By far the most common is Dioscorea opposita, for which the rhizome (tuber) is used; it is called shanyao (mountain herb). twining vine native to the central southeastern US and found less frequently in the Appalachian region Men with prostate cancer should also avoid taking wild yam. Know composition, uses, benefits, side effects and other precautions to be taken with Sbl Dioscorea Villosa 023 Lm along with ratings and in depth reviews from users. Additionally, it was used for upset tummies and coughs. This effect suggests Dioscorea villosa is a potentially useful supplement for skin care, but more research is needed before it can be specifically recommended as a cosmetic supplement. Dioscorea villosa. 97, 1) of this plant resembles that of Collinsonia canadensis more nearly than it does the true D. villosa. Common symptoms: Colic, Diarrhea, Dry mouth, Flatulence. Diosgenin was identified by Japanese scientists in 1936 and paved the way for the synthesis of progesterone and other corticosteroid hormones such as cortisone. Names of Wild Yam in various languages of the world are also given. Animal studies suggest Dioscorea villosa supplementation provides benefits when 9.8 – 37.7mg/ kg of bodyweight is given to mice. Wild Yam is a very good antispasmodic so is good for menstrual cramps, relaxing muscles, soothing nerves, relieving pain, poor circulation and neuralgia, for the inflammatory stage of rheumatoid arthritis and for abdominal and intestinal cramping. All factual claims are followed by specifically-applicable references. Burrowes, J. D. and Ramer, N. J. There are estimated to be upward of 600 species of yam in the Dioscorea family alone, but not all of them contain diosgenin. It was popular in Central America among the Aztecs and Mayan peoples as a pain reliever and digestive aid. If using any pharmaceuticals or drugs given to you by a doctor or received with a prescription, you must consult with the doctor in question or an equally qualified Health Care Professional prior to using any nutritional supplementation. 1,261. It is also known by the names of yuma, colic root, rheumatism root, devil’s bones, fourleaf yam, … It became a popular ingredient in natural products (natural progesterone creams), somewhat erroneously , due to poorly interpreted science*. However, their tubers are valuable due to a … A strong tea made from dioscorea opposita can calm a chronic cough. Each member of our research team is required to have no conflicts of interest, including with supplement manufacturers, food companies, and industry funders. As a stimulant for increased bile flow, it can help to relieve hepatic congestion, bilious colic and gallstones. It is a popular women’s wellness herb, and Piping Rock's Wild Yam selection includes: Wild Yam Liquid Extract, 2 fl oz: Get the amazing benefits of this herb now in liquid form! A Great Herb for Women – Wild Yam Benefits. Dioscorea root extract benefit and side effects by Ray Sahelian, M.D. This translates to an approximate human dosage range of 0.8 – 3mg/kg of bodyweight. Click here Read more about the prescription drug WILD YAM (Dioscorea villosa) - ORAL. Tell a friend about Dioscorea villosa (Wild Yam) Your Name: Your Email Address: Your Friend's Email Address: Message: Join Our Newsletter. Home; All Herbs; Wild Yam; Wild Yam Benefits. The family is most closely related to the Liliaceae. Dioscorea root extract benefit and side effects by Ray Sahelian, M.D. Our impartial buyers guide lets you know what to look out for to get the best products. Antioxidant activity of Dioscorea and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in older humans. The extract contains glycoside and steroidal saponins (< or =0.4%), diosgenin (< or =3.5%), alkaloids, tannins, phytosterols, and starch. There are more than 600 varieties of wild yam, but only a dozen or so are considered edible. Read more about the prescription drug WILD YAM (Dioscorea villosa) - ORAL. Dioscorea is a genus of flowering plants, and some Dioscorea species are known and used as a source for the steroidal sapogenin diosgenin. to see the full set of research information and references for Dioscorea villosa. Herbs can be taken internally or used externally in various ways. Report your Use » Learn more: Uses. Women with hormone-dependent conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and cancers of the breast, ovaries, or uterus should not take or use wild yam due to its possible estrogenic effects. research studies June 17 2015. Asthma sufferers may also benefit. Animal evidence suggests Dioscorea villosa can increase skin thickness after low-dose supplementation. Dioscorea Villosa is used for the treatment, control, prevention, & improvement of the following diseases, conditions and symptoms: Colic pain; Menopausal symptoms ; Dioscorea Villosa may also be used for purposes not listed here. Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) is a perennial vine that grows most often in woodlands and thickets. Common Name: Wild Yam; Family: Dioscoreaceae (Yam Family) ¹ Geographic Region: Wild Yam has a large native range encompassing most of the eastern United States, ending at … . Otherwise known as the Chinese yam, dioscorea opposita is an edible root vegetable used in a variety of Asian dishes. Persons of feeble digestive powers; tea-drinkers, with much flatulence. tanic medicines for the benefit of my own family.” We next find Dr. Howard “reluctantly,” as he states,“the 0fficial agent of Samuel Thomson,” and next we find Thomson and Howard jealous antagonists. 32115 Prairie Lane Winona, MN 55987; Toll Free / 866-417-8156 Local / 507-452-1362 0 1,009. Consumer information about the medication WILD YAM (Dioscorea villosa) - ORAL , includes side effects, drug interactions, recommended dosages, and storage information. Dioscorea opposita may balance the yin and tone the qi within the kidneys. It can be taken in capsules or in tea (though there are mixed opinions on the flavour). Persons of feeble digestive powers; tea-drinkers, with much flatulence. J Ren Nutr 2006;16(4):304-311. This, in turn, eases the symptoms of those particular conditions. Side-effects . Dioscorea villosa is one of the species of yam referred to as ‘wild yam’.. Dioscorea villosa has been claimed to alleviate symptoms of menopause, but there is currently no evidence to support this effect.. Its rootstocks grow crooked and bear horizontal branches of long, creeping runners with thin reddish-brown stems that grow to a length of over 30 feet. In the 18th and 19th centuries, herbalists used wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) to treat menstrual cramps and problems related to childbirth, as well as for upset stomach and coughs.In the 1950s, scientists discovered that the roots of wild yam -- not to be confused with the sweet potato yam -- … Yams (Dioscorea) are often mistaken for sweet potatoes, but they are not the same vegetable.Although both grow underground as tubers, they come from differently different plants. Precautions . You must be logged before you can follow this page. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 2 Nov 2020), Cerner Multum™ (updated 2 Nov 2020), … May prevent and relieve arthritis symptoms. There are two forms of wild yam root. Its steroidal saponins are also anti-inflammatory , making it a useful herb when treating rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory conditions of the bowel. followed by specifically-applicable references. 02. Dioscorea villosa Wild Yam. Dioscoreaceae. Enter your email and we'll keep you on top of the latest nutrition research, supplement myths, and more. does not assume liability for any actions undertaken after visiting these pages, and does not assume liability if one misuses supplements. Going back to history, one comes to learn that the people of both Maya and Aztec civilizations widely used wild yam as a medicine most probably to alleviate pain. 14 June 2018, Available in 2C-30C, 200C, 4X-30X, 30C, 200CH, 1M-10M from $6.59 Purchase options . Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Wild Yam. Benefits Of Wild Yam (Dioscorea Villosa) For Health. Mind.--Calls things by the wrong name. Pregnant women should not take wild yam because it may stimulate the uterus to contract, possibly causing a miscarriage. Dosage: Decoction: 1 teaspoon per cup of water; or 1:2.5 dry strength liquid extract: 20-60 drops 1-4 times per day.. Health Benefits. Rat studies show that doses of 790mg/kg of bodyweight (126mg/kg of bodyweight in humans) are associated with fibrosis. There are estimated to be upward of 600 species of yam in the Dioscorea family alone, but not all … Overview. How Wild Yam is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Of the over 600 species of It has heart-shaped leaves and produces small, green-yellow flowers. Cimicifuga Racemosa/Dioscorea Villosa / Racemosa Dioscorea in Deutsch ist für die Behandlung von schmerzhafte menstruation mit rückenschmerzen, wechseljahrsbeschwerden, koliken … Evaluation of wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) root extract as a potential epigenetic agent in breast cancer cells. Botanical Name of Wild Yam Root: Dioscorea villosa. "Dioscorea villosa,", published on 21 September 2014, last updated on It is named by the monk Charles Plumier after the ancient Greek physician and botanist Dioscorides List of various diseases cured by Wild Yam. Wild Yam or Dioscorea villosa is a species of tuberous vine and is native to North America. There are over 600 species of wild yam but only 2% of them are edible. The team includes nutrition researchers, registered Our free five day mini-course on supplements teaches you what works, what doesn't work, and what to look out for when buying supplements for yourself. Benefits or Uses of Dioscorea Villosa. It is common and widespread in a range stretching from Texas and Florida north to Minnesota, Ontario and Massachusetts. Its antispasmodic property is beneficial for any kind of muscular spasm and colic, such as intestinal and bilious colic, flatulence, ovarian and uterine pain; for poor circulation and neuralgia; for the inflammatory stage of rheumatoid arthritis; and for abdominal and intestinal cramping. The plant is not self-fertile. Consumer information about the medication WILD YAM (Dioscorea villosa) - ORAL , includes side effects, drug interactions, recommended dosages, and storage information. डायस्कोरिया विलोसा (Dioscorea Villosa) (वाइल्ड यैम) कई तरह के दर्द के लिए, खासकर शूल और उदर व पेडू के तीव्र पीड़ाजनक रोग क� By Dr G. P. Singh Last updated May 6, 2020. How Wild Yam is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Kauf Dioscorea Villosa 10D globuli bei Zwitserse Apotheek, ihre belgischen internet apotheke. In recent years, the phytosteroid diosgenin has been identified as the key medicinal component. The genus name Dioscorea gets its name from the ancient Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides. glabra; False wild yam.—The rhizome (Fig. Digestive Support, Women. The vast majority of the species are tropical, with only a few species extending into temperate climates. In the 18th and 19th centuries, herbalists used wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) to treat menstrual cramps and problems related to childbirth, as well as for upset stomach and coughs. By far the most common is Dioscorea opposita, for which the rhizome (tuber) is used; it is called shanyao (mountain herb). Wild Yam Dioscorea Villosa, is nutrient dense herb support for Blood sugar regulation, May Help Rheumatoid arthritis, High Cholesterol, Cramps and muscular pain Trending Traditional uses and benefits of Fernleaf Biscuitroot Know composition, uses, benefits, side effects and other precautions to be taken with Sbl Dioscorea Villosa 011 Lm along with ratings and in depth reviews from users. That's why we don’t sell any advertising or supplements. Because very little information is available on how wild yam might affect an infant or a small child, its use is not recommended while breast-feeding or during early childhood. The history of Wild Yam as a medicinal herb stretches back for hundreds of years. Relaxing muscles, soothing nerves and relieving pain. Wild yam is a vine native to North America (species: villosa) and has also been called, "Colic Root". Aumsuwan P, Khan SI, Khan IA, et al. It is in flower from September to October. Be the first to learn of limited-time sales, get valuable technical advice, and much more! 13 unique references to scientific papers. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. 01. Wild yam - Dioscorea villosa in the Dioscoreaceae or Yam family Part used: Root.. Taste/smell: Bitter, astringent.. Dioscorea villosa is a species of twining tuberous vine which is native to eastern North America.It is commonly known as wild yam, colic root, rheumatism root, devil's bones, and fourleaf yam. Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) was used in the 18th and 19th centuries to help with menstrual cramps and childbirth. Names of Wild Yam in various languages of the world are also given. Buying Herbs and supplements online offers convenience and greater choice but you need to be vigilant. The antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory actions of Dioscorea Villosa make it useful in treating … Dioscorea Villosa 30 Uses, Benefits – Dioscorea Villosa Homeopathic Remedy. Wild yam comes from the Dioscorea villosa, a twining perennial vine that grows across Asia and North and South America. Its rootstocks grow crooked and bear horizontal branches of long, creeping runners with thin reddish-brown stems that grow to a length of over 30 feet. Dioscorea villosa has been claimed to alleviate symptoms of menopause, but there is currently no evidence to support this effect. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Wild Yam. Dioscorea is a genus of over 600 species of flowering plants in the family Dioscoreaceae, native throughout the tropical and warm temperate regions of the world. Wild Yam can be very beneficial for nervousness, restlessness and other nervous conditions. The history of Wild Yam as a medicinal herb stretches back for hundreds of years. Removal of potassium from tuberous root vegetables by leaching. It is hardy to zone (UK) 6. Additionally, it was used for upset tummies and coughs. Get our free 5-day course on the essentials of supplementation. Dioscorea villosa is a PERENNIAL CLIMBER growing to 3 m (9ft 10in). As a remedy for many kinds of pain, especially colic, and in severe, painful affections of abdominal and pelvic viscera; it ranks with the polychrests of the Materia Medica. Knowing how to use or prepare herbs and what dosage to take is vital, to ensure safe and effective use. Homeopathic Medicine. In the 1950s, scientists discovered that the roots of wild yam -- not to be confused with the sweet potato yam -- contain diosgenin. Mental picture and specific indications: Wild yam is indicated for spasmodic, shooting, aching or shifting pain. Dioscorea Villosa Wild Yam, Dioscor, Dioscorea Dios. This page features 13 references. Join over 250,000 people who have learned about effective versus overrated supplements, tips for buying supplements, and how to combine supplements for safety and efficacy. Dioscorea Villosa is used for Colic pain, Menopausal symptoms and other conditions. Common Yam (Dioscorea Rotundata), Purple Yam (Dioscorea Alata), Has been linked to weak, but time and dose dependent, increases in liver and kidney fibrosis. Life Sciences 1996;59:L147-L157. Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) is a perennial vine that grows most often in woodlands and thickets. For this reason, chronic supplementation of Dioscorea villosa is not recommended. Aluka, Barbasco, Colic Root, China Root, Devil's-bones, Mexican Wild Yam, Rheumatism Root, Shan-yao, Wild Yam, Yuma. These usages are based upon the belief that the Chinese yam also helps to regulate the … Traditional Health Benefits of Wild Yam. Rhizome of Dioscorea Villosa, typical form. Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make the right decisions about your health. There are more than 600 varieties of wild yam, but only a dozen or so are considered edible. Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) is a versatile herb that might not win any beauty contests. DIOSCOREA VILLOSA Wild Yam. Dioscorea Villosa 30 Uses, Benefits – Dioscorea Villosa Homeopathic Remedy. Since more research is needed to determine whether Dioscorea villosa is safe for supplementation, it cannot currently be recommended. Evaluation of wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) root extract as a potential epigenetic agent in breast cancer cells. *The plant does contain a chemical called Diosgenin, which can be converted to Progesterone in the laboratory, but not in the human digestive system. Gall stone colic. Wild yam, or Dioscorea villosa has a long history of use as a women's herb and is indicated for various problems that a woman could face during her cycle. Both forms are used in wild yam extracts. The species is dioecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but only one sex is to be found on any one plant so both male and female plants must be grown if seed is required). Always take care when taking herbs and Read Our Disclaimer. Homeopathic Dioscorea Villosa indications, uses & symptoms from 12 cross linked materia medicas. Devil’s Bones. This is in the yam family, and the herb is sometimes simply referred to as We are 100% backed by science. CLASSIFICATION The Dioscoreaceae or Yam family, mainly consisting of tropical climbers, is distributed throughout the tropics and some temperate regions. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam) Root Extract is an extract of the rhizomes of the wild yam. (Ver artículos: Podocarpus) Debido a que la Dioscorea villosa, al igual que su especie, es útil contra los cólicos y los dolores viscerales es utilizada en la naturopatía, la cual es una terapia que trata sobre la naturaleza y tiene el poder necesario para brindarle al sanador los medios par… 03. Benefits Of Wild Yam (Dioscorea Villosa) For Health. What Are The Benefits of Wild Yam Capsules?. If undergoing medical therapies, then consult with your respective Therapist or Health Care Professional about possible interactions between your Treatment, any Pharmaceuticals or Drugs being given, and possible nutritional supplements or practices hosted on Available 2C-30C, 200C, 4X-30X, 30C, 200CH, 1M-10M It helps to regulate hormones of female sex and it is considered a useful homeopathic remedy for many of the symptoms related with menopause. Dioscorea villosa Wild Yam. You will be notified when any significant update is made. Colic Root. Dioscorea villosa may have effects similar to Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Pains which dart about or radiate to distant parts; The powder can be added to creams or vaginal ointments. research studies June 17 2015. Wild Yam Dioscorea Villosa, is nutrient dense herb support for Blood sugar regulation, May Help Rheumatoid arthritis, High Cholesterol, Cramps and muscular pain Trending Traditional uses and benefits of Fernleaf Biscuitroot Lower doses have not been confirmed to be safe. Also known to have a therapeutic action on overall liver health, it is believed that wild yam root's ability to lower blood cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure indirectly helps the liver by increasing its efficiency and reducing stress. Dioscorea villosa is claimed to alleviate symptoms of menopause because the molecular structures of the yam are similar to many steroid-like compounds. for this page. It has heart-shaped leaves and produces small, green-yellow flowers. Fenugreek seeds also contain a fair amount of Disogenin. and its Editors do not ensure that unforeseen side effects will not occur even at the proper dosages, and thereby does not assume liability for any side effects from supplements or practices hosted under the domain of Contact Us. Unfortunately, Dioscorea villosa extracts are associated with kidney and liver fibrosis, a condition characterized by excessive scar tissue. 2. Dioscorea villosa is one of the species of yam referred to as ‘wild yam’. HPUS indication of Dioscorea Villosa: Colic. Overall At-Risk Score: 41 Latin Name: Dioscorea villosa (L.); syn: Dioscorea villosa f. glabrifolia (Bartlett) ¹. This page features 13 references. Wild Yam Uses, Benefits & Dosage - Herbal Database Share. Gall stone colic. This is in the yam family, and the herb is sometimes simply referred to as Wild Yam's traditional use is for easing menstrual cramps. There are several herbs derived from species of Dioscorea used in Chinese herb formulas, though only two are used with some frequency. Mahajan On Nov 6, 2017. We have a strict editorial process. RFI Media Ltd | Please do not copy our content without permission | Website by Hallnet. View abstract. Diosgenin was identified by Japanese scientists in 1936 and paved the way for the synthesis of progesterone and other corticosteroid hormones such as cortisone. This page is regularly updated, to include the most recently available clinical trial evidence. It has heart-shaped leaves and produces small, green-yellow flowers. 100% natural organic Dioscorea Villosa Wild Yam root extract Powder with 10 to 1 Product Name Wild Yam Extract Botanic Name Dioscorea oppositae thunb Use Part Root Specification 10 to 1 Color White Test Method TLC applicantion pharmaceutical Shelf time 18 mouths 1.Increasing the hormones and regulating the body functions 2.Strengthening the kidney and to restrain seminal discharge … Menstrual cramps. Dioscorea villosa. By डॉ K.K. What is Wild Yam Used for? Please consult your physician or pharmacist or product package for this information. ) was used in the Dioscorea family alone, but there is currently evidence. Of limited-time sales dioscorea villosa benefits get valuable technical advice, and more tannins phytosterols! To dehydroepiandrosterone ( DHEA ) 'll keep you on top of the bowel take wild yam cream and capsules! 126Mg/Kg of bodyweight in humans ) are associated with fibrosis 9ft 10in ) so are considered.... 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