plant Database (PPD). . Description. Important Types of Nyctaginaceae: 1. ... Bougainvillea spectabilis and Bougainvillea cv. Does Bougainvillea Grow Fast?. Catalogue of the Seed Plants of the West Indies. Bougainvillea is a tropical shrub that grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. The new Bougainvillea originated from a cross made by the inventor of two of the inventor's proprietary Bougainvillea spectabilis … It has large medium-green leaves that have wavy margins and very large reddish-magenta long pointed bracts surrounding the larger-than-average white flowers, making the bracts and flowers more prominent than on other Bougainvillea cultivars. In: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. also has detailed information on botanic features such as leaf and flower and fruit with glossaries describing the terms. Bougainvillea spectabilis Purple Bougainvillea Boething Treeland Farms grows over 1,200 varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and specialty plants on ten California nurseries to serve the wholesale landscape and nursery industries throughout the Western United States and beyond. Oxybaphus – Greek oxybaphus – a saucer. Bougainvillea spectabilis 'Vera Deep Purple' is: Evergreen. It is commonly used in gardens as hedges or barriers, topiaries, and as ground cover on banks. Habit: Climbing shrub by ; G. Renu, Sanjana Julias Thilakar, D. Narasimhan, Centre for Floristic Research, Department of Botany, Madras Christian College, Tambaram ... Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. Publisher MacMillan Press Year 1992 ISBN 0-333-47494-5 Description Excellent and very comprehensive, though it contains a number of silly mistakes. The objective of the breeding program was to create new Bougainvillea cultivars having spherical inflorescences, compact plant habit and long-lasting flowers. These tropical favorites are relatively easy to maintain. Variety or Cultivar 'Vera Deep Purple' _ 'Vera Deep Purple' is a tender, compact, upright, evergreen shrub with thornless stems bearing ovate, dark green leaves and, in summer, prominent, deep purple-pink bracts surrounding small, creamy-white flowers. Mirabilis jalapa (Four O’clock plant) (Vera. The thornless varieties of bougainvillea, such as Miss Alice, are known for their white clusters of flowers and moderate growing habit. ... Bougainvillea spectabilis and Bougainvillea cv. Native: Introduced: Both: Absent/Unreported: Native, No County Data: … Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. 5. These species are B.spectabilis, B.glabra, B.x buttia-naand, B.peruviana. & Bonpl.. View this species on GBIF have the highest numbers of cpSSRs, while Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd., 1799: Bougainvillea spectabilis es una planta trepadora de la familia Nyctaginaceae. Flora vitiensis nova. Water your bougainvillea once every week during the first few months as the roots take hold in its new location. Foto n. 113551 - Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis) Habit at Enchanting Floral Gardens of Kula, Maui - Credit: Forest and Kim Starr - Plants of Hawaii - Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, permitting sharing and adaptation with attribution. Journal of Tropical Life Science. Species: There are 18 species but only four have horticultural importance due to their showy and colorful bracts. Randall, R. P., 2017. PROTA4U web database. 1. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. 4. Lawaii, Hawaii, USA: Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden. (Flora exótica de Cabo Verde: avaliação e impactos nos ecossistemas naturais, utilizando sistemas de informação geográfica). Important Types of Nyctaginaceae: 1. Foto n. 113551 - Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis) Habit at Enchanting Floral Gardens of Kula, Maui - Credit: Forest and Kim Starr - Plants of Hawaii - Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, permitting sharing and adaptation with attribution. (Catálogo de la flora exotica de la isla de Cerdeña (Italia)). Bissea: Boletín sobre Conservación de Plantas del Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba, 9(Special Issue No. Scientific name: Bougainvillea spectabilis. A well-watered bougainvillea may produce more foliage and fewer flowers., Florence J, Chevillotte H, Ollier C, Meyer J-Y, 2013. MacKee, H. S., 1994. Environmental weeds and exotic plants on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. virescens (Choisy) J.A.Schmidt It is reported to be invasive on the Chilean island of Rapa Nui (Easter Island/Isla de Pasqua) and on Diego Garcia … 3. Grown against a trellis, garden wall or fence, bougainvillea may naturally begin to climb nearby vertical surfaces on its own. 97-130. Dictionary of Trees: South America. Gulabbas) (Fig. Care should be taken while planting new plants. Report to Parks Australia. (La flora alóctona de la Comunidad Valenciana (España)). Chatha GS, Bir SS, 1987. Online Database Beltsville, Maryland, USA: National Germplasm Resources Laboratory., Xu SuXia, Huang QingYun, Shu QingYan, Chen Chun, Vick, B. growth habit is spreading, and the green-leaf types are fast growing. Tropicos website. Status Assessment Predictive Tool Score. Bougainvillea NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Bougainvillea spectabilis. glabrous) or sparsely hairy (i.e. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. It prefers a well drained humus rich moist loamy soil with a pH range from 5.5 to 7.0 and grows in an open sunny position. 131 pp. Dictionary of Trees: South America. Infrequent watering during periods of dry weather may be required to keep your bougainvillea from wilting; however, it is important to note that bougainvillea reacts to drought stress by flowering. Tropicos database. Sharma SC, Srivastava RI, Roy RK, 2005. Planting bougainvillea seeds is sure way to add a vibrant splash of color to the home or garden. Douglas N, Spellenberg R, 2010. On its own it can create around 4m height wide bush with weeping branches. (Lista nacional de plantas invasoras y potencialmente invasoras en la República de Cuba - 2015). Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Description: Bougainvillea glabra is a vigorous climbing species, which flowers at an earlier age than most kinds., Figueiredo, E., Paiva, J., Stévart, T., Oliveira, F., Smith, G. F., 2011. Paris, France: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. © Copyright 2020 CAB International. Bothalia, 41(1), 41-82., Flora of China Editorial Committee, 2018. Bougainvillea Bougainvillea. The new Bougainvillea originated from a cross made by the inventor of two of the inventor's proprietary Bougainvillea spectabilis seedling selections. Allertonia. ID 10740 Symbol Key BOSP6 Common Name great bougainvillea Family Nyctaginaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Introduced to U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution PR Growth Habit Shrub Duration Bougainvillea's vibrant colors come not from its small, inconspicuous true flowers, but from the three large bracts that surround them. (Nyctaginaceae in Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil). Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Risk. N/A Assessment Dates. Growth Habit. Annotated catalogue of the flowering plants of São Tomé and Príncipe. The alien flora of Comunidad Valenciana (Spain). Santa rita in language. 1176 pp. Choose a central trunk early in the development of the tree and prune off all other canes at ground level. Swarbrick Weed Science Consultancy.131 pp. can grow to be as tall as 20 feet high, with a spread just as wide. All of the plants in PlantFile are fully documented covering an overview of the plant that includes a description, natural habitat and how the plant is commonly used. Jørgensen, P. M., Nee, M. H., Beck, S. G., 2014. Bougainvillea spectabilis Mix Violet and Red Seeds Price for Package of 10 seeds. 9 (Special Issue No. In: Plants of the Eastern Caribbean. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 171(3), 551-567. doi: 10.1111/boj.12009, Oviedo Prieto, R., González-Oliva, L., 2015. It is frost tender but drought resistant. Shrub Origin. The flowers are generally small, white, and inconspicuous, highlighted by several brightly colored modified leaves called bracts.The bracts can vary in color, ranging … Duration: Perennial: Growth Habit: Shrub: Native Status: PB I PR I: Data Source and Documentation: About our new maps. Bougainvillea speciosa Schnizl. Kingdom: Plantae – Plants Subkingdom: Tracheobionta – Vascular plants Grandtner, MM, Chevrette, J, 2013., PROTA, 2018. National list of invasive and potentially invasive plants in the Republic of Cuba - 2015. Flowers in axillary cymes or panicles, in triads, each flower is subtended by an ovate-acute, petaloid bract. Bougainvillea spectabilis is a tropical perennial shrubby vine grown as an annual or container plant and makes an excellent addition to a pool or patio space. by Randall, R. P.]. Bougainvillea groundcover is useful in highway median strips and lining shopping center parking lots because it adds bright color and requires little or no maintenance once established, though it must be pruned regularly to keep it from spreading into the roadways or parking spots. Heaviest bloom comes during the cooler months of spring and fall, when days and nights are nearly equal in length. Due to Bougainvillea’s growth habit and attractive bracts, it became a widely known plant for landscaping [4]. Bougainvillea is a classical sprawling tropical shrub. Swarbrick J T, 1997. In addition to her work as a writer, she is an accomplished painter and experienced art teacher. More information about modern web browsers can be found at Barbados: University of the West Indies. Bougainvillea spp. Bougainvillea spectabilis is a dense plant with large hairy leaves and distinctive curved thorns. Leaves : Ovate, obtuse, entire, wavy, hairy. virescens (Choisy) J.A.Schmidt Bougainvillea virescens Choisy Josepha angusta Vell., 1829 Josepha augusta Vell. Davidse G, Sousa Sánchez M, Knapp S, Chiang Cabrera F, 2018. (Buganvillea) Habit at Enchanting Floral Gardens of Kula, Maui - Credit: Forest and Kim Starr - Plants of Hawaii - Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, permitting sharing and adaptation with attribution. That they need - no care and no culture. The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Once established care is minimum. Swarbrick, J. T., 1997. Bougainvillea spectabilis is a dense plant with large hairy leaves and distinctive curved thorns. In: Plants of the Eastern Caribbean. (Base de données botaniques Nadeaud de l'Herbier de la Polynésie Française (PAP))., parviflora Mart. Elsewhere, best blooming occurs when the night length and day length are almost equal (in spring or fall). Bougainvillea glabra has thinner branches that spread in many directions, and short thin thorns which are curved at … Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia with Local Names and Uses. B. spectabilis (64–68° F). In: Flora of China. Charles Darwin Foundation, 2008. Walls with southern exposures will provide enough sunlight. 5. Jørgensen, P. M., León-Yánez, S., 1999. GRIIS, 2018. Mirabilis jalapa (Four O’clock plant) (Vera. Growth Habit. Nyctaginaceae. McCormack G, 2013. Aspects of Plant Science , 9, 199–244. Version 14. Extra Large Share. Flora vitiensis nova. Catalogue of the vascular plants of Ecuador, 1182 pp. St. Louis, Missouri, USA: Missouri Botanical Garden Press. Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spp.) Checklist of the vascular plants of Belize. 2), 1-88., Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Risk (PIER), 2011. GRIIS, 2018. A new tribal classification of Nyctaginaceae. Without a support nearby, bougainvillea will spread low and wide, covering the ground around it. University of Florida IFAS Extension: Bougainvillea Spp. Bougainvilleas that grow in partial shade will become spindly and flower little. 62 pp. In: Database inventory of introduced plant species in the rural and urban zones of Galapagos, Galapagos, Ecuador: Charles Darwin Foundation. Bougainvillea brasiliensis Lund ex Choisy; Bougainvillea peruviana Nees & Mart. La Bougainvillea glabra, a la que pertenece la popular Bougainvillea sanderiana ‘Alexandra’, de color morada es una de las más apreciadas por el mercado ornamental. Please consider upgrading your browser to the latest version or installing a new browser. growth habit is spreading, and the green-leaf types are fast growing. Environmental weeds and exotic plants on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. Molecular phylogeny of Nyctaginaceae: taxonomy, biogeography, and characters associated with a radiation of xerophytic genera in North America. 5. Report to Parks Australia . Great bougainvillea, Purple bougainvillea Synonyms. CABI Distribution Database: Status as determined by CABI editor., Oviedo Prieto R, González-Oliva L, 2015. Wageningen and Nairobi, Netherlands\Kenya: Plant Resources of Tropical Africa. Rivers J, 2004. by Kubitzki K, Rohwer JG, Bittrich V]. The strong vine-like habit provides quick cover and a beautiful show throughout the warm season. Due to Bougainvillea’s growth habit and attractive bracts, it became a widely known plant for landscaping [4]. Oxybaphus – Greek oxybaphus – a saucer. Data source for updated system data added to species habitat list. In: Database inventory of introduced plant species in the rural and urban zones of Galapagos Galapagos, Ecuador: Charles Darwin Foundation.unpaginated. Journal of Tropical Life Science, 8(2), 192-199. doi: 10.11594/jtls.08.02.14, Herrera, K., Lorence, D. H., Flynn, T., Balick, M. J., 2010. Figueiredo E, Paiva J, Stévart T, Oliveira F, Smith G F, 2011. Trained to grow against a fence or trellis, bougainvillea will grow upright, and it can easily take over a given space in a garden. Bougainvillea speciosa Schnizl. Common names: Great Bougainvillea: Bougainvillea: General Plant Information ; Plant Habit: Vine: Life cycle: Perennial: Sun Requirements: Full Sun Full Sun to Partial Shade: Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 9b -3.9 °C (25 °F) to … In: PROTA4U web database Wageningen and Nairobi, Netherlands\Kenya: Plant Resources of Tropical Africa. Annotated catalogue of the flowering plants of São Tomé and Príncipe. If you wish to train bougainvillea to grow in a vertical direction, use nylon ties to secure the plant to the nearby vertical surface. Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia, St. Louis, Missouri, USA: Missouri Botanical Garden Press.1741 pp. can grow to be as tall as 20 feet high, with a spread just as wide. unpaginated. Pisonia aculeata – a large climber, armed with recurved axillary spines. One of the most widely utilized tropical shrubs; makes an excellent patio or pool-side potted plant. It does well in locations with a minimum of 65°F at night and 75–95 °F during the day. Wunderlin RP, Hansen BF, Franck AR, Essig FB, 2018. Davidse, G, Sousa Sánchez, M, Knapp, S, Chiang Cabrera, F, 2018. If these break - plants may die. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: HEAR, University of Hawaii. , Portugal: Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências spectabilis white bouganvillea ( dr. rao bougainvillea spectabilis habit Note: image. 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