1.First draw the head of the giraffe, including the eyes, ears and horns. How to Finish the Drawing of a Giraffe Step 1. Step 9: You are so close! In this quick tutorial you'll learn how to draw a Cartoon Giraffe in 10 easy steps - great for kids and novice artists. And so, here’s how to do exactly this… The neck of the giraffe is the single most important feature when it comes to simplifying the structure, making it easier to draw. To the actual drawing part now… Second Step – How to Draw a Giraffe, Step by Step. We will start off to the left with the first front leg. Start off by drawing the basic shapes of the giraffe. Draw the long upper lip of the giraffe. Time for the ears. Draw circles around different sections of the legs and thighs. Step 6: Start to draw the legs. Step 3: Draw two small, curved lines on top of the muzzle for the outer edge of the horse's nostrils. Once you are finished, apply basic colors on all parts of the animal. Draw a letter ‘s’ tail. Don't forget to add the pupil and then the horns too. =) \rHow to Draw Animals: \r\rThanks for watching!! One big and one small. So today is can teach you, how to draw this very cute African creature. Near the top of the bigger circle, add two almond-shaped ears with a line through … At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Cartoon Giraffe. Step 3: Time for the ears. They should be parallel to one another. Lightly sketch an oval for the body….the 4 legs…as stick figures. This will form the giraffe’s head. We temporarily stopped you from leaving DrawingHub so you could confirm. When you are done your cartoon animal should look like this. If your children are trying to figure out how to draw a giraffe, here are several step by step tutorials they can use to find the perfect version as inspiration. Step 4: Draw the neck outline. In order to draw a nicely drawn out cartoon giraffe, you need to draw some beginning shapes and lines. Step 5: We will now start the body of our giraffe! How To Draw A Cartoon Giraffe cute and easy step by step. !\r★Learn How to Draw the EASY, Step by Step Way while having fun and building skills and confidence.\r★Drawing Tutorials on everything from … You can also paint grass, it will look more beautiful! Nov 20, 2019 - Explore Matthew Veeder's board "Giraffe cartoon drawing" on Pinterest. Step-By-Step Giraffe Drawing Lessons for children. At the tail's tip, enclose a teardrop shape, and draw curved lines down its length. Easy animals to draw, easy drawings, How to draw step by step April 10, 2018 Make sure you also check out any of the hundreds of drawing tutorials grouped by category. Watch the video and you learn hogy to draw a giraffe very Simple! How to Draw Cartoon Giraffes Step by Step Drawing Tutorial Step 1. Beginning with the head – the eye first of course… go ahead and slowly bring the animal into view, using the following images to help. How to Draw a Cartoon Giraffe.The giraffe is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant among elephant and tiger. Step 14. Which it is. How to draw the giraffe sketch: First see how to draw giraffe head: Draw 2 circle. Have a look and start drawing! So just draw the one eye. Near the top of the bigger circle, add two almond-shaped ears with a line through the middle of both. How to Draw a Cartoon Giraffe – Step-by-Step Tutorial, Next post: How to Draw a Cartoon Hippopotamus, Previous post: How to Draw a Cartoon Emperor Penguin, Copyright © 2019 We Draw Animals | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Advertise. Finish off the face and shape of the head for the cartoon giraffe. Once that is drawn out you will draw the eyes and then nostril holes. Step 4: In between the two ears, now add two tiny horns to your giraffe. We now have the neck! In order to draw a nicely drawn out cartoon giraffe, you need to draw some beginning shapes and lines. Do you want to learn how to draw a giraffe in fourteen steps? These are the giraffe's horns, called ossicones. What is your favourite animal? Enjoy the giraffe drawing lesson. This free online animal-drawing tutorial will give you artistic skills in no time flat. This forms the face and mouth of giraffes. You will then draw lines for the legs and tail. This one line accounts for three different parts actually… the head, n… Learn how to draw a cute cartoon giraffe step by step easy. To draw a giraffe, start by outlining the different parts of a giraffe's body using basic shapes. The guidelines are all done, so it's time to draw the final lines over them. Next, trace around the outline of the giraffe to connect all the shapes and smooth out your drawing. Use a curve, attach a partial oval on the front of the giraffe. Kids can use our step by step illustrations to discover how to draw all sorts of animals and build up their skills and confidence in the process...plus they are just good fun! You will then draw … View by Slideshow Begin by drawing a small oval, like an egg. You can start erasing all the guidelines that you drew in step one. If you like the cute giraffe, try the following steps! This was inspired by April, the pregnant giraffe from the Animal Adventure Park. Step 17. Have fun. First … Repeat this step once more. The less exaggerated it is - the more realistic your finished drawing will be. 2.Draw the height of the giraffe and draw an arc at the bottom. disable your adblock and script blockers to view this page. Step 7: Add leg outlines and under belly. Draw a couple of eyes - or one eye if the giraffe is sideways on. First we'll start by drawing the head. Step 10: Use your creativity and draw in all the shapes and sizes to create the giraffe's unique coat. Here, draw a slightly curved horizonal line to connect the legs and create the giraffe's stomach. Explore live brushes that work like real watercolors or oil paints and vector brushes that can scale to any size. For example, you can draw a triangle for the head, a long, narrow rectangle for the neck, and a wide rectangle for the body. Posted by Unknown. Step 7: Now there's the fun part! How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Giraffe Step by Step. How to Draw a Giraffe in Four Quick Steps. Step-by-step drawing guide of Melman the Giraffe From: Madagascar / Penguins of Madagascar; Steps: 12. May 13, 2013 - Today we will show you how to draw a cartoon giraffe. Draw a circle and add two short horns with circles on the ends, … At the end of the giraffe's body, draw in a curved tail with a tuft of hair on the end. Drawing is such an incredible hobby to encourage because you can enjoy it just about anywhere. You can now start your drawing session on how to draw a cartoon Giraffe.Sketch an elongated, vertical shape face. This is the tuft of fur at the tip of the tail. 2.Then draw your neck and body. =) Thank You!! Step 1: Let's go! Branch off and have some fun wherever you can… making your giraffe all the more special. How to Draw a Giraffe … You will start step two with the lining of the cartoon giraffe's nose as you see here. For the right-most line, draw a horizontal line off to the right with a slight downwards curve at the end. This will form … How to Draw a Giraffe Read More » 1.Draw two ears. Email This BlogThis! One of my favourite animal is a giraffe. How to draw a cartoon giraffe First Step - A Simple Framework for a Giraffe Very similar to a previous lesson here on the site, also dealing with drawing this animal, the structure of the animal can be subdivided as three circles, and then - to account for its obvious height... lines to bridge the gaps. Move a bit off to the right and repeat the previous steps to create the back legs. Below are the individual steps - you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version. The fast and simple lesson is crafted to guide you through sketching, drawing, and coloring your creation. See more ideas about Giraffe, Giraffe drawing, Animal drawings. First draw a small circle for the head and then draw a long line for the neck. Then plop a nose on wherever you fancy. The images above represents how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved. A nice curved linelike the one I drew above is all it takes. Draw a slanted narrow oval below the first one. Use multiple layers to keep the spots separate from the body of your giraffe, and apply … 3.The outline of the giraffe is ready. Step by Step Drawing tutorial on How to draw a Giraffe. Step 2: Draw the lower jaw. How to Draw Cute Giraffe Step 1 Step 1: Begin by drawing the nose of the Giraffe. Draw an oval like shape on the giraffe’s neck…like a number ‘9’ like shape. Follw this step-by-step drawing tutorial and create a lovely one. Then, draw a jagged line from the base of the neck to the back, forming the mane. In order to draw a nicely drawn out cartoon giraffe, you need to draw some beginning shapes and lines. Step 5: Add to the neck by connecting the body. 4. After visiting a local zoo, this artist created a stylized illustration of a giraffe face. It's time to draw the legs. Nov 30, 2018 - Free various types of educational resources for kids, how to draw a Giraffe, how to draw a koi Giraffe, kids how to draw, how to draw step by step Giraffe Step 8: Add the head detail and complete the legs. Step 2. All cartoon animals have smiles so draw any type of smile expression you like. Step 6: Continue to left-most line a little further down. 2 comments: A fast and simple four-step tutorial that will help you draw a giraffe from zero in no time. Next see how to draw a giraffe eyes: Draw 2 little circles. Step 8: There should be a space between each set of legs. Step 01 Step 02 Step 03 Step 04 Step 05 Step 06 Step 07 Step 08 Step 09 Step 10 Step 11 Step 12 Step … 3.Draw legs. Extend a pair of "S" shaped lines to form the tail. We will start by drawing the head and mouth. Giraffe I hope you enjoy these step-by-step instructions on how to draw a cartoon giraffe. Add on a cute smile to your giraffe. Step 3 Find out how to draw Giraffe drawings for Kids. Finish the shapes and style of the legs and hooves and then draw out the shape of the tail and the bushiness on the top of the tail. As mentioned above, if you can simplify the neck area of your cartoon giraffe ahead of time, the rest of the drawing will take ‘shape’ much easier. Please LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE. First draw a small circle for the head and then draw a long line for the neck. The sketch is finished. Color him/her in and you have just learned "how to draw a cartoon giraffe" step by step. Take your giraffe drawings to another level and achieve just the look you’re going for with Fresco. Step 16. Oct 27, 2015 - Print and enjoy our Learn to Draw Animals pages for kids of all ages. Draw the bump over the eyes. Finish the shape of the head by connecting some of the guidelines. Step 3: Draw in the ears. Draw a circle near the middle of the paper as a guide for the front part of the giraffe's body. Notice that all outlines are now gone. Perfect your drawings digitally. You will then draw out the shape of the neck and some of the back line. Learn how to draw the fun and easy way. Its species name refers to its camel-like appearance and the patches of color on its fur. Below you will find illustrated, step by step instructions to guide you through the cartooning process. Please leave a comment in the comment box and a link to your giraffe drawing. To the left, draw a long, curved line that's similar to the letter C on its side for the cartoon horse's muzzle. First, draw a small circle and off to the bottom left, add another small circle for the mouth. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. How to draw a Giraffe . From the base of both circles, draw two lines downward. Draw a vertical line downward and very close to that, draw another line parallel to the first. The steps… Draw the oval lines. 6.Paint the color. Place two dots next to one another and another dot below those two, placed right in the middle. The giraffe is an African mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant. First draw a small circle for the head and then draw a long line for the neck. 5.Draw a bird on your tail. 4.Draw eyes, nose and tail, and supplement the details of the ears. 3. First, use the drawing tools to create the shape of your character. Start this step by drawing out the rest of the giraffe's upper body and then start sketching out the different shapes of spots on the giraffe. Tag: How To Draw A baby Giraffe. Step 2: Next, it's time to add the eyes and nose. At the base of the three vertical lines, draw in two hooves. Drawing a giraffe can be done in nine steps now using this cool pictorial. Step 15. Using only a few basic black lines can be enough for now. Now add a big dot under the curved line on the right for the actual nostril.