Is it possible to keep one as a pet? From cats to ferrets, dogs to hamsters, even pot-bellied pigs: there are a number of animals you can have as pets in Pennsylvania. You can hurt a salamander by handling it! This will keep both you and the salamander safe, and also your pet happy. Home: First of all, in the wild, Kaiseri migrates seasonally between land and water, with mating season taking place in the water. Can a "wild" mole salamander be kept as a pet? Judging by the questions I receive, however, it seems that many Red Eft owners are first-time salamander keepers, and are not prepared for the work involved in keeping these gaudy little gems. If it’s an aquatic salamander, you can feed it crustaceans, or water fleas. Salamanders require a moist, damp habitat with ample places to hide. You will have to make sure that your pet salamander gets necessary nutrients from the food you provide. They have very healthy appetites and will almost always eat anything you offer them. It can be difficult to keep the water clean enough to maintain the salamander's health. Yes it secretes deadly toxins, but it also absorbs chemicals as well and this can be dangerous for salamanders. In an aquarium, the salamander is essentially trapped with its waste. You can choose to keep Kaiseri Salamanders as either aquatic or land creatures (“terrestrial”). If you need additional information, please refer to the sources on the following page or contact your veterinarian as appropriate. that the salamander is poisonous when you see it in the wild is its skin coloring. However, they will need special attention, consideration and care due to their specific needs and requirements. Developed … Tiger Salamanders are the largest of the salamanders on our list of best pet salamanders. Wild-caught efts are not at all shy, and willingly forge by day. Usually, ... Keeping salamander as a pet for children will be much better if you keep it in an aquarium or a tank with a secured top. If the bird is of an endangered species, you need licensing from the Department of Fish and Game in order to keep it and raise it. Note: The information in this Care Sheet is not a substitute for veterinary care. Salamanders excrete a good deal of ammonia in their waste. I dug up a big one--about 5" long (they don't get very large in New Englands cold weather)--while raking leaves, and my wife wants to keep it. The only animals you can take out of the wild in Massachusetts are certain reptiles and amphibians (321 CMR 3.05).You can keep these animals as personal pets, but you cannot sell, barter, or exchange them. Yes, you can keep a salamander as a pet. Did you know that a salamanders skin is very absorbing. However, even if you get a captive-bred salamander, you should learn as much as possible about handling it before bringing it home. If you intend to keep salamanders as pets, you will have to take a few things into consideration; diet being one of them. Can you keep a salamander as a pet? You can keep a baby wild bird as a pet but not the father or mother. By the time most folks write in, their once-perky little pets are lethargic and emaciated. Its very important that you closely mimic salamanders wild habitat. This is because captive-bred salamanders are known to be less poisonous than wild ones. They can grow to be as big as 14 inches long. Earthworms, whole or chopped, maggots, woodlice, and bloodworms please the palate of the Kaiseri Salamander. If you want to keep a salamander as a pet, you need to buy one that is captive-bred. But there are many animals that are illegal to have as pets… Pet Tiger salamanders like this guy have bars or stripes on their back and ribs that give them their common names. This care sheet can cover the needs of other species. In the wild, this waste is quickly diluted and carried away from the salamander's skin.