All times are CET. Apparently, on April 21st, CNN rolled out their proprietary, “brand new” typeface called CNN Sans. Suggested font: CNN Sans. Please, talk with the author for commercial use or for any support. Oh, and the typeface is used on, duh! The font family is CNN Sans Display W04 Light. About the font CNN Sans Display W04 Bold CNN Sans Display W04 Bold is free for personal use only. It also doesn’t hurt to have our own on-air talent Richard Quest join the fun. Please, talk with the author for commercial use or for any support. And sub-family is Regular. Download CNN Font Download CNN - 69,276 downloads Famous Movies and TV All Caps Bold Thick Condensed Create a Logo Using CNN. Edited on Oct 05, 2016 at 16:45 by frd. Reply. The font family is CNN Sans Display W04 Bold. CNN Sans CNN Sans Display W04 is a font family made in 2015 by Monotype for CNN. View font details, character map, custom preview, downloads, file contents and more. You can use the CNN Sans Display W04 Bold to create interesting designs, covers, shop and store name and logos. EXTERNAL LINKS CNN Sans MyFonts search Monotype search Fontspring search Google search INTERNAL LINKS Type for TV ⦿ file name: Monotype C N N Sans Display W04 Bold 2015. CNN Example CNN Character Map Added on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 69,276 downloads Similar Fonts Font Installation Instructions Mac, windows & linux. Monotype Design Studio CNN Sans Display Black This font software is the property of Monotype Imaging Inc., or one of its affiliated entities (collectively, Monotype) and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. The logo of CNN is a combination of three letters of CNN in vivid red, with a white line running through the middle of the letters. Download the Top 20 Free CNN font details. The font will be used on All Things CNN, which means on-air, news ticker, ads and also affiliate channels according to CNN Commentary. And sub-family is Regular. The CNN Creative Marketing team created a fun animation touching on the great qualities and versatility of CNN Sans while letting our colleagues know that it was already installed on their computers and how fun and easy it is to use. The logo was custom made and it … CNN, namely, Cable News Network, is one of the major English language television network founded by Ted Turner in 1980. Free for personal or commercial use. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. About the font CNN Sans Display W04 Light CNN Sans Display W04 Light is free for personal use only. CNN Sans is a custom font, created just for CNN and its various properties, that is used fairly consistently across all of its platforms — on air graphics, websites and apps. The time is now 00:20. Newer Topic Older Topic.