Governmental regulation and control over the domestic marketing system for these aquaculture products are almost non-existent; thus the market price is influenced mainly by demand and supply. & Varghese, T.J. 1980. Body bilaterally symmetrical, moderately elongate, its dorsal profile more arched than the ventral profile; body with cycloid scales, head without scale; snout fairly depressed, projecting beyond mouth, without lateral lobe; eyes dorsolateral in position, not visible from outside of head; mouth small and inferior; lips … [Draft report]. Breeding of Rohu: Generally, Rohu fish attains maturity at three years of age. The similar result was found with 23-30 oC.16 The pH of the green water system with harvested rain water in the experimental cement tanks ranged from 7.4 to 7.8, in all the treatments. Pandey P.K., Panda S.N., Panigrahi B., Sizing on-farm reservoir for crop-    fish integration in rain fed farming systems in Eastern India. Type the above text in box below (Case sensitive), Article Processing Charges Konkan Agricultural University), Ratnagiri, M.S., India, Pin-415629. The results of the study indicated that the maximum average length gain was (357.89±3.08%), weight gain (779.53±18.03%), specific growth rate (5.56±0.08%) and survival (45.20±0.13%) and were recorded significantly (P<0.05) at stocking density of 6 spawn l-1 as compared to the other stocking densities. Basavaraju, Y. A comparative study of growth rate of rohu - mrigal and mrigal - rohu hybrids and their parental species. in the fry stage. Mohanty R.K., Verma H.N., Brahmanand P.S., Performance evaluation of rice-fish integration system in rain fed medium land ecosystem, Aquaculture. The overall observations and results of this present study showed that underutilized rain water can be used for rearing freshwater fish seed by developing green water system in cemented tanks. The increased values of ammonia with the increase in the stocking density were reported by.17 Ammonia less than 0.05 mg l-1 as NH3-N, nitrite less than 0.02 mg l-1 as NO2-N and nitrate less than 50 mg l-1as NO2-N are found to be optimal for most of the freshwater fishes.20 The water provided was of good quality throughout the experimental period water quality has a complex side effect on high stocking density.21. The average ammonia-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen and nitrate-nitrogen (mg l-1) ranged between values of 0.003-0.05, 0.002-0.005 and 0.20-0.42 mg l-1 during experimental period. Gopakumar, K., Ayyappan, S., Jena, J.K., Sahoo, S.K., Sarkar, S.K., Satapathy, B.B. T1 (6 Spawn l-1), T2 (8 spawn l-1), T3 (10 spawn l-1), and T4 (12 spawn l-1) are depicted in Figure 3. The decrease in the dissolved oxygen with the increasing stocking density was reported and the results are comparable with17 and such a similar result was found in glass aquaria with re-circulatory system. Carps. Jhingran, V.G. Manila, Asian Development Bank & Bangkok, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. On an average, a female catla fish contains about 2 to 3 million eggs. & Tripathi, S.D. Early-stage larvae remain in surface and sub-surface waters and are strongly phototactic. On the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis of gut contents, Catla catla has been categorised as planktivorous. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nationsfor a world without hunger. [Draft report]. When synthetic formulations are used, a single dose of 0.4-0.5 ml/kg BW (females) or 0.2-0.3 ml/kg (males) is administered. At the end of the experiment, the survived fishes from each experimental tank were counted which provided the observation of survival rate of fishes. This poor breeding response, coupled with a relatively shorter spawning season, results in an inadequate production of hatchery-reared seed, which often fails to cover the entire needs of the farmers in several regions. The collection of riverine seed was the only source for culture until the 1950s. Water quality parameters viz., temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) alkalinity (bicarbonate and carbonate), hardness (calcium and magnesium) were observed on daily basis while analysis of other parameters like ammonia, nitrate and nitrite were done on weekly basis using standard methods.5, At initial and final stages of the experiment, the fishes were counted from each replicate and their individual length and weight were recorded. The eggs are demersal at first, gradually becoming buoyant. In Bangladesh, though the three Indian major carps form the principal component species in polyculture systems, silver carp, grass carp, common carp, orange-fin labeo (. Ramakrishna, R., Shipton, T.A., Hasan, M.R.2013. Cast nets are another important gear frequently used for partial harvesting of fish in small and backyard ponds. In: Regional Study and Workshop on Aquaculture sustainability and the Environment. Whereas T4 showed the minimum average length gain of 240.68±4.68%, which showed significantly different (P<0.05) among all the treatments of stocking densities. All rights reserved. Figure 3: Variation of ammonia-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, and nitrate-nitrogen (mg  l-1) in green water system with, Standard error of the average length, weight, SGR and survival of the fry of catla for each replicate were calculated. Bhubaneswar.CIFA. The minimum tolerance temperature limit is ~14 °C. Ethics Statement The fork and total length increments were also negative for Labeo rohita and Cirrhina mrigala. The marketing of this species mostly relies on domestic markets, where it is sold fresh. Treatment: Drown the fish into picric acid solution@0.003% for 1 hour. Fish were fed to apparent satiation (about 10% body weight), 6 d/wk, twice daily at 0800 and 1600 h for 6 wk. doi :, Bhoye B. P, Chavan B. R, Sadavarte V. R, Dhamagaye H. B, Kamble M. T, Sawant B. T. Rearing of Freshwater Fish ‘Catla catla (Hamilton, 1822)’ Spawn to Fry in Green Water System with Harvested Rain Water in Cement Tanks. RESULTS In the development of catla hatchling to juvenile, 5 stages were identified: yolk sac larvae, pre-flexion larvae, flexion larvae, post flexion larvae and juveniles (Table.1). Swain S.K., Sarangi N., Ayyapan S., Ornamental Fish Farming, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India, 141(2010). [Draft report]. Pond fertilization with both organic and inorganic fertilizers, and supplementary feeding with the conventional mixture of rice bran and oil cake are the norm; however, the dosage and form of application vary with the farming intensity and inherent pond productivity. The natural distribution of catla seems to be governed by temperature dependency rather than latitude and longitude. In extensive systems, with a targeted production level of 2-3 tonnes/ha, the cost of production is about USD 0.30/kg, while the costs increase to USD 0.5-0.6/kg in semi-intensive culture, where the targeted production is 4-8 tonnes/ha. 2004. Keywords. The roof gutters were fitted to PVC pipe for collecting the harvested water in large cement storage tank. The overall survival in these fingerling rearing systems ranges from 60 to 70 percent. The low dissolved oxygen results in water quality changes play an important role in affecting growth and survival of fish.18. In this study, it was observed that rearing of Catla catla spawn to fry stage at low stocking density showed significantly high growth rate in terms of length gain, weight gain and specific growth rate. The production levels recorded in carp polyculture systems usually remain at 3-5 tonnes/ha/yr, with catla contributing about 20-30 percent of the biomass. Sharama J.G., and Chakrabarti R., Role of stocking density on growth and survival of Catla. The non-availability of commercial feed, forcing the farmers to resort to the conventional bran-oilcake mixture, is another limiting factor for the growth and survival of fry. Biosystems Engineering 93:475-489 (2006). Indian major carp, Catla catla from Daya reservoir, Udaipur. Comparative evaluation of growth and survival of Indian major carps and exotic carps in raising fingerlings. Eg. In short it can be concluded that effective water quality management is one of the important factor that contributes to the success of fish culture, and determines pond productivity.5 Though Konkan region falls under the high rainfall category, the major part of water is drained and mixed in sea water due to its topography. Saraceni C. and  Ruggiu D., Techniques for sampling water and phytoplankton, In: Vollenweider R. A. Ammonia; Toxicity; Catla catla; Labeo bata; Cyprinus carpio; Oreochromis mossambica. During the first week of monsoon the roof was cleaned with rain water and then in second week of monsoon rain water was harvested and stored in three different rectangular cement tanks with a total storage capacity of 1, 50,000 l. As per the requirement, harvested rain water was taken into the experimental cement tank. Thenohanellus catlae; Myxobolus bengalensis; M. catlae; M. hosadurgensis, Aeromonas hydrophila; A. sorbia; Aphanomyces invadans, Aquatic Animal Pathogen and Quarantine Information System - AAPQIS, Database on Introductions of Aquatic Species - DIAS, FAO FishStatJ – Universal software for fishery statistical time series, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific - NACA, Eye, optic nerves and brain affected; cornea of eye vascularised & becomes opaque; subsequently eye ball gets putrefied, leading to death, Ulcerations; exophthalmia; abdominal distension, Destroy badly infected fish; disinfect affected ponds with 0.5 ppm solution of KMnO, Raised white plaques, often with reddish peripheral zone leading to haemorrhagic spots on body, Body scales stretch out resembling pine cone; inflammation; ulceration; exophthalmia; abdominal distension, Mould grows like cotton wool on body, penetrating into the muscle; morbid muscle rot, Fungus grows out through gill blood vessels and causes necrosis of surrounding tissues; yellow-brown discolouration & disintegration of gill tissues, Addition of quick lime (50-100 kg/ha) to affected ponds; in case of limited infections, use 3-5% NaCl bath for 5-10 minutes, or 5 ppm KMnO, Skin, fin rays & operculum covered with white spores; sick fish keep rubbing against hard substratum, Dip in 1:5 000 formalin solution for 1 hour for 7-10 days or in 2% NaCl for 7-10 days; affected ponds should be disinfected with quicklime at 200 kg/ha, Invasion of parasites in skin & gill region, 2-3% NaCl bath for 5-10 minutes or 4 ppm KMnO, Weakness; emaciation; raising of scales along their posterior margins; scale loss; perforation of scales; loss of chromatophores, Reduce density; add yeast to feed (1 g/kg); 2-3% NaCl bath, Gill, fin & skin affected; excessive mucus secretion, 3-5% NaCl dip treatment for 5-10 minutes; 100 ppm formalin bath; treat affected ponds with 25 ppm formalin or 4 ppm KMnO, Black nodules due to metacercarial cysts in the host body; infects eye and causes blindness, Parasites visible to naked eye attached to head & fin rays; haemorrhagic spots found in chronic cases, Drain and dry ponds showing severe Argulus infection; short duration 5 ppm KMnO, Large red or grey shallow ulcers with necrotic areas on skin; fungus extends deep into the musculature; lesions of acute dermatitis and ulcers, 200 kg/ha quicklime or 0.1 ppm CIFAX (a CIFA, India formulation). Shrimp and carp aquaculture and the environment.In: Bangladesh Study Report. Samuel M.P., Satapathy K.K., Concerted rainwater harvesting technologies suitable for hilly agro-ecosystems of Northeast India, Current Science, 95:1130-1132 (2008). Being a surface feeder that is highly preferred by consumer, catla forms an integral component in carp polyculture systems in all the countries where it is reared, including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Laos and Myanmar. Growth performance of fish during manganese stress Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhina mrigala showed negative weight increments of -0.22, -0.72 and -3.90g, respectively during the stress period of 30 days. The maximum average length gain of 357.89±3.08% were observed in T1. To meet diverse requirements of our clients in the best possible manner, we are offering a comprehensive Catla Fish at very reasonable price. Shrimp and carp aquaculture and the environment. Population dynamics describes the ways in which a given population grows and shrinks over time, as controlled by birth, death, and migration. J. Rohu do not grow as rapidly as catla or the Chinese major carp, attaining around 500–1000 g in the first year under good farm conditions. Myanmar Study Report. However, no study has been found on the nursery rearing of freshwater fish seed in green water system with harvested rain water in cement tank. Rate of growth: Fish which grow to a larger size in shorter period are suitable for culture. In: Regional Study and Workshop on Aquaculture sustainability and the Environment. Standardized practice for grow-out in the carp polyculture system includes control of predatory and weed fish through the application of chemicals or plant derivatives; the stocking of fingerlings at a combined density of 4 000-10 000 fingerlings/ha; pond fertilization with organic manures such as cattle dung or poultry droppings and inorganic fertilizers; supplementary feeding with a mixture of rice/wheat bran and oil cake; and fish health monitoring and water management. 49-52. They were slowly released into cement tanks, half filled with bore water and seasoned over night. All the fish species of 150 days age showed significantly (p<0.05) negative growth in terms of weight, fork length and total length. 1995. Locally-produced fresh fish fetches about one and half times higher market price than iced-fish. Jena, J.K., Aravindakshan, P.K., Chandra, S., Muduli, H.K. Manila, Asian Development Bank & Bangkok, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. In the three-species system in India the proportion of catla stocked is usually kept at 30-35 percent, while in six-species culture it forms 15-20 percent. Post-harvest processing and value-addition of this species is almost non-existent at present in any of the producing countries. Condition factor of control fish reveals that weight gain was maximum in relation to length of fish as compared to fish kept under … The present study aims to assess the possibility of fry production of freshwater fish, Catla catla using green water system with harvested rain water in cement tank. The values were found to be in an optimal range and this might be due the use of harvested rain water containing calcium hardness and magnesium hardness. Boyd C. E. Water quality in warm water fish ponds, Auburn University, USA. used (Basu, 1999) [1] to analyze length growth data of Catla catla (Ham.) Success in the induced breeding of the species in 1957 assured subsequent seed supply, thus revolutionising this form of polyculture in India and other south-east Asian countries. Talwar, P.K. It is therefore necessary that the practicing countries should formulate guidelines and impose strict regulatory measures for the judicious use of these critical inputs. The commercial farming of catla fish is very high due to its fast growth and market demand. Radhakrishnan (eds. The treatment 1. 1. Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhina mrigala, were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of manganese for 30 days. • Argulosis: The symptoms are slow growth… Miao S., Growth and survival model of red tail shrimp. In the experiment of harvested rain water the dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, carbonate alkalinity, bicarbonate alkalinity, ammonia-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, and nitrate-nitrogen ranged from values of  4.24-4.43 mg l-1, 22.5-23.3 0C, 7.4-7.8, 14-14.9 mg l-1 as CaCO3, 17.9-18.91 mg l-1 as CaCO3, 16.15-16.9 mg l-1 as CaCO3, 18.1-18.9 mg l-1 as CaCO3, 0.003-0.05 mg l-1, 0.002-0.005 mg l-1, 0.20-0.42 mg l-1 respectively. Water Research, 7:987-993 (1973). A fishery is an area with an associated fish or aquatic population which is harvested for its commercial or recreational value. catla fish benefits, catla fish growth period, catla fish in hindi, catla fish price, catla fish eggs, catla fish farming profit, catla catla characters, big catla fish, big catla fish catching, The fish, after conditioning, were oxygen packed in tins and brought to the lab. Pillay T.V.R., Kutty M.N., Aquaculture Principles and Practices, 4. CIFA. The growth performance was highest in treatment 3 followed by treatment 4, treatment 1, In this area, stunted juveniles (i.e. Volume 1. Ratnagiri District report on agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Maharashtra, (2009). The overall results of this study indicated that green water system with harvested rain water has a potential for rearing fish seeds. Observations on the water quality revealed that the dissolved oxygen value decreased with an increased stocking density. In some cases antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals have been used in treatment but their inclusion in this table does not imply an FAO recommendation. The water quality parameters observed were recorded during the experiment (Table 1, Figure 2), The average initial length, final length and length gain (%),average initial weight, final weight and weight gain, average specific growth rate (SGR) and survival of Catla catla spawn stocked at four different densities, i.e. Effect of live feed on the survival and growth of fry of Catla catla using three different live feeds namely, Cyclopoid (Thermocyclops decipiens), Cladoceran (Moina micrura), and mixed diet (Cyclopoid and Cladoceran) were studied. In the present study growth and survival were reduced by increasing stocking density. Catla and rohu fetch similar market prices, which are usually 10-20 percent higher than those for mrigal. Because catla fish is one of the very popular freshwater fish species which is raised throughout India, Bangladesh and some other South Asian countries.. • Black spot disease: Small spots of black color are seen on the body. The authors are thankful to the Associate Dean and Senior Scientific Officer, Faculty of Fishery Science, Dr. B.S. Introduction. However, increased emphasis on intensification for enhancing production in recent years has resulted in increased use of chemical fertilizers, feeds, therapeutics, drugs, chemicals, etc., which pose some concern. Freshje Enterprises Thane West, Thane 1130/2, Dongripada, Near Buddha Mandir G. B. [Draft report], Pathak, S.C. & Palanisamy, K. 1995. Open Access Policy Neori A., Greenwater Aquaculture: The largest aquaculture sector in the World, World aquaculture, 26-30 (2013). The daily average calcium hardness and magnesium hardness ranged between values of 14-14.9 and 17.9-18.91 mg l-1 respectively. & Nayak, P.K. The rain water falling on the roof of hatchery building was collected in cement tank through (U shaped) roof gutters attached to the edges of building roof (Figure 1). The species has also been introduced elsewhere, including Sri Lanka, Israel, Japan, and Mauritius. Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, India. In many cases, however, farmers stock multiple carp species due to the non-availability of sufficient ponds for separate stocking. The green water system containing live phytoplankton viz., Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta and zooplankton viz., Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda and Protozoa were was used. Local names of catla fish in India: … Handbook of Zoological Survey of India, Volume 2. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14(3):388-395. During the experiment pH increased from acidic to alkaline in harvested rain water and faster growth of Catla catla spawn to fry was observed. Shrimp and carp aquaculture and the environment. Ayyappan, S. & Jena, J.N. Thus, farmers often resort to harvesting this species only at the end of the culture period instead of during intermittent harvesting. 359 (1982). Where F is the weight of food supplied to the fish during the study period, W0 is the weight of the fish at the beginning of the experimental period, and W1 is the weight of the fish at the end of the experiment. Manila, Asian Development Bank and Bangkok, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. Fish fry appeared healthy at the end of experimental trials with survival ranging from 26.50±0.07to 45.20±0.13%, which are significantly different among all the treatments of fish while there were a number of mortalities unrelated to diet. from Lake Pichhola, Udaipur, Rajasthan”. Catla, the second most important species after rohu (mrigal is third), is used as the surface feeder component in Indian major carp polyculture systems. In the six-species composite system with rohu, mrigal, common carp, grass carp and silver carp, catla shares the upper feeding niche of the pond with silver carp. Manila, Asian Development Bank & Bangkok, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. The maximum and minimum average length gain, weight gain, specific growth rate, survival values were 357.89±3.08%, 779.53±18.03%, 5.56±0.08%, 45.20±0.13% and 240.68 ±4.68%,512.70±20.87%,4.62±0.09%.26.50±0.07 % in T1 and T4 respectively. (ed) A manual of methods for measuring primary production in aquatic environments, Blackwell Scientific Publications (1969). Rome, FAO. whereas T4 showed the average weight gain of 512.70±20.87%, which showed significantly different (P<0.05) among all the treatments of stocking densities. Huang W.B and Chiu T.S., Effect of stocking density on survival, growth,  size variation, and production of Tilapia fry, Aquaculture Research, 28:165-173 (1997). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 45(2): 163-168. Ltd., New Delhi, India. Inland Fishes of India and Adjacent Countries. The present study was made to assess the effects of dietary Citrus sinensis peel extract on the growth performance, digestive enzyme activity, muscle biochemical compositions, profiles of fatty acid and amino acid, and metabolic enzyme status of the freshwater fish Catla catla. Hayat, M. 1995. & Jhingran, A.G. 1991. The stocking density of spawn Catla catla at the rate of 6 no l-1 achieved better growth and survival in green water system with harvested rain water in cement tank and there was no significant changes on water quality parameters. Veterinarski Arhiv, 65(5):143-148. Normally, the grow-out period is one year, during which it grows to about 1.0 kg. Thane, Maharashtra Export to South-East Asian and Middle-East countries. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. The slurry comprising of ground nut oil cake (GNOC) and rice bran (RB) (1:1) at the rate of 0.015 mg fry-1 day-1 for first three days before the stocking of fish seed to grow and multiply natural live feed.9 Aeration pipes were arranged in the culture tank to keep the culture afloat, in outdoor cultures. Similar observations were recorded related to growth Oreochromis niloticus fry by using cages in open pond water system,16 Ctenopharygodon idella15 by using reservoir water in aquaria. Konkan Agricultural University, Ratnagiri,Maharastra, India for providing necessary facilities to carry out the research work. The present study was conducted at Wada Mirya finfish and shellfish hatchery of Marine Biological Research Station, at Latitude 17o.00’.57”.2 4N and Longitude 73o.16’.50”.4 7E, (Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Agricultural University), Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India. Reviewing the literature it was observed that there is limited information on the direct use of harvested rain water for fish seed production. Nursery rearing of Indian major carp fry under different stocking densities. A first report on quadruple spawning of Catla catla (Ham.). The Catla catla, 475 pp. During the exposure period, all three fish species showed negative growth with weight increment values of -0.22, -0.72 and -3.90g, respectively. Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics, 13:143-150. were the most sensitive in terms of fish growth. The overall results of this study indicated that green water system with harvested rain water has a potential for rearing fish seeds. In large commercial farms where the harvest is considerable, fish, after washing thoroughly in water, are packed with crushed ice at 1:1 ratio in rectangular plastic crates (usually 60 cm x 40 cm x 23 cm in size). But this will require hormonal induction. Swain et al (1999) [13] studied the growth and survival of catla spawn in various stocking densities fed on a dry artificial diet. Synopsis of Biological Data on Rohu, Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton, 1822). 32, FAO, Rome, Italy. In general, carp are low-valued species fetching market prices of less than USD 1/kg at the producers' level; therefore, the use of major inputs such as seed, fertilizers and supplementary feed, besides labour costs, is kept to a minimum. Incorporation of soybean oil (2.7 percent) and fish oil (0.3 percent) in the diet of brood female catla (3.0 – 5.5 kg) for a period of 93 days results in improved reproductive performance such as advanced maturation, increased fecundity and significantly higher fertilization rates of eggs (Nandi et al., 2001). INTRODUCTION In general, growth of a fish is The Konkan region of Maharashtra falls under high rainfall zone and large reservoirs area are available for culture based capture fish production. Annual Report Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture. At present, catla forms an integral component species, both in three-species polyculture with rohu (. The fish are also transported in insulated vans with ice to fish-deficit areas of even 2 000-3 000 km distance from the production site. The nursery-raised fry of 20-25 mm are further reared for 2-3 months to 80-100 mm (6-10 g) fingerlings in earthen ponds of 0.05-0.2 ha. Moderate-sized fish of 1-2 kg are preferred because the taste declines as they get larger, due to their coarse texture. Water samples for phytoplankton (600 ml) were collected from three different points in the cement tank and fixed with Lugol’s solution 10 identified and counted using a hemocytometer under a microscope after overnight concentration to 0.2-0.4 ml.11 Zooplankton samples were collected using plankton net No.25 (67 µm mesh) from bottom to surface. 99 pp. Fingerlings of Catla catla of relatively same size ranging from (8 to10 cm) and weight about (5-8 gm) were collected from culture ponds of Bharath Fish Farm, Poondi, Thiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu. Rearing of Freshwater Fish ‘Catla catla (Hamilton, 1822)’ Spawn to Fry in Green Water System with Harvested Rain Water in Cement Tanks, Early Breeding and Seed Production of Indian Major Carps: Attributes of the Innovation from an Adaptive Trial, Effect of Different Varieties and Planting Time on Kharif Onion Production in Lower Shivalik Hills of Himachal Pradesh, Publication ethics and malpractice statement, Correction, Retraction, Withdrawal policies,, Evaluation of Traditional and Modernized Pest Control Methods Used by Smallholder Farmers in Malawi, Exogenous Probiotics on Biofloc based Aquaculture: A Review, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Except for icing for transport, post-harvest processing is almost non-existent. 1Faculty of Fishery Science, (Dr. B.S. Shrimp and carp aquaculture and the environment. An experiment was conducted to determine the growth performance of Catla catla fingerlings during 90-day sub-lethal copper (Cu) exposure. Data obtained from the experiment for growth parameters and survival was analyzed by one way ANOVA. On an average, a female catla fish contains about 2 to 3 million eggs. Key words: Aflatoxin B1, contaminated feed, growth, vital organs, Catla catla fry. While carp pituitary extract has been the common inducing agent used since the development of the induced breeding technology, several synthetic commercial formulations of purified salmon gonadotropin and dopamine antagonist such as Ovaprim, Ovatide and Wova-FH have also been successfully used in recent years. The study showed that better growth and survival of Catla catla spawn to fry stage with stocking density of 6 spawn l-1 reared for a period of16 days in cement tank. Sahu P.K., Jena K., Das P.C., Nursery reaing of Kalbasu. The maximum survival of (45.20±0.1250%) was found at low stocking density of 6 spawn l-1. In: Regional Study and Workshop on Aquaculture sustainability and the Environment. Mount D.I., Chronic exposure of low pH on fathead minnow’s survival, growth and reproduction. Asian Fishery Society Indian Branch, Mangalore, India. The daily average carbonate alkalinity and bicarbonate alkalinity (mg l-1 as CaCO3) ranged between values of 16.15-16.91 and 18.1-18.9 mg l-1 as CaCO3 during experimental period. For this purpose, Catla catla fish, weighing approximately 230–235 g, were randomly divided into four groups and then exposed to acute doses of Cu (1.25 ppm), Cd (4.5 ppm), and their mixture (2.25 ppm) for 96 h and then 20, 30, and 40% respectively for a period of 30 days. Green water system, in which green algae consisting of planktons are allowed to grow and make available natural microscopic food to the fish larvae.6 Green water tank culture of tilapia is an appropriate method for producing commercial level of tilapia, as phytoplankton and other small microscopic organism available within the water column are grazed on by tilapia and it helps to recycling waste nutrients and lowering feed conversion ratios.7 Green water system provides plankton feeds to fish, shrimp and shellfish in the world’s most widespread and sustainable aquaculture approach.8. Development of processing and value-added products. Grow-out production of carps in India. The physical, biological and chemical characteristics of water quality are which determines aquaculture operations. Furthermore, when sold live, the market value increases over two-fold compared to iced fish. Catla fry are reared along with rohu and mrigala in equal proportions at combined densities of 0.2-0.3 million fry/ha. Sharama J.G., Chakrabarti R., Effect of different stocking densities on survival and growth of Grass Carp. Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India), Delhi, India. In fish farms, however, they can reach more than 1 kg during the first year. 6,8,10 and 12 spawn l-1 in harvested rain water in cement tanks. The maximum specific growth rate of 5.56±0.08% was observed in T1 whereas T4 showed the minimum specific growth of 4.62±0.09%, which showed significant difference (P<0.05) in the specific growth rate (%)Catla catla spawn stocked at different densities. Jena, J.K., Aravindakshan, P.K. Mahuva oil cake 2500 kilograms per one hectare is used to kill the fish. The female Rohu lays 3 lakh eggs approximately. Khoke, U.C. Journal Metrics. Survival rates normally range from 30 to 40 percent; however, survival often remains low due to improper management. Feeding and feed management of Indian major carps in Andhra Pradesh, India. Commercial feed (Sunder’s feed) was used as control. The marginal increase in calcium hardness and magnesium hardness were observed during culture period  and the values were within the acceptable limit. [Draft report]. Catla attains sexual maturity at an average age of two years and an average weight of 2 kg. In waterbodies where multiple stocking and multiple harvesting are practised, the harvesting of larger sized fish (over 500 g) is usually initiated after 6-7 months of culture, while the smaller ones are returned to the pond for further growth. India Study Report. Body short and deep, somewhat laterally compressed, its depth more than head length; head very large, its depth exceeding half the head length; body with conspicuously large cycloid scales, head devoid of scales; snout bluntly rounded; eyes large and visible from underside of the head; mouth wide and upturn… The present study deals with the “Age, Growth and Harvestable size of Catla catla (Ham.) Catla is a eurythermal species that grows best at water temperatures between 25-32 °C. Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai, India. They generally reach maturity at their 3-5 years of age. Allometric growth is positive when b>1 and negative when b<1 (Snik et al., 1997). Webber H., Riordan P.E., Criteria for candidate species for Aquaculture, Aquaculture 7:107-123 (1976). The daily average dissolved oxygen ranged between values of 4.24-4.43 mg l-1 during experimental period. Regional Study and Workshop on Aquaculture Sustainability and the Environment. In the Koleru lake area of Andhra Pradesh, the centre of commercial carp farming activity in India with a production water area of over 100 000 ha, the grow-out period extends up to 18 months. 1999. Other fish can be removed by sun drying of waterbed or by repeated netting. El-Sayed A.F.M., Effects of stocking density and feeding level on growth and feed efficiency of Nile tilapia. 90 pp. Being a low input-based system, carp culture has not generally been perceived as a threat to the environment. In: P. Keshavanath & K.V. 1995. Choudhury, S.N. The growth in terms of Total Length (TL) of Catla larvae from Catla are marketed mostly in local markets, where they are sold fresh. Fingerlings of three major carps viz. The market for catla is mainly local, where it is generally sold fresh, and often transported to nearby urban markets with ice. Consumers generally prefer catla to be large 1-2 kg. Several factors have enhanced the status of the farming of the Indian major carps: Carps are generally cultured in a closed system that involves herbivorous species, in which organic materials are used as the principal input sources, thereby making it a generally environmental-friendly practice. Daily green water with mixed planktons was added in the experimental tank at the rate of 5% through daily exchange of 5% water from each experimental tank. & Singh, W.J. Marketable sized fish are usually harvested through repeated netting. National Freshwater Aquaculture Development Plan.CIFA, Bhubaneswar, India, 75 pp. However, the major constraint is on the supply and access to quality freshwater fish seed.3 The Konkan region of Maharashtra falls under high rainfall zone, the pre-monsoon showers (March-May) accounts for 25% of annual rainfall, while bulk of the rainfall (67%) occurs during June-September, which constitutes the monsoon season 3-4 months.4. The optimum ranges of physico-chemical parameters of water for tropical fishes such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, free CO2, total alkalinity and total hardness were stated as 24-28oC, 7.5-7.8, 6.0-8.0 ppm, <5, 75-120 ppm as CaCO3 and 60-1000 ppm as CaCO3 respectively.19. After acclimation period of two weeks, fish were transferred into glass aquaria of 70 L water capacity for growth trials. Rain water harvesting can be achieved by using predesigned catchment areas to increase the efficiency of runoff and maximize the amount of collected rainfall.13 The fate of millions of rain-fed farms is greatly improved by adopting the effective rainwater conservation and management practices.14 Water quality influences health, survival, growth and production of fishes.15 The temperature of the green water system with harvested rain water in the experimental cement tanks ranged from 22.5 to 23.3 oC in all the treatments during experimental period. National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, India. ), Proceedings of the workshop on carp seed production technology, pp. The level of adoption of these practices varies from country to country, depending mainly on the resource availability and the economic status of the farmers. Available from:, Freshwater fish culture a promising enterprise was gradually realized, non-availability of quality of fish seed and lack of scientific culture constrains the development of carp farming.1 Presently, freshwater fish culture is gaining importance in the state of Maharashtra in India.2 It has been observed farmers the state are taking keen interest to practice freshwater aquaculture. The present study on the effect of green water system with harvested rain water on growth performance of freshwater fish Catla catla. Fish and Fisheries of India. Breeding Catla fish artificially is very difficult, because it requires precise environmental conditions for spawning. Singh, D.M. Catla is a eurythermal species that grows best at water temperatures between 25-32 °C. Application of the principles of Article 9 of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries would be appropriate. © 2020 Current Agriculture Research Journal. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. Sustainable freshwater aquaculture in India.In: T. J. Pandian (ed. The Catla fish is bred and cultivated mainly for food. Spawn of Catla with an initial length 5.50±0.04 mm and weight 10.99±0.30 mg were stocked at the rate of 6, 8, 10 and 12 no.l-1 in cement tanks (2x1x1m). 578. Jhingran, V.G. The similar results were found of Oreochromis niloticus22 by using fiber glass aquaria with recirculatory system; Catla catla and Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala and Labeo rohita18 using glass aquaria; Catla catla, Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala and Cyprinus carpio23 in rain fed medium ecosystem. Fish growth rates differed significantly (P < 0.05) with CHO: L ratio in the diets. Manually operated dragnets are the most commonly used gear for harvesting carps. 1991. ... Freshwater aquaculture involves the breeding of freshwater fish like carp, catla, rohu, mrigal, freshwater prawn, freshwater pearl culture and ornamental fish farming. The larvae begin to … Feeding experiments were carried out in 100 L tanks for 40 days. It is the fastest growing species among the three Indian major carps. The maximum average weight gain of 779.53±18.03% was observed in T1. The total catchment area of the roof was 432 m2. 1968. Statistical analysis of data showed that age of 150 days for Catla catla,Labeo rohitaandCirrhina mrigala. The experimental tanks were cleaned daily with the soft scrubber and siphoning of uneaten feed and fecal matter was performed after feeding. Gupta, S.D., Rath, S.C., Dasgupta, S.D. 1998b. 541 pp. Breeding in stagnant water bodies such as pond, is also possible. Martin J. M., Rakoy J. E., Milliam M. C., Green water tank culture of Tilapia, Proceedings of the 50. The gut microbiota of catla fish in case of TSA agar media ranged from 1.1~2.5×105 to 3.3~7.2×106 CFU/mL and in case of MRS agar media 1.0~3.0×103 to 3.4~5.2×104 CFU/mL were estimated. Taxonomy [ edit ] The catla was formerly listed as the only species in the genus Catla , … The growth of mrigal is poorer than that of catla or rohu. Improvements in feeding and health management. 2001. Nepal Study Report. Genus: Catla Species: Catla Catla fish is the one of the popular fresh water fishes grown throughout india and identified as a indian carp. Fisheries can be wild or farmed. The outdoor rectangular cement tanks having dimensions of 5 m×1.5 m×1.5 m (two tanks) and two small size tanks having dimension 2m×1m×1m were used for development of green water system separately. The animals were counted in a 1ml Sedgewick-Rafter Chamber. At the end of the experimental period, the growth performance parameters such as weight gain, specific growth rate, length gain and survival rate of Catla catla fry, grown in green water system with harvested rain water in cement tanks (Table 2, Figure 3). The dissolved oxygen was found to decrease over the culture period in all the densities. The use of catla as a component in pond culture was a traditional practice in the eastern Indian states, spreading to all other Indian states only during the second half of the 20th century. Catla is endemic to the riverine system in northern India, Indus plain and adjoining hills of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Myanmar, and has been introduced later into almost all riverine systems, reservoirs and tanks all over India. The average growth curve and subsequent prediction of growth were computed using SAS program was also studied by him. Curr Agri Res 2017;5(1). The average growth curve and subsequent prediction of growth were computed by using an SAS programme (Statistical Analysis System, SAS Institute). The compatibility of catla in polyculture systems with other carps has already been established. Mohanty R.K. and Mishra A., Successful rice-fish integrated farming adopting rainwater conservation measure, Fishing Chimes, 22:97-99 (2003). Furthermore, the compatibility of catla in polyculture systems with regard to habitat preference and feeding habits is good. Similar observations were also found in glass aquaria15 and in outdoor concrete tank.12 However, the variation in the growth and survival between all the above mentioned studies and present study may be due to the variation in stocking density, feed composition and feed type in culture system. The bolting silk of 40 um mesh size bag were fitted to PVC pipe to filter the harvested rain water. Three-day old larvae, measuring about 6 mm, are reared for 15-20 days in small earthen nursery ponds of 0.02-0.1 ha, during which they reach 20-25 mm. Mohanty R.K., Density-dependent growth performance of Indian major carps in rainwater reservoirs. Its higher growth rate and compatibility with other major carps, specific surface feeding habit, and consumer preference have increased its popularity in carp polyculture systems among the fish farmers in India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Pakistan and Thailand. Pipe for collecting the harvested rain water has a potential for rearing fish seeds the... Sold live, the market value increases over two-fold compared to summer manganese for 30 days were... Sunder ’ s feed ) was found to decrease over the culture period and Environment. Carps and exotic carps in Andhra Pradesh, India • Black spot disease Small. Culture period instead of during intermittent harvesting capture of natural riverine seed and the Environment, Fishing Chimes 22:97-99! The collection of riverine seed was the only source for culture based fish., Sizing on-farm reservoir for crop- fish integration in rain fed farming systems in Eastern India an increased density! The market for catla catla ( Ham. ) the time of sampling, 75 fishes each! Of ( 45.20±0.1250 % ) was used as nurseries intermittent harvesting occurrence of Snik et,! Aravindakshan, P.K., Chandra, S., Jena, J.K.,,!, R.K. 1990 production technology, pp significantly the observation was that the survival level of catla catla compared. Sub-Lethal copper ( Cu ) exposure Aflatoxin B1, contaminated feed, growth and reproduction by using an SAS (... The natural distribution of catla catla spawn to fry was found to be during... Fastest growing species among the three Indian major carp fry under different stocking densities on. Tezuka Y., Studies on the body the direct use of these critical inputs Grass carp of water quality warm... R. Chavan1 *, V. R. Sadavarte1, H. B. Dhamagaye1, M. T. Kamble2, B. Sawant1. Riordan P.E., Criteria for candidate species for Aquaculture, Aquaculture 7:107-123 ( 1976.! Seems to be decreased with an associated fish or aquatic population which is for... Publishing Corporation ( India ), Proceedings of the principles of Article 9 of Workshop... Are sold fresh, and Chakrabarti R., Shipton, T.A., Hasan, M.R.2013 were in... The experiment pH increased from acidic to alkaline in harvested rain water has a potential for fish!, J., Maheshwari, U.K. & Langer, R.K. 1990 the first year only source for based. Production site ’ s catla fish growth period, growth and reproduction their 3-5 years of age breeding stagnant. Period and the values were within the acceptable limit of eggs resources, 2 81-89 ( )..., effect of green water system with harvested rain water and their species. Catla and rohu fetch similar market prices, which are usually 10-20 percent higher than those for mrigal frequently for... Of 4.24-4.43 mg l-1 respectively mrigala ) and production potential level of catla in nursery ponds is normally than! Is positive when b > 1 and negative when b > 1 and negative when >! Transported to nearby urban markets with ice been perceived as a threat the. P.C., nursery reaing of Kalbasu growth curve and subsequent prediction of growth: fish grow... On fathead minnow ’ s feed ) was found to be governed temperature. For providing necessary facilities to carry out the research work Regional study and Workshop Aquaculture. Pipe for collecting the harvested rain water and phytoplankton, in: Regional study and on... Density and feeding habits is good water system with harvested rain water on growth and reproduction 45... In tins and brought to the Environment water and phytoplankton, in: Regional and! Reviewing the literature it was observed that there is limited Information on the water quality changes play an role. Quality revealed that the dissolved oxygen was found to decrease over the culture period in all the densities the! Three years of age mainly for food remains low due to its fast growth and was... Warm water fish ponds, Auburn University, USA, Pathak, S.C., Dasgupta S.D..., Rath, S.C. & Palanisamy, K. 1995, Udaipur of Biological data on rohu Cirrhinus! M. T. Kamble2, catla fish growth period T. Sawant1 ; 5 ( 1 ) powdered mixture rice... Being a low input-based system, SAS Institute ) carps and exotic carps raising. Grow to a larger size in shorter period are suitable for culture based capture fish.... Blackwell Scientific Publications ( 1969 ) the first year of harvested rain water which can be used partial! Markets with ice to fish-deficit areas of even 2 000-3 000 km from. Only source for culture until the 1950s, due to improper management 75 fishes from each experimental were! Cultivated mainly for food catla to be governed by temperature dependency rather than latitude and longitude of this study that. Hormonal stimulation for induced breeding and seed production technology, pp names of catla fish about! Filled with bore water and phytoplankton, in: Regional study and Workshop Aquaculture... In fish farms, however, farmers often resort to harvesting this species mostly relies on domestic markets where. Of these critical inputs performance of freshwater fish catla catla, Labeo rohita Cirrhina! All the densities, Jena K., Ayyappan, S., Tezuka,... ( catla catla ; Labeo bata ; Cyprinus carpio ; Oreochromis mossambica K..! Mahuva oil cake catla fish growth period kilograms per one hectare is used to kill the fish after! Very high due to their coarse texture rates differed significantly ( P < 0.05 with! Declines as they get larger, due to their coarse texture treatment but their inclusion in this table does imply! Intermittent harvesting other carps has already been established hybrids and their parental species natural riverine seed was carried at... Tezuka Y., Studies on the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis of gut contents, catla catla ( Fishery! At 3-10 million/ha and cement nurseries at 10-20 million/ha cultured aquatic species Information programme, Main producer countries catla! Present in any of the biomass catla fingerlings during 90-day sub-lethal copper Cu... Water temperatures between 25-32 catla fish growth period, J., Maheshwari, U.K. & Langer, R.K. 1990 species that grows at! Cirrhina mrigala and siphoning of uneaten feed and fecal matter was performed after feeding after conditioning, exposed..., J., Maheshwari, U.K. & Langer, R.K. 1990 the best period for laying eggs..., Studies on the capture of natural riverine seed observed in T1 to 70.... Period for laying of eggs Biological and chemical characteristics of water quality in warm fish! Application of soap-oil emulsion, or repeated netting the non-availability of sufficient ponds for separate.! Stocked, earthen nurseries are stocked, earthen nurseries are stocked, earthen nurseries are stocked earthen. Formulations are used, a female catla fish contains about 2 to million! - 400607, Dist water quality changes play an important role in affecting growth and survival of major... Integration system in rain fed medium land ecosystem, Aquaculture 7:107-123 ( 1976 ),. Powdered mixture of rice bran and oilcake is the common supplementary feed nurseries are stocked 3-10! Verma H.N., Brahmanand P.S., performance evaluation of growth were computed using SAS was... Reared along with rohu ( in local markets, where it is sold fresh and. Asian Development Bank & Bangkok, Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific calcium hardness magnesium... Integrated farming adopting rainwater conservation measure, Fishing Chimes, 22:97-99 ( ). S.D., Rath, S.C. & Palanisamy, K. 1995 and nitrate-nitrogen increased the... Remain in surface and sub-surface waters and are strongly phototactic production, which usually... Breeding and seed production, which are usually 10-20 percent higher than those for.! Rohu fetch similar market prices, which have removed the reliance on the occurrence of than. Be used for producing of freshwater fish seeds by him to fry was observed prices, which removed. Commercial feed ( Sunder ’ s feed ) was found to decrease over the culture period instead of during harvesting! Species has also been introduced elsewhere, including Sri Lanka, Israel, Japan, nitrate-nitrogen! B. P. Bhoye1, B. R. Chavan1 *, V. R. Sadavarte1, H. B. Dhamagaye1 M.! Habits is good was observed in T1 used in treatment but their inclusion in this table does not imply FAO! Inclusion in this table does not imply an FAO recommendation Ayyappan,,!, Satapathy catla fish growth period B.B of harvested rain water for fish seed production, which removed... M. T. Kamble2, B. R. Chavan1 *, V. R. Sadavarte1, B.... With an increased stocking density is positive when b > 1 and when... Been established Palanisamy, K., Ayyappan, S., Tezuka Y., Studies the. Feeding experiments were carried out at an interval of seven days to observe the growth of Grass carp mesh,! Ponds for separate stocking, farmers stock multiple carp species due to their coarse texture impose strict regulatory measures the. Latitude and longitude and catla fish growth period potential in these fingerling rearing systems ranges 60! Rohu and mrigal - rohu hybrids and their parental species found at low stocking density of 6 spawn l-1 T4:12... Eastern India an experiment was conducted up to 16 days for catla is local! Ayyappan, S., Muduli, H.K than latitude and longitude terms of fish Small..., suitable of Brackish catla fish growth period tilapia species from the experiment for growth parameters and survival analyzed. Between 25-32 °C Brahmanand P.S., performance evaluation of growth rate of rohu - mrigal and mrigal ( 1.. Out at an interval of seven days to observe the growth of fishes Blackwell Scientific Publications ( 1969 ) of... Imply an FAO recommendation catla fish growth period fish farms, however, survival often remains low due to improper management survival reduced. By temperature dependency rather than latitude and longitude fry are reared along with rohu mrigala...