End-user needs. PLAN FOR DISSEMINATION, EPLOITATION AND COMMUNICATIONS 10 2.1. Version of template 01 F_PMG-06 Version of document & Date of issuance 2, 21/06/2004 Page 6 of 14 4. Evaluation in which you have to explain why or why not the project was a success. Sample Dissemination Approach Audience: State and local health department staff/health department administration. 1. A thoughtful dissemination plan allows you to move beyond the simple listing of events and products as your dissemination strategy. Dissemination Plan Template. Two examples of how we categorized our work was through presentations and written products. Dissemination Material and its Use The dissemination strategy will employ a mix of written and electronic means and above all personal interaction. How should you present data to make it most usable? This dissemination plan is constructed around three axes, all of which are linked together by our three central dissemination objectives. VERITE dissemination planning . We have just a couple of days ahead of us before the deadline. This plan should outline how you will engage with research users to deliver impact from your research. Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation. Dissemination Plan Template; Guide Background; Dissemination Plan Template What kinds of research findings do you want to share (data, videos, images, etc.)? This tool was developed to help researchers evaluate their research and develop appropriate dissemination plans, if the research is determined to have "real world" impact. Australia’s National Tobacco Campaign: Every cigarette is doing you damage. Is there specific language should you use to ensure your audience understands your purpose? This website is just a Network of organizations for international students and teachers and is not related in any way to the ERASMUS® trademark. Search. Rockville, MD: Agency f… This also helps fine-tuning your project if you realize that the activities are failing to bring the expected results. dissemination/diffusion plan to make clear that more than dissemination is now expected. Dissemination partners—Individuals, organizations or networks through whom you can reach end users? Dissemination activities are going to be performed during the whole project lifetime. This plan should outline how you will engage with research users to deliver impact from your research. End users—Who will apply it in practice? Dissemination Plan Examples The Community Voice: A Photovoice Project Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to Health and Health Care. Undergraduate examples; Taught Masters examples; Institute of Psychological Sciences. Developing a dissemination plan will facilitate the translation of your research into practice. Multiple opportunities motivated us to create this dissemination plan to manage the different products. Hello everyone. The H2020 programme calls for a Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation of Results to be included in each and every project to facilitate the transfer of knowledge outputs directly to the market. Go on and complete your section! What is the practice setting? Although the decision makers and researchers working together won’t know the results of the research until it’s completed, working through an initial dissemination plan can help your team focus the project and identify key audiences. Develop a dissemination plan for your research. First of all, its important to underline that the Erasmus+ programme has a renewed interest in dissemination. Include this in your application (or talk to your funding programme). extend the impact;. Another way to look at dissemination is that of which it derives from the Latin roots, the scattering of seeds. Global Research Dissemination and Utilization: Recommendations for Nurses and Nurse Educators. dissemination plan e.g. Based on these findings, an overall exploitation strategy for the project will be developed. Criteria for a dissemination plan (PDF, 47kB) Example of a good dissemination plan (Office document, 17kB) Example of a dissemination strategy (Office document, 25kB) Impact options for grant applications (REF) (PDF, 77kB) Guidance on costing dissemination activities (Office document, 20kB) For help with your dissemination activities, please … Dissemination strategy’s objectives. 1. Communication Work Package objectives and key ways they will be addressed To achieve the project’s cross-cutting objectives, Energy-SHIFTS has been designed according to a structured and detailed work plan. There are a number of ways in which you can share your findings, such as: 1. reports to the management of the agency or organisation, the funding body, staff and other stakeholders, including other practitioners and service providers, and to participants via face-to-face meetings or written, plain-language summaries of findings; 2. publication o… Best-practice examples of dissemination Identify your ‘best’ dissemination events which you feel are innovative or could provide a good example for other partners and projects, please write a specific description of this. . It is relevant throughout the project’s lifespan, from September 2015 (M1) to August 2017 (M36) and all project partners are involved throughout. DISSEMINATION PLAN CARE Common Approach for REfugees and other migrants’ health This Communication and Dissemination Plan is part of the project / joint action ‘717317 / CARE’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) 2 Dissemination Plan CARE-Common Approach for REfugees and other migrants’ health Document information Project: … The document is an important tool that different departments can use. Today, I want to give you some hints on how to complete the dissemination and evaluation of project’s results boxes. The following checklist developed by CDC may prove useful as you plan your dissemination and develop dissemination products. What funds will you need to deliver your planned dissemination activity? How should you present data to make it most usable? July 2015 Introduction ..... 1 1. engage stakeholders and target groups;. These dissertations achieved a mark of 80 or higher: An investigation into the relationship between early exposure and brand loyalty. Developing a dissemination plan is a key part of the collaborative research planning process. Your dissemination plan will include six major elements: Research findings and products—What is going to be disseminated? The main goal of disseminating research findings at the end of a project is to use them to inform decision making and ultimately improve health outcomes. share solutions and know how;. The results of our evaluation will be disseminated on the University's web site, which will contain a special page devoted to this NSF-sponsored project. Dissemination partners—Individuals, organizations or networks through whom you can reach end users? The network currently … The Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results in Horizon 2020 ..... 3 1.1 Characteristics and purpose ..... 3 2. Purpose of evaluation: Demonstrate impact of program on target populations’ knowledge and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Dissemination Plan Template. This resource outlines a series of steps to develop an effective knowledge dissemination plan. ĞÏࡱá > şÿ n p şÿÿÿ m ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿì¥Á 7 ğ¿ u3 bjbjUU "H 7| 7|. This Dissemination Plan must be read in conjunction with the project Exploitation Plan (Deliverable 13.1), the Quality Control Plan (D11.1), the Programme Plan (3.1) and the Curriculum Design Plan (D4.1). It may also have been specified as part of a funding or partnership agreement. This could be though and managed in cooperation with the hosting organizations. Two Dissemination Examples. Dissemination Plan, Dissemination tools and Partners involvement in the dissemination. The Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results in Horizon 2020. “It is fundamental that your dissemination plan is realistic and relevant to the size and scope of the project that you plan to deliver.” Keep in mind that dissemination is needed to: A DISSEMINATION PLAN MIGHT LOOK LIKE THE FOLLOWING (From UK NA): https://erasmusplus.org.uk/file/4248/download, This leads to Section I.3. Dissemination takes on the theory of the traditional view ... An example of this transmission of information is in fields of advertising, public announcements and speeches. Common methods of dissemination include: Publishing program or policy briefs Publishing project findings in national journals and statewide publications Is there specific language should you use to ensure your audience understands your purpose? JUST/2011/JPEN/AG2943. QuICN community nursing study – Funded by NIHR HS&DR . Therefore, the dissemination instruments of the “Communication and Dissemination Plan” will be directly related to the target groups and marketing phases. ( PDF version - 157.95 KB ) ( Microsoft Word version - 115 KB ). SOME OF THE MOST COMMON DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES: dedicated discussion opportunities such as information sessions, workshops, (online) seminars, training courses, exhibitions, demonstrations, or peer reviews; targeted written material such as reports, articles in specialised press, newsletters, press releases, leaflets or brochures; audiovisual media and products such as radio, TV, YouTube, Flickr, video clips, podcasts or apps; ---> DOWNLOAD THE OVERVIEW OF DISSEMINATION METHODS, ---> DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE FOR DISSEMINATION PLANNING, DO YOU WANT TO GIVE A LOOK TO A GREAT DISSEMINATION PLAN?...YOURS SHOUDN'T BE THAT LONG AND GREAT...BUT YOU CAN TAKE SOME INSPIRATION FROM IT! A communication plan example is sort of a roadmap for getting your message across. Dissemination is the act of spreading or sharing information to others. Australia’s National Tobacco Campaign: Every cigarette is doing you damage. When you spend time and effort in making the document, it will definitely make a huge impact. (2001). Include this in your application (or talk to your funding programme). The most effective dissemination outreach efforts are not designed in broad-brush fashion to equally reach any and all of your designated target audiences through a single training event or product. Dissemination is the act of spreading or sharing information to others. 2. This dissemination plan is constructed around three axes, all of which are linked together by our three central dissemination objectives. The case study below outlines the public health communication strategy behind Australia’s 1997 smoking cessation campaign, which reflects many of these stages. Dissemination plan Developing a dissemination plan will facilitate the translation of your research into practice. Will you need to place conditions or restrictions on the recipient? Hello everyone. Remember, if you are still looking for partners who can host your mobility programme, don't hesitate to look us up www.erasmusnet.org and then write us at info@erasmusnet.org. End users—Who will apply it in practice? The workshop was organized by an interdisciplinary team from psychology, educational psychology, and engineering education. The most effective dissemination outreach efforts are not designed in broad-brush fashion to equally reach any and all of your designated target audiences through a single training event or product. Aims and objectives. Sample Dissemination Approach Audience: State and local health department staff/health department administration. Research activities supported by public funding are rarely considered complete until the results have been made widely available. State of the art: Dissemination and utilization of nursing literature in practice. An example of a template that you can use to help prepare a dissemination plan is at Appendix 1. Roy C. (1999). For example, in 1984, Congress passed the Comprehensive Smoking Education Act. Taking the time to develop a comprehensive dissemination and exploitation plan will be advantageous for both the beneficiary and its partners. Box 1. When you spend time and effort in making the document, it will definitely make a huge impact. A thoughtful dissemination plan allows you to move beyond the simple listing of events and products as your dissemination strategy. Evaluation … The main advantages are that is has the potential to reach the non-attendees of public meetings including the carers and HIV/AIDS sufferers. Therefore, it’s not only about the IDEA, the PROBLEM, the ACTIVITIES you plan in order to solve the problem in the realm of your EU DEVELOPMENT PLAN, but it is also about how do you intend to share the outcomes of your project. As well as raising the profile of the organisation, dissemination and exploitation activities can often create new opportunities to extend the project and its results or develop new partnerships for the future. The H2020 programme calls for a Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation of Results to be included in each and every project to facilitate the transfer of knowledge outputs directly to the market. The Community Voice is an interdisciplinary photovoice project involving students and faculty from the VCU Departments of Health Administration, Art Education, and Social and Behavioral … By a construct we mean a concept or element in your theory, intervention, implementation strategy or hypothesized outcome(s). The dissemination plan is a framework document for project activities and results. Consider whether your dissemination plan would benefit from liaising with others, for example, NIHR Communications team, your institution’s press office, PPI members. As most of the core partners of ENERGISE are members of the SCORAI Europe network, they will also build on the dissemination, communication and exploitation opportunities provided by this organisation. Also, it will enhance your ability to attain the outcome you desire. The dissemination plan will need to be more detailed for those situations in which the recipient is either not the responsible party or will not carry out the ACT itself. Section A (Dissemination Plan) describes the dissemination measures and its content will be made available in the public domain thus demonstrating the added value and positive impact of the project on the European Union. These axes are: (a) a set of dissemination mechanisms, accompanied by a division of labour between partners; (b) the identification of institutions and groups which the dissemination strategy is primarily aiming to reach; (c) a timeline for progressive implementation of the mechanisms. The main goal of disseminating research findings at the end of a project is to use them to inform decision making and ultimately improve health outcomes. You might plan to have a. PRE-DEPARTURE EVALUATION: in which you try to assess the situation before the mobility experience; IN ITINERE EVALUATION: in which you assess what the mobility is triggering in your group of participants. This website is not related to the European Union and the European Commission either. Wider adoption of evidence-based, health promotion practices depends on developing and testing effective dissemination approaches. “It is fundamental that your dissemination plan is realistic and relevant to the size and scope of the project that you plan to deliver.” Keep in mind that dissemination is needed to: raise awareness;. (2008). intellectual property issues. Dissemination of research. The case study below outlines the public health communication strategy behind Australia’s 1997 smoking cessation campaign, which reflects many of these stages. Sample Dissemination Plan This project will serve as a pilot for other courses at the University of ____ and at other colleges and universities throughout the country. planned process of providing information on the results of programmes and initiatives to key actors This plan will be upgraded yearly by implementing the result portfolio as well as risk analysis. D7.1 Communication and Dissemination Plan 8 Examples from the Consortium’s support network and the Stakeholder Mapping chapter (3.1) of the present document. The document is an important tool that different departments can use. The central (and related) objectives of dissemination and (secondarily) of exploitation in r… Strategy. envelopment of the dissemination and communication plan is the essential aim with the project start. 1. Who is most likely to use this research? influence policy and practice;. Keywords Dissemination, Marketing Activities, Exploitation Plan . Develop a dissemination plan for your research. Dissemination information and examples. Creation and testing of the tool is described in Development of a Planning Tool to Guide Research Dissemination. We have just a couple of days ahead of us before the deadline. Dissemination Planning Tool Website A tool that can be used to frame the objectives for dissemination, which will guide the materials that need to be created and the method of dissemination. DISTRIBUTION LIST This Quality Assurance Plan will be distributed to the all the Project Partners: Integrated Business Institute (IBI) University of Pavia (UNIPV) University of Ljubljana – Faculty of administration (FA) Riga Technical University (RTU) The University College of Economics and Culture … Dissemination activities are going to be performed during the whole project lifetime. Siedlecki, S. L., Montague, M., & Schultz, J. Health Promotion Research Center Dissemination Case Study Examples; Framework Construct EnhanceFitness (EF) American Cancer Society (ACS)Workplace Solutions (WPS) Evidence-based practice: Older adult exercise program, involving aerobic activity and training to increase balance, flexibility, and strength, 3 times/wk. A logic model or diagram of the issues, activities and constructs involved in your implementation or dissemination project can really help with selecting the best D&I framework for your project. Purpose of evaluation: Demonstrate impact of program on target populations’ knowledge and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. These seeds are metaphors for voice or words: to spread voice, words, and opinion to an audience. Dissemination Material and its Use The dissemination strategy will employ a mix of written and electronic means and above all personal interaction. A dissemination plan is a strategy for disseminating research information and interventions to all of those who are interested in knowing the outcomes of a specific research area of study. Some of the examples below are only available to access on campus. D7.2 - of Dissemination Plan 43 Page 7 Executive summary This document is the deliverable ^D7.2 – Dissemination Plan of the European project SIMPATIO - SIMplifying the interaction with Public Administration Through Information technology for itizens and cOmpanies (hereinafter also referred to as SIMPATIO, project reference: 692819). To assist in developing these approaches, we created a practical framework drawn from the literature on dissemination and our experiences disseminating evidence-based practices. Plan Creating a Logic Model Figure (Roadmap) for Your Project . The workshop participants were similarly interdisciplinary; they included engineering faculty members, department heads and graduate students as well as experts in … --->. Dissemination of research findings is an important part of the research process, passing on the benefits to other researchers, professional practitioners and the wider community. Dissemination Plan Template; Guide Background; Dissemination Plan Template What kinds of research findings do you want to share (data, videos, images, etc.)? Section A (Dissemination Plan) describes the dissemination measures and its content will be made available in the public domain thus demonstrating the added value and positive impact of the project on the European Union. The main elements of our framework are 1) a close partnership between researchers and a disseminating organiz… Who is most likely to use this research? Title: HOW TO WRITE THE DISSEMINATION REPORT Author: Elisabetta Last modified by: Elisabetta Created Date: 12/22/2012 12:00:00 AM Company: … Package of 15 evidence-based … End-user needs. 5 2. Developing a dissemination plan is a key part of the collaborative research planning process. The aim of scientific research projects is to add new knowledge to a particular field and the dissemination plan is necessary to meet this objective. Does your research contain sensitive or protected data? The aim of scientific research projects is to add new knowledge to a particular field and the dissemination plan is necessary to meet this objective. Your dissemination plan will include six major elements: Research findings and products—What is going to be disseminated? VERITE dissemination planning . Ideally, a dissemination strategy will have been designed as part of the overall evaluation plan. VCU Health Administration. ---> LOOK UP. An example of a template that you can use to help prepare a dissemination plan is at Appendix 1. DISSEMINATION PLAN CARE Common Approach for REfugees and other migrants’ health This Communication and Dissemination Plan is part of the project / joint action ‘717317 / CARE’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) 2 Dissemination Plan CARE-Common Approach for REfugees and other migrants’ health Document information Project: CARE … develop a dissemination plan that explains how the outcomes of the project will be shared with stakeholders, relevant institutions, organizations, and individuals. The workshop was organized by an interdisciplinary team from psychology, educational psychology, and engineering education. Today, I want to give you some hints on how to complete the, First of all, its important to underline that the Erasmus+ programme has a renewed interest in, “It is fundamental that your dissemination plan is, ?...YOURS SHOUDN'T BE THAT LONG AND GREAT...BUT YOU CAN TAKE SOME INSPIRATION FROM IT! In order to respect national and regional specifics exploitation measures at partner level will be considered. What funds will you need to deliver your planned dissemination activity? Although the decision makers and researchers working together won’t know the results of the research until it’s completed, working through an initial dissemination plan can help your team focus the project and identify key audiences. Biological Research for Nursing, 1(2), 147‐155. A dissemination plan is a strategy for disseminating research information and interventions to all of those who are interested in knowing the outcomes of a specific research area of study. This case study outlines the dissemination and engagement plan in an application to the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) programme, with the text in red indicating the key features that help make this plan … A good dissemination plan will share the concrete results of the project; not just inform people that the project has taken place. dissemination/diffusion plan to make clear that more than dissemination is now expected. The Communication & Dissemination Plan of PP 7 - INCDMTM aims to promote the scope and objectives of the project which is to focus on the implementation of improved policy tools and understanding of integrated river basin management, including economic development so as to promote the accelerated implementation of the Water Framework Development and the European Landscape … Which parts of your research are you allowing your recipient to use for … This case study outlines the dissemination and engagement plan in an application to the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) programme, with the text in red indicating the key features that help make this plan effective. Additionally, the tool helps the user allocate resources to achieve the dissemination objectives. Information dissemination is a very low level of participation with only one-way communication however it has a role in awareness raising and can support other participatory tools as it does in the case study. Example of good dissemination plans in grant applications. FINAL EVALUATION: in which can give a complete picture of what has been the line of improvement that your project has brought forth. Your dissemination plan will include six major elements: Research findings and products—What is going to be disseminated?. Which parts of your research are you allowing your recipient to use for … Patricia Carcaise-Edinboro, PhD. Contact your funding programme for advice. A communication plan example is sort of a roadmap for getting your message across. Nursing and Health Care Perspectives, 22(3), 124‐129. Examples of approaches to knowledge dissemination Knowledge brokers. For example, suppose an institution holds an investigational new drug (IND) approval and plans to subcontract qualified investigators to … Also, it will enhance your ability to attain the outcome you desire. Once the dissemination objective and the audience are identified, there are a variety of ways to share the developed content. develop new partnerships. Your plan should include discussion about the following: Audience. Will you need to place conditions or restrictions on the recipient? You might even consider adding a category for social media, if that is part of your dissemination plan. The following checklist developed by CDC may prove useful as you plan your dissemination and develop dissemination products. This resource outlines a series of steps to develop an effective knowledge dissemination plan. Version of template 01 F_PMG-06 Version of document & Date of issuance 2, 21/06/2004 Page 6 of 14 4. What is the practice setting? Page 3 of 37 D9.2.1 Dissemination Report Executive Summary This report presents the dissemination activities of the first year of the OpenScienceLink project, as well as the objectives of the commercial exploitation of the platform. ERASMUS® is a registered trademark owned by the European Union and represented by the European Commission. For example, in 1984, Congress passed the Comprehensive Smoking Education Act. Examples of approaches to knowledge dissemination Knowledge brokers. Consider whether your dissemination plan would benefit from liaising with others, for example, NIHR Communications team, your institution’s press office, PPI members. Your plan should include discussion about the following: Audience. Does your research contain sensitive or protected data?