• Supports dissemination of evidence-based strategies to improve health • Research conducted at UW-Madison or Marshfield • Supports activities such as: • Targeted distribution of research findings , products or materials to a specific audience • Development of materials in preparation for dissemination and/or implementation activities The sources of knowledge varied across studies with some studies including multiple sources of social policy information. Our search was limited to studies in the United States between 1980 and 2019. There are … We integrated themes from the studies into the Model (see Fig. The evidence does not speak for itself: The role of research evidence in shaping policy change for the implementation of publicly funded syringe exchange programs in three US cities. Syst Rev. This guide applies to dissemination of traditional and non-traditional research outputs (e.g. Findings from this work suggest that dissemination is most effective when it starts early, galvanizes support, uses champions and brokers, considers contextual factors, is timely, relevant, and accessible, and knows the players and process. The first cultivated researchers’ capacity to accelerate the translation of research evidence into useable knowledge for policymakers through a rapid response researcher network [32]. transfer of effective programs into practice takes place. Finally, the dearth of mixed-methods studies that systematically evaluate the impact of research evidence on domestic social policy (this review identified only 3) presents an opportunity for future work in this field to integrate quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Global Research Dissemination and Utilization: Recommendations for Nurses and Nurse Educators. Article processing charges for this article were fully paid by the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh. Garcia AR, Kim M, Palinkas LA, Snowden L, Landsverk J. Socio-contextual determinants of research evidence use in public-youth systems of care. Studies which focused on the legislative branch examined legislators (n = 12) [27, 32, 36, 38, 44,45,46,47, 50, 52, 53, 58] and staff (n = 3) [32, 34, 36]. 2015;4:1. Our findings also highlight several unique elements of the US policy landscape, wherein significant power is reserved from the federal-level and afforded to state-level government. The peer-reviewed and grey literature was systematically reviewed to understand common strategies for disseminating social policy research to policymakers in the United States. 2014;11:377–87. National Institute for Health Research. Environ Health Perspect. It is argued that dissemination needs to be carefully considered at the design stage of research projects in relation to each of these elements. Presentation Opportunities at WSU . We describe common mixed methods … Campbell DM, Redman S, Rychentnik L, Cooke M, Zwi AB, Jorm L. Increasing the use of evidence in health policy: practice and views of policy makers and researchers. The Model for Dissemination of Research provides a framework through which to synthesize lessons learned from research to date on the process of translating research to US policymakers. Additionally, the agencies that fund CER/PCOR (i.e. Adm Policy Ment Health Ment Health Serv Res. Effective dissemination can also be useful in fostering collaboration between potential partners, which is crucial to a successful rural aging in place program. 2017 Jul 28;12(1):97. doi: 10.1186/s13012-017-0628-2. 2000;19:236–40. 2018 Apr 1;39:27-53. doi: 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-040617-014746. Six of included studies (about 22%) examined multiple levels of government and did not separate results based on specific levels of government [27,28,29,30,31, 53]. Methods for dissemination have mainly focused on oral presentations, traditional publication routes, and poster sessions. Cambridge: Polity; 2012. Implementation Sci 15, 89 (2020). Powell BJ, Waltz TJ, Chinman MJ, Damschroder LJ, Smith JL, Matthieu MM, et al. Uses of population health rankings in local policy contexts: A multisite case study. Studies remaining after abstract screening moved to full text review. Effective dissemination of comparative effectiveness research findings to practicing clinicians can allow the health system to take advantage of this opportunity. ‘Research is of no use unless it gets to the people who need to use it’ Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department of Health 2020 [cited 2020 Aug 31]. institutions should encourage the widest possible dissemination of research, through the most effective modes, and at the earliest opportunity. J Public Health Manag Pract JPHMP. 3.Program Development – methods. From research to practice: dissemination of the Contraceptive CHOICE Project. Dissemination of research findings or other key messages is increasingly acknowledged as a vital yet complex process. The majority of studies employed qualitative research methods (e.g., interviews, case studies, focus groups) to evaluate the impact of scientific research on domestic social policy. Getting the word out: disseminating scholarly work in the technology age. Fam Foster Care Century. Zelizer A. Available from: https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2190685. Both traditional (n = 6) [31, 33, 47, 52,53,54] and social media (n = 2) [47, 53] were examined as channels to disseminate research to policymakers. Sparse knowledge exists regarding effective approaches for dissemination of research-tested interventions among ‘real-world’ practice audiences. Three studies examined broadly defined policymakers [33, 54, 56] and generalized staff [54] without indication for specific branch of government. For example, in a synthesis of 41 systematic reviews, Grimshaw and colleagues16 reported that active, multifaceted approaches were most effective. RCB is supported by the National Cancer Institute (P50CA244431) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U48DP006395). Fourth, many studies examined multiple channels or strategies for how research influences policy, so the parsing of singular strategies (e.g., policy brief, in-person meeting) as an effective approach should be interpreted with caution. Not surprisingly, the age of the policymaker also played a role in the choice to access electronic or printed material, with younger policymakers much more likely to read electronic copy than were their older peers [58]. Edwards C. Complexity in State Government. Burstein P. The impact of public opinion on public policy: a review and an agenda. Health Res Policy Syst. Rural programs also disseminate by presenting findings to different organizations and sharing materials. Making an audience aware of new and relevant information is termed “dissemination” which literally means “to scatter, or sow”. 2020 [cited 2020 Sep 4]. The open publication and dissemination of research improves researchers’ capacity to build on previous results, increases innovation, encourages collaboration, improves community engagement, and ensures that the benefits of research are realised. 2020 [cited 2020 Aug 26]. This systematic review aims to synthesize existing evidence about how research has been used to influence social policy and is guided by the following research questions: What are common strategies for using research to influence social policy in the United States? Broughton HO, Buckel CM, Omvig KJ, Mullersman JL, Peipert JF, Secura GM. BMC Health Serv Res. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Review methods: We used standard Evidence-based Practice Center methods of dual review of abstracts, full-text articles, and abstractions, and quality ratings and group consensus to resolve disagreements. 2015;30:840–8. Theoretical frameworks offer a necessary foundation to identify and assess strategies for disseminating research to policymakers. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2008;14:150–4. Policy Stud. The data abstraction form was developed by the principal investigator (LEA) based on previous research [25, 26] and with feedback from co-authors. The source includes researchers who generate evidence. McBride T, Coburn A, MacKinney C, Mueller K, Slifkin R, Wakefield M. Bridging health research and policy: effective dissemination strategies. This document walks the user through the process of creating a strategy to get information to the people who need it, offering simple tips for effectual practice. 2011;39:373–400. Jacobs LA, Ashcraft LE, Sewall CJR, Folb BL, Mair C. Ecologies of juvenile reoffending: a systematic review of risk factors. The influence of lobbying in the United States also differs from other western countries. This resource outlines a series of steps to develop an effective knowledge dissemination plan. Multiple studies offered specific recommendations for message framing, suggesting that the packaging of information is as critical as the information itself [27]. California Privacy Statement, 2017;12:1–13. Parent empowerment in pediatric healthcare settings: A systematic review of observational studies. While there may be fewer decision-makers for each issue on the state level, policymaking is further complicated by the extensive rules and reporting requirements attached to state use of federal funding as well as competing priorities or needs at the local level within each state [83, 84]. For some policymakers, the needs and interests of local constituents will drive the use of research and the specifics of the policy agenda; for others, discussions that integrate research evidence into the broader sociopolitical context will be more effective [45]. IRs are a little researched approach to dissemination for nursing research that could prove to be effective in circulating research in a more timely and less formal way. 1. Am J Public Health. Cambridge; 1950. What Works Evid-Inf Policy Pract. Dissemination of research findings is frequently tailored to specific settings or subsets of the population, which further stresses the need to design for such a process during the conceptual phase of a study in order to successfully reach the targeted destination [ 7, 13 ]. Further, 303 full text articles were reviewed with 276 excluded as they did not meet inclusion criteria. 2014;42:17–25. As with all research endeavors, timeliness and relevance are paramount. staff) is important. Third, we were unable to assess the risk of bias for individual studies as current standards note difficulties in assessing quality and bias in qualitative research [88]. In a recent literature review on the impact of research, WALTER et al. An international perspective on research. One significant challenge to increasing the rigor in dissemination research studies is the difficulty in choosing and then measuring an outcome. Mitton C, Adair CE, Mckenzie E, Patten SB, Perry BW. Traditional research outputs like research articles and books can be complemented with innovative dissemination to boost impact; for example, by preparing accompanying nonspecialist summaries, press releases, blog posts, and visual/video abstracts to better reach your target audiences. Research findings have contributed to many advances in medicine and public health initiatives. Terms and Conditions, The populated conceptual model builds on the Model for Dissemination of Research by organizing findings from the current systematic review to build an understanding of how research is disseminated to policymakers in the United States. Studies were excluded if they were not in English or occurred outside of the United States. Common sources of research dissemination included government, academic researchers, the peer reviewed literature, and independent organizations. Available from: https://www.nihr.ac.uk/explore-nihr/funding-programmes/policy-research.htm. 2015;2015:179156. doi: 10.1155/2015/179156. 2018;14:459–76. Dissemination of health-related research among scientists in three countries: access to resources and current practices. The authors declare they have no conflicting interests. Another resource is the EPPI-Centre at University College London, which provides policymakers support for finding and using research to inform policy decisions through its Research Advisory Service. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. 2015;26:688–95. This paper concludes that the current commitment to research and evidence-based practice will have limited impact on patient care until a similar commitment to dissemination is evident at both corporate and individual levels. PLoS One. Med Care Res Rev. Purtle et al. Hopkins M, Wiley KE, Penuel WR, Farrell CC. We used the Model for Dissemination of Research, as defined above, to see if and how the studies describe and test the channels of dissemination. 2008 Aug;31(4):381-90. doi: 10.1002/nur.20267. 2008 Feb;21(1):1. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2007.10.001. Many policymakers may be interested in accessing and using research but uncertain who or how to make connections in the academic or research community [27]. Kotler P, Zaltman G. Social marketing: an approach to planned social change. Dissemination Planning To ensure that the project results will be used, research projects must develop a dissemination plan that explains how the outcomes of the McGinty EE, Siddiqi S, Linden S, Horwitz J, Frattaroli S. Improving the use of evidence in public health policy development, enactment and implementation: a multiple-case study. The channel is how the message gets from the source to the audience [15]. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network; 2017 Mar. Often, however, improved health care practices and more effective prevention efforts based on new research knowledge are delayed by incomplete communication of research results. Another dissemination influence may include geographic proximity; for example, geographical proximity may increase the likelihood of university-industry partnerships [85]. A recent review of health policy implementation measurement found that validated quantitative measures are underutilized and recommends further development and testing of such measures [89]. For example, the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (formerly the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation), funded by the Canadian federal government, brings together researchers and policymakers early and throughout the research development process to discuss, prioritize, and evaluate opportunities for research and dissemination [79]. Sorian R, Baugh T. Power of information: closing the gap between research and policy. Second, we provide a rationale for focusing on US studies and that our findings may not be generalizable to other countries. Health Educ Res. 2001;13. Originally published by Brownson et al. Translating disparities research to policy: a qualitative study of state mental health policymakers’ perceptions of mental health care disparities report cards. Dissemination of research findings or other key messages is increasingly acknowledged as a vital yet complex process. original creative works, performances and exhibitions) and non-refereed publications (e.g. In this paper, Philip Scullion sets out to explore and disentangle some of these complexities, examine examples of successful dissemination strategies and provide valuable insights. Disseminationis a planned process that involves consideration of target audiences and the settings in which research findings are to be received and, where appropriate, communicating and interacting with wider policy and health service audiences in ways that will facilitate research uptake in decision‐making processes and practice. 2017 Mar;7(1):128-136. doi: 10.1007/s13142-016-0404-x. Presenting program results to local community groups and other local stakeholders. NIH For example, some states have full-time legislatures while other states have part-time legislatures. 2020;66:101638. Psychol Serv. McGinty B, Siddiqi S, Linden S. Academic research-policy translation strategies to improve the use of evidence in health policy development, enactment and implementation: a 3-part embedded case study. II.UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Brownson RC, Hartge P, Samet JM, Ness RB. Available from: https://www.urban.org/policy-centers/cross-center-initiatives/state-and-local-finance-initiative/state-and-local-backgrounders/state-and-local-expenditures. Lomas J. Privacy Roy C. (1999). Weiss CH, Murphy-Graham E, Petrosino A, Gandhi AG. The systems model accounts for influence of the environment on a process and accounts for the complexity of the system [18]. Often, however, improved health care practices and more effective ... additional considerations for an effective dissemination plan. Research has the potential to influence US social policy; however, existing research in this area lacks a coherent message. Allen ST, Ruiz MS, O’Rourke A. Child Welfare. 2008;29:29–47. PubMed Google Scholar. Dean H. Social Policy. Researcher-policymaker partnerships: Strategies for launching and sustaining successful collaborations: Routledge; 2017. Data-driven child welfare policy and practice in the next century. Research may also play a role in shaping policy and has the potential to add objectivity and evidence to these other forces [1, 2, 68]. Kapp JM, Hensel B, Schnoring KT. Hopkins et al. Communicating prevention messages to policy makers: the role of stories in promoting physical activity. Robinson P. Theorizing the influence of media on world politics: models of media influence on foreign policy. Available from: /handbook. State education agencies’ acquisition and use of research knowledge for school improvement. 2020 [cited 2020 Aug 25]. Health Aff (Millwood). J Mark. 16 Additional research also supports this conclusion. IMPROVING YOUR DIGITAL PRESENCE AS A RESEARCHER Presented by: John R. Turner, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, University of North Texas College of Information, Dept. PubMed Central  State Legislators’ Support for Behavioral Health Parity Laws: The Influence of Mutable and Fixed Factors at Multiple Levels. Engaging policymakers early as contributing members of the research team, maintaining communication during the research process, and presenting relevant findings in a clear, concise manner may empower both researchers and policymakers to further apply scientific evidence to improve social policy in the United States. 2006;13(4):66-74. doi: 10.7748/nr2006. Bumbarger B, Campbell E. A state agency-university partnership for translational research and the dissemination of evidence-based prevention and intervention. Common methods of dissemination include: Publishing program or policy briefs. Is Twitter a forum for disseminating research to health policy makers? PCORI, AHRQ, etc.) Epub 2017 Nov 20. 2015;4:79–88. The most frequently disseminated research topics were health-related, and legislators and executive branch administrators were the most common target audience. Research Advisory Service. Economic power and political influence: the impact of industry structure on public policy. This gap may indicate a space to use frameworks such as the Model for Dissemination of Research to guide future research. Mixed methods techniques offer approaches for assessing and addressing processes affecting implementation of evidence-based interventions. The second implementation study reported on a field experiment in which state legislators randomly received relevant research about pending policy proposals [44]. Clin Nurs Res. Austin SB, Yu K, Tran A, Mayer B. Research-to-policy translation for prevention of disordered weight and shape control behaviors: a case example targeting dietary supplements sold for weight loss and muscle building. Our study adds to what we already know about policymakers’ desire for research evidence and their varying preferences as to the context and form of that knowledge [2, 72, 74] and supports existing efforts to bridge the gap between researchers and policymakers. First, we attempted to cast a wide net when searching for studies which examined the influence of research on social policy by including a broad search of the peer-reviewed literature, think tanks, and content experts. The search of the literature resulted in 5675 articles and 137 articles recommended by content experts for review with 5225 titles and abstracts screened after duplicates removed. 1999;78:15–30. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Google Scholar. 2016;11. Health Aff (Millwood). Key findings are drawn from multiple disciplines and suggest that lessons learned may cut across both research topics and levels of government. J Health Serv Res Policy. Marshall TH. Theoretical Foundations and Frameworks. Our review of the literature also identified nine quantitative and mixed-methods studies [31, 32, 38, 39, 42,43,44, 49, 58]. Nurse Res. Purtle J, Dodson EA, Nelson K, Meisel ZF, Brownson RC. 1983;38:85–90. Policymakers are as much experts in their arena as researchers are in their academic fields. Overall, theatre is a powerful creative method of research dissemination. II.UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-020-01046-3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-020-01046-3. 2018;43:595–618. Google Scholar. [56] suggest that in polarized contexts involving strong ideological beliefs, research may add legitimacy to a particular viewpoint, though as with brokers, that research is likely to be carefully curated to support the desired message. Presenting at national conferences and meetings of professional associations. It is imperative for researchers to critically assess when and how to disseminate research findings to policymakers, keeping in mind that promoting a specific policy agenda may result in a perceived or real loss of objectivity [91]. 2010;7:S99–107. Purtle J, Lê-Scherban F, Shattuck P, Proctor EK, Brownson RC. We examined dissemination based on geographic regions and/or political boundaries (i.e., regions or states). We took a three-pronged approach to develop a comprehensive understanding of existing knowledge in this area. Eat Behav. 2017;17:223–4. Brownson, R. C., Chriqui, J. F., and Stamatakis, K. A. 2009;58:229–43. Significant international research exists on barriers and facilitators to the dissemination and use of research evidence by policymakers [4, 5]. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. A conceptual model for dissemination of research to policymakers. Print materials and personal communication were the most common channels for disseminating research to policymakers. Urban Inst. Champaign: University of Illinois Press; 1963. Raw search results, citations, and abstracts available upon request. For example, we would not include a research study that only describes different types of policy briefs, without also evaluating how the briefs are used by policymakers to inform policy decisions. The remaining studies covered the topics of education (n = 4) [39, 43, 53, 54], guns [56], veterans [44], and general social research (n = 3) [31, 32, 48]. 2018;19:260–70. Our findings provide leads on how to more effectively to engage with policymakers, leading to a greater likelihood of translating research evidence into policy action. 2012;43:S143–8. The overview has two specific research questions: (1) to determine the most effective strategies that have been used to disseminate knowledge to healthcare recipients, and (2) to determine the barriers (and facilitators) to dissemination of knowledge to this group. However, there is lack of clarity between funding agencies as to what represents dissemination. 2001;3:22–48. Co; 1969. Shannon CE. The Model for Dissemination of Research provides a framework through which to synthesize lessons learned from research to date on the process of translating research to US policymakers. 2019;34:129–44. Quantitative measures of health policy implementation determinants and outcomes: a systematic review. McVay AB, Stamatakis KA, Jacobs JA, Tabak RG, Brownson RC. Springer Nature. Ashcraft LE, Asato M, Houtrow AJ, Kavalieratos D, Miller E, Ray KN. Legis Stud Q. Valentine A, DeAngelo D, Alegria M, Cook BL. Researchers examined in-person meetings and communications as a channel to disseminate research (n = 9) [30, 32, 33, 39, 44, 48, 53, 56, 57]. Getting the Word Out: New Approaches for Disseminating Public Health Science. Research that is presented in commonly used, accessible formats (e.g., briefs, factsheets, videos) [48] may also be more effective, though one study found that use of these formats was dependent on job type, with legislators and staffers preferring different formats [58]. The results of this systematic review are synthesized in a preliminary conceptual model (organized around the Model for Dissemination of Research) with the goal of improving dissemination strategies for the translation of scientific research to policymakers and guiding future research in this area. Effective, multi-level leadership and management was a hallmark of successful innovation and dissemination projects. 4.Translational Medical Research 5.Teaching Materials I.World Health Organization. We want to ensure that the research we fund has the maximum benefit for patients, the public and the NHS. Considering the multiple pathways through which research evidence is used in policy, from providing direct evidence of a program’s effectiveness to informing or orienting policy makers about relevant issues [23], these shared lessons around barriers and facilitators may better inform researchers, policymakers, and staff as to best practices for future communication and collaboration. Evidence-based policymaking: Insights from policy-minded researchers and research-minded policymakers: Routledge; 2011. As exemplified by Friese and Bogenschneider [27], these forums continue to be perceived as objective, relevant, and useful by policymakers and have succeeded at bringing attention to social policy [86]. Many of the studies included in this review are either case studies or descriptive, making it difficult to determine what, if any, impact the given research had on policy. Report No. Jabbar H, Goel La Londe P, Debray E, Scott J, Lubienski C. How Policymakers Define ‘Evidence’: The Politics of Research Use in New Orleans. In other words, we need to find ways to get effective practices used (or implemented) outside of research studies. However, these results are limited by small sample sizes and limited evidence about effectiveness. Health Educ Res. PubMed  2009;19:519–30. The full text of each study was considered for inclusion (LEA and DAQ) with conflicts resolved by consensus. Res Soc Work Pract. 2012;7:2. However, the typical timeline for academic research (years) is often too long for policymakers whose window for championing a policy action is much shorter (weeks or months) [27, 52]. Dissemination and implementation are often described together; not surprisingly, is overlap in effective strategies for each. While models for infrastructure and dissemination interventions may be shared across policy contexts, it may be difficult to directly compare dissemination strategies in one country with dissemination strategies in another country. Roughly half of studies were atheoretical (n = 13). Findings from this study suggest that having relevant research information increases policymakers’ co-sponsorship of proposals by 60% and highlights the importance of research access in the policy process [44]. [43] examined more broadly the origins of research evidence use in three SEAs. Dissemination of Rural Health Research: A Toolkit. The effectiveness of nonpartisan policy research organizations. Wolton S. Lobbying, Inside and Out: How special interest groups influence policy choices. Hennink M, Stephenson R. Using research to inform health policy: barriers and strategies in developing countries. Bell Syst Tech J. Researchers and policymakers in Canada have sought to bridge the research-to-policy gap. volume 15, Article number: 89 (2020) Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. 2015;349:g7647. 2001;16:523–44. Publishing project findings in national journals and statewide publications. First, we searched the peer reviewed literature using the following databases: Academic Search Premier, PolicyFile, SocINDEX, Social Work Abstracts, and Web of Science. Google Scholar. Health policy-makers’ perceptions of their use of evidence: a systematic review. 2003;56:29–40. Library of Congress. Of those articles, 4922 were excluded due to not meeting inclusion criteria. Another common channel was in-person communications such as one-on-one meetings [44] and presentations to stakeholders [51]. A new spin on research translation: the Boston Consensus Conference on Human Biomonitoring. 2010;6:145–59. Shanahan EA, McBeth MK, Hathaway PL. The following points are useful in developing and practising good communications: The motivation of the target audience (e.g. The methods of research dissemination to clinicians described in this article are presumed to be effective because of anecdotal reports, conference evaluations, or clinician surveys. We also excluded non-research sources, such as editorials, opinion pieces, and narrative stories that contain descriptions of dissemination strategies without systematic evaluation. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 4.Translational Medical Research 5.Teaching Materials I.World Health Organization. However, the method applied should be effective. Many of the barriers and facilitators to research dissemination that we identified in this review mirror those cited by policymakers as barriers and facilitators to evidence use; this overlap reasonably suggests that efforts to expand research dissemination may improve the other. Mosley JE, Courtney ME. the barriers to dissemination and lead to greater utilization of the most effective dissemination strategies in future research projects. Implement Sci. In recent years, social scientists have sought to understand how research may influence policy [1, 2]. In this paper, Philip Scullion sets out to explore and disentangle some of these complexities, examine examples of successful dissemination strategies and provide valuable insights. Health Aff (Millwood). Coffman JM, Hong M-K, Aubry WM, Luft HS, Yelin E. Translating medical effectiveness research into policy: lessons from the California health benefits review program. State legislators’ sources and use of information: bridging the gap between research and policy. [55] concur, reporting that some county health officials were wary of the potential to spin research findings to make a case for certain programs over others and noted the need to avoid the challenge of distorting evidence. Jamieson M, Bodonyi JM. One study explored the usefulness of electronic vs. printed research material and again found differences by type of policymaker—legislators were more likely to read hard copy printed material, while staffers gave higher ratings to online content. University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work, 2117 Cathedral of Learning, 4200 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15260, USA, Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion (CHERP), VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, University Drive C, Building 30, Pittsburgh, PA, 15240, USA, Prevention Research Center, Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis, One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1196, St. Louis, MO, 63130, USA, Department of Surgery, Division of Public Health Sciences, and Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, Saint Louis, MO, 63110, USA, You can also search for this author in This shift creates an opportunity to optimize the content of print materials to disseminate in new mediums; it also offers a chance for authors to improve the accessibility of their work for broader audiences (e.g., via more visual presentation formats) [15, 69,70,71]. 2012;39:268–77. The influence of the mass media on health policy. 15, 16 Third, the dissemination of research to nonscientists is enhanced when messages are framed in ways that evoke emotion and interest and demonstrate usefulness. Rogers EM. A review of policy dissemination and implementation research funded by the National Institutes of Health, 2007-2014. At the federal level, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) provides non-partisan research support to legislators in multiple formats including reports on major policy issues, expert testimony, and responses to individual inquiries; the Domestic Social Policy Division offers Congress interdisciplinary research and analysis on social policy issues [82]. Brim OG Jr, Dustan J, Brim OG Jr. Translating research into policy for children: the private foundation experience. & Brownson, R.C. in Journal of public health management and practice in 2018. Owen JW, Larson AM. Change for Research Dissemination in the AOD Field All reports can be downloaded from the NCETA website www.nceta.flinders.edu.au or hard copies are available on request. Biomed Res Int. … Effective dissemination strategies Nurse Res. Corresponding strategies for effective dissemination to policymakers included starting early, drumming-up support, using champions and brokers, understanding the context, ensuring timeliness, relevance, and accessibility of research products, and knowing the players and the process. PubMed  consider giving Political party - Two-party systems. Existing systematic reviews and dissemination research show that passive dissemination strategies are not as effective as active strategies. 2019;14:12. A study on state policymakers’ perceptions of comparative effectiveness research (CER) found that the most useful research is that which is consistent and specific to the needs of the policymakers [42]. Purtle J, Lê-Scherban F, Wang XI, Shattuck PT, Proctor EK, Brownson RC. The importance of robust scholarly research for quality, safe, effective and efficient care of patients and their families is well established (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2009).Although research evidence is being produced at an increasing rate, change in clinical practice to reflect this evidence has lagged behind (Kitson 2008, Benner et al. Legislators’ sources of behavioral Health research and preferences for dissemination: variations by political party. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. Infrastructure differences may also represent important differences between the US social policy context and that of other developed nations. We describe common mixed methods approaches … 3. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not reflect those of the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the National Institutes of Health. Innvær S, Vist G, Trommald M, Oxman A. 2002;21:264–73. Nursing and Health Care Perspectives, 22(3), 124‐129. Opportunities for Dissemination. Weaver W, Shannon CE. 2009;6. Available from: https://www.loc.gov/crsinfo/about/. Narrative policy framework: the influence of media policy narratives on public opinion. 2. By using this website, you agree to our Langer L, Tripney J, Gough DA. Effective dissemination is characterized by positive engagement of the targeted audience, which enhances awareness, understanding and motivation to implement in the workplace. Am J Eval. 2019 [cited 2020 Aug 4]. The current study synthesizes existing knowledge to understand dissemination strategies of social policy research to policymakers in the United States. Weissman JS, Westrich K, Hargraves JL, Pearson SD, Dubois R, Emond S, et al. How Responsive Are Legislators to Policy Information? A mathematical theory of communication. Fifth, the majority of studies did not use any theory or framework as a foundation or guide for exploration. This system creates major variation across the country in both policy decisions and in resource availability for social policy implementation. Bogenschneider K, Corbett TJ. Patient Patient Centered Outcomes Res. Many channels exist to disseminate evidence to policymakers, with the most common being print materials (i.e., reports and policy briefs). Peabody J Educ. 2011;6:e21704. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Nelson SR, Leffler JC, Hansen BA. Transl Behav Med. Review methodology: LEA, DAQ, RCB; eligibility criteria: LEA, DAQ, RCB; search strings and terms: LEA, DAQ; abstract screening: LEA, DAQ; full text screening: LEA, DAQ; pilot extraction: LEA, DAQ; data extraction: LEA, DAQ; data aggregation: LEA, DAQ; writing: LEA, DAQ; editing: LEA, DAQ, RCB. About CRS - congressional research service (Library of Congress). The most frequently referenced channel for dissemination to policymakers was print materials, with personal communication (including both in-person and electronic meetings and individual communications) a close second. The source, message, medium and target groups, all key elements in the dissemination process, are then examined. Interdisciplinary collaboration is a common practice in scientific research [92]. Additional investigation is needed to explore and test causal pathways in how these channels can best influence social policy. The message includes relevant information sent by the source on a policy topic. Included studies focused on the executive and legislative branches with no studies examining the judicial branch. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement. Mahoney C. Why lobbying in America is different [Internet]. Implement Sci IS. 2013;13:537–58. Conclusions: Effective dissemination of research to US policymakers exists; yet, rigorous quantitative evaluation is rare. The qualitative studies mostly employed interviews (n = 10), while others used case studies (n = 6) or focus groups (n = 3). Jamieson M, Bodonyi JM. While the scientific evidence base for many sports and exercise medicine and sports physical therapy interventions is robust, real-world implementation and evolution to scale remains an ongoing challenge. This finding is surprising in our current digital age, as print materials are necessarily time-bound and rapidly evolving technology has created more channels (e.g., social media, videos) which may be preferred by policymakers. Alternatively, dissemination efforts may be timed to coincide with events that relate to the issues addressed by program, i.e., start or end of the annual farmers' market season.vii Findings of the overall evaluation should be disseminated at the end of the evaluation. 2019;97:1200–32. There are now a number of practical guides and reviews of implementation science that synthesize implementation theory and research and describe processes to promote effective implementation.These guides all emphasize the importance of taking a multilevel approach and understanding the context into which … Urban Institute. Prev Sci. Important initiatives are acknowledged before the concept of dissemination is explored. CAS  We know that the dissemination of effective programs and policies is likely to occur in stages [ 8] and that factors that influence dissemination include: the actions of the researchers, characteristics of practitioners and the specific methods used for communicating and disseminating an intervention [ 9–12 ]. Translational research: essential contributions from interpretive nursing science. Toward a research agenda for understanding and improving the use of research evidence. A number of cross-cutting strategies appear to enhance the translation of research evidence into policy. Additionally, the agencies that fund CER/PCOR (i.e. Research is of no use unless it gets to the people who need to use it Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department of Health In the United States, the Wisconsin Family Impact Seminars (www.wisfamilyimpact.org) are an example of long-standing initiatives that provide the opportunity for researchers and policymakers to come together to discuss unbiased policy-relevant evidence [86]. Fam Relat. Articles were independently reviewed and thematically analyzed by two investigators and organized using the Model for Dissemination of Research. Am J Prev Med. J Comp Eff Res. Most studies examined state-level policy (n = 18) and nine studies examined federal-level policy, with some studies looking at multiple levels of government. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 2020. In total, these factors create a fitting and complex environment to examine the dissemination of research to policymakers. Therefore, while some theoretical depictions appear linear in their presentation; it is important to acknowledge the critical role of systems thinking. Several examples across western countries contribute to a stronger nexus between research evidence and the policy-making process. Strategies for effective dissemination of research to United States policymakers: a systematic review. While the Model for Dissemination of Research and its origins (i.e., the Mathematical Theory of Communication and Diffusion of Innovations Theory) appear linear in their presentation, Shannon and Weaver [11, 12] and Rogers [16] clearly acknowledge that the dissemination of information is not a linear process and is effected by the environment within which it occurs. J Law Med Ethics. Effective dissemination of research to US policymakers exists; yet, rigorous quantitative evaluation is rare. LEA is supported by a pre-doctoral Clinical and Translational Science Fellowship (NIH TL1 TR001858 (PI: Kraemer)). When research shows that a treatment works, or a program addresses a problem, we want to realize those benefits in the broader world. In addition to early policymaker engagement, three studies highlighted the need for researchers to garner outside support for their work, ideally involving a broad pool of experts and cultivating a broader coalition of supporters than typical academic endeavors [47]. For example, federal dissemination relied more heavily on formal legislative testimony while state level material relied on written policy materials (e.g., policy briefs, report cards). Implement Sci. 2018; appi.ps.201800153. The main goal of disseminating research findings at the end of a project is to use them to inform decision making and ultimately improve health outcomes. Print materials and personal communications were the most commonly used channels to disseminate social policy research to policymakers. . Two studies recommend positional neutrality as a researcher’s best approach to handling potential ideological differences, suggesting that presenting research findings as simple fact, rather than making specific recommendations for action, may help avoid conflict and also help researchers gain credibility across the ideological spectrum [27, 50]. PubMed  State level dissemination heavily relied on printed materials including from mental health care disparity report cards [41], policy briefs [38], and effectiveness reports [50]. Brownson et al describe three key domains of evidence … D’Este P, Guy F, Iammarino S. Shaping the formation of university–industry research collaborations: what type of proximity does really matter? First, passive approaches to dissemination are largely ineffective because uptake does not happen spontaneously. NLM For state- and local-level policymakers, policies may be most effective when based on the evidence-based understanding of local stakeholders, rather than imposed from the federal level without local contextual details [29]. Am Polit Sci Rev. PubMed  Milbank Q. Bristol: Policy Press; 2019. p. 351–68. Checklist for Effective Disseminationviii BMJ. Finally, two studies emphasized creating a sense of urgency or even shock-value within the message in order to capture policymakers’ interest [36, 57]. CAS  Difficulties in identifying robust outcomes and high-quality scales to operationalize them present opportunities for additional exploration in this area. Oliver K, Innvar S, Lorenc T, Woodman J, Thomas J. Despite our relatively unique government structure, however, many of the effective strategies for dissemination we identified mirror strategies found in other countries [79, 80]. Policy Analysis for What? Further, studies were excluded if the results focused on practitioners (e.g., case managers, local health department workers) and/or if results for practitioners could not be parsed from results for policymakers. The audience included executive branch policymakers [49], administrators (n = 9) [27, 31, 38, 39, 41, 43, 53, 55, 57], and staff [42]. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. Of the remaining studies, four examined policymaking in the Northeastern United States [45,46,47,48], four in the Western US [49,50,51,52], and one in the South [53]. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. It is argued that the process of dissemination needs to be afforded greater emphasis by project-funding bodies, research supervisors, researchers, and those responsible for implementing changes in clinical practice. Sixteen of the 27 studies (about 59%) used national samples or multiple states and did not provide geographic-specific results [27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42]. Brownson RC, Dodson EA, Stamatakis KA, Casey CM, Elliott MB, Luke DA, et al. 2010;20:409. 1971;35:3–12. Aust N Z Health Policy CSIRO. Get the latest public health information from CDC: https://www.coronavirus.gov. Massell D, Goertz ME, Barnes CA. We used group consensus to grade strength of evidence. 2017;25:9–14. Dissemination efforts need to take into account the message, source, audience, and channel. One such similarity is obvious: the dissemination strategy of using champions and brokers mirrors the ERIC implementation strategy of identifying and preparing champions. 2002;21:264–73. J Health Polit Policy Law. Available from: https://www.politico.eu/article/why-lobbying-in-america-is-different/. Dissemination content: the credibility of research, the usefulness and relevance of information to users, the research design and methods, the cost effectiveness of findings and the fit between new findings and existing practice will influence how intended users perceive the new knowledge and their use of … In order to build lasting working relationships with a target policymaking audience and maximize the relevance of research products for policy work, researchers must first understand the policy process [27, 30, 34]. Rural community health programs disseminate their projects in a variety of ways. 2009;117:495–9. Biological Research for … Communicating evidence-based information on cancer prevention to state-level policy makers. We identified a series of cross-cutting dissemination strategies for engaging policymakers including recommendations for and barriers to research-to-policy (see Table 2). CAS  The current study has several limitations—these illustrate opportunities for future research. that dissemination is most effective when it starts early, galvanizes support, uses champions and brokers, considers contextual factors, is timely, relevant, and accessible, and knows the players and process. The difference between the number of implementation strategies and dissemination strategies is striking and highlights the gap in research. Involving policymakers when designing projects and framing initial research questions increases the likelihood that key policy stakeholders will remain invested in the work by allowing their individual research interests to shine [34, 41]. Stamatakis KA, McBride TD, Brownson RC. Health Aff. Tips for effective communication and dissemination. Oermann MH, Galvin EA, Floyd JA, Roop JC. State of the art: Dissemination and utilization of nursing literature in practice. Int J Drug Policy. 2005 CAPS CAB Recommendations for Research Dissemination 5 Attachment A: Sample grant language for dissemination plan Following is sample text that could be included in grant proposals: We will work with the CAPS Technology and Information Exchange (TIE) Core to develop effective dissemination strategies. The policy process (i.e., the steps from an idea to policy enactment) does not exist in a vacuum; it is influenced by many factors, including public opinion [59, 60], special interest groups [61], personal narratives [62], expressed needs of constituents [1], the media [63,64,65], and corporations [66, 67]. Milbank Q. Correspondence to To identify studies that systematically evaluated the impact of research on social policy, we reviewed the research questions and results of each study to determine whether or not they examined how research evidence reaches policymakers (as opposed to policymaker preferences for disseminated research). Moher D, Shamseer L, Clarke M, Ghersi D, Liberati A, Petticrew M, et al. Laura Ellen Ashcraft. [39] explored the exchange of research evidence among state education agency (SEA) leaders, while Massell et al. Particularly relevant lessons from the evidence use literature that also emerged from our review include emphasis on the benefit of building personal relationships between researchers and policymakers [5, 75, 76], narrowing the perceived gap between the two groups [77, 78], and changing the culture of decision making to increase appreciation for the value of research in policy development [5, 75,76,77]. 2004 Nov;13(4):267-70. doi: 10.1177/1054773804268577. Annu Rev Public Health. Part of Grand Forks, ND: Rural Health Research and Policy Centers. Addressing deficiencies in the dissemination and transfer of research-based knowledge into routine clinical practice is high on the policy agenda both in the UK and internationally. Same strategy different industry: corporate influence on public policy. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. Moreover, the expectations and guidance provided to researchers vary from one agency to another. Data were independently abstracted from each reference in duplicate with conflicts resolved by consensus (LEA and DAQ). Conclusions: Effective dissemination of research to US policymakers exists; yet, rigorous quantitative evaluation is rare. Dryden-Palmer KD, Parshuram CS, Berta WB. Tabak RG, Reis RS, Wilson P, Brownson RC. Evid Policy J Res Debate Pract Policy Press. Carroll L, Ali MK, Cuff P, Huffman MD, Kelly BB, Kishore SP, et al. Friese B, Bogenschneider K. The voice of experience: how social scientists communicate family research to policymakers. Dissemination is the planned process of creating aware-ness of the program or intervention among the tar-geted population, informing stakeholders about the innovation, and persuading them to try it. The role of researchers in disseminating evidence to public health practice settings: a cross-sectional study. There are numerous venues at WSU that make this exchange of information possible. 2005;33:83–105. Envisioning a transdisciplinary university. Five studies (about 18.5%) examined dissemination at the federal level [32,33,34,35,36]. Vol. Knowledge transfer and exchange: review and synthesis of the literature. https://www.britannica.com/topic/political-party, https://www.politico.eu/article/why-lobbying-in-america-is-different/, https://oxfordre.com/socialwork/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.001.0001/acrefore-9780199975839-e-610, https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tpp/ep/pre-prints/content-ppevidpold1700095, https://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/cms/Default.aspx?tabid=3421, https://www.cato.org/blog/complexity-state-government, https://www.urban.org/policy-centers/cross-center-initiatives/state-and-local-finance-initiative/state-and-local-backgrounders/state-and-local-expenditures, https://www.nihr.ac.uk/explore-nihr/funding-programmes/policy-research.htm, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-020-01046-3. The profession needs more sophisticated evaluations of the effectiveness of various dissemination methods. Public Commun Campaigns. Social Policy: History (1950–1980). Emphasise the benefits. 2.Delivery of Health Care – methods. and the dissemination of research findings [emphasis added] with respect to the relative health outcomes, clinical effectiveness, and appropriateness of the medical treatments, services, and items described in subsection (a)(2)(B).” However, a significant gap exists between research findings and their adoption into clinical practice. Researchers are encouraged to take the initiative to contact policymakers as early as possible in the research process. Previous work demonstrates the importance of understanding policymakers’ perceptions and how evidence is disseminated. One study found that nearly half of state policymakers named professional associations as trusted sources for research information, specifically because the organization is perceived not to have a stake in the final policy outcome [58]. J Crim Just. Shamseer L, Moher D, Clarke M, Ghersi D, Liberati A, Petticrew M, et al. Several cross-cutting strategies (e.g., start early, use evidence “champions,” make research products more timely, relevant, and accessible) were identified that are likely to lead to more effective translate of research evidence into the policy making process in the United States. These disparate lessons highlight the critical need to integrate knowledge across disciplines. Both studies found that external brokers played a role in connecting SEA policymakers to relevant research, as well as in the conceptualization and development of policy. Implementing evidence-based nursing practice. Three studies (about 11%) focused on local-level government.  |  Available from: https://www.cato.org/blog/complexity-state-government. Sorian R, Baugh T. Power of information: closing the gap between research and policy. Milbank Q. We searched Academic Search Premier, PolicyFile, SocINDEX, Social Work Abstracts, and Web of Science from January 1980 through December 2019. Four studies highlighted the importance for early and ongoing engagement with policymakers throughout the research process in order to maximize interest and applicability. The geographic regional groups used similar channels to disseminate evidence to policymakers including publications and presentations. Yanovitzky I, Weber M. Analysing use of evidence in public policymaking processes: a theory-grounded content analysis methodology. Because understanding the context in which interventions are implemented is imperative for effective pragmatic trials and dissemination and implementation research, the use of mixed methods is critical to understanding trial results and the success or failure of implementation efforts. Otten AL. The Model for Dissemination of Research integrates Diffusion of Innovations Theory, the Mathematical Theory of Communication, and Social Marketing Theory to develop a framework for conceptualizing how information moves from source to audience. Engaging national organizations for knowledge translation: Comparative case studies in knowledge value mapping. Public policy, whether legislative, executive, or judicial, affects all areas of daily life in both obvious and subtle ways. Available from: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tpp/ep/pre-prints/content-ppevidpold1700095. This chapter reviews challenges in the current system of medical practice, licensing, and education that limit the dissemination of comparative effectiveness research findings and their uptake into clinical practice. A frequently reported barrier in research-to-policy translation is the complexity of research and concerns about the quality of research evidence [29, 41, 56]; one strategy for combating this concern is the use of clear, careful language [27], and tailored, audience-specific products that meet the needs of a diverse population of end users [27, 34, 58]. 2015;25:883–7. 2012;87:609–26. Limited translation of research into practice has prompted study of diffusion and implementation, and development of effective methods of encouraging adoption, dissemination and implementation. More advice from the NIHR on knowledge mobilisation and dissemination. Policy Stud J. Twelve studies (about 44%) evaluated dissemination at the state level [38,39,40,41,42,43,44, 47, 48, 50,51,52]. See Table 2 ) medical and pharmacy directors system to take advantage of a window of opportunity Implementing! Life in both policy decisions and in resource availability [ 4, 5 ] SEA ),. 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