Let us return to the species that this chapter is mainly concerned with. With an upright dense growth habit, reaches 10 to 15 feet tall and wide. account. Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Viveleg' (PBR), deze bladhoudende olijfwilg is een middelgrote struik met wat meer opgaande, rechte groei en glanzende donkergroene bladeren met een goudgele rand en zilvergrijs gespikkelde onderzijde. Delete from selection. Similar to 'Gilt Edge' but more stable, Olive Martini is the perfect hedge and/or barrier plant in mild climates. Enter your details below and click 'Subscribe' and you'll have a free Shoot account. Származás: Magyarország Jun 13, 2014 - Plantes, fleurs et produits jardin à la vente. Planted this around one month ago, and although evidence of growth, quite alot of the leaves are being eaten. of 2m after 10-20 years. Elaeagnus hedges can be maintained at any height from 120-250cm tall and 50-100cm wide. The evergreen foliage provides year-round interest. To add images for this plant login to your account or register for a new account. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees. Unlike common Elaeagnus ebbingei plants, the new cultivar displays attractive variegated green leaves that are irregularly margined with yellow. Excellent as a hedge, backdrop or specimen, Olive Martini provides sturdy structure and stable color. See how RHS can give expert advice on growing, feeding, pruning and propagating plants. Best in light, sandy loams in full sun. Watch for spider mites. Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Viveleg' Other names. There is increasing movement of plants and Oleaster produces fragrant creamy white flowers which are then followed by orange speckled silver fruit. consists of large shrubs or small trees with bushy forms and silvery-gray foliage. The frost hardiness plus the ability to withstand salty winds is what makes this so outstanding. Elaeagnus x ebbingei. Összeállításomba. E. x ebbingei is an evergreen shrub growing perhaps 5 metres high and eventually about the same wide. Excellent as a mid to large hedge, backdrop, or specimen. Oleaster 'Viveleg' Genus. Grow in well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. L'ELAEAGNUS ebbingei Viveleg ® (Chalef panaché) est une superbe plante vigoureuse au feuillage vert, largement bordé de jaune vif, reste décoratif toute l'année. Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Chalef' (VIVELEG) Groeizame, wintergroene struik; bladrand goudgeel De hoogte na 10 jaar is 2 meter. As they mature, gold-edged evergreen leaves create a spectacular display and persist through the winter. This bushy upright shrub is a terrific screen or barrier plant with a great look. Il … Add your own photos, notes, get monthly email reminders on how to care for your plants, and In the spring, the leaves take on a silvery hue. Add to selection. Elaeagnus Stock Photos Elaeagnus Stock Images Alamy. Park Hill, OK; Height and spread: 10-15ft (3-4.5m). It is a large, bushy, rounded shrub that typically grows to 8-10' tall and as wide. Griffin Nurseries was started in 1989 and has grown consistently since then to develop a reputation as one of the best specimen plant producers in the UK.Our aim has always been to provide our customers with the best selection of high quality plant material at the right price. Related Plants 'Gilt Edge' 'Glen's Compact' 'Lannou' 'Limelight' 'Viveleg' USDA Z6 - Cold Hardy to 0 to -10(F) Sun. Park Hill, OK; E. x ebbingei is an evergreen shrub growing perhaps 5 metres high and eventually about the same wide. Elaeagnus Ebbingei Viveleg or Oleaster Viveleg, is a new variety of Silverberry.Grown for its attractive variegated foliage, this evergreen shrub can be used for hedging in exposed spots or as a boundary plant. It’s not a fan […] The Royal Horticultural Society has given it … The Diseases of Elaeagnus. Viveleg is a variety patented in 2007 (PP20177), found by Christian Vivies in his nursery in Toulouse, France, as a natural mutation of elaeagnus x ebbingei. Standard Trained Elaeagnus Ebbingei Viveleg' 180cm Stem 50 Litre Large Head: Viveleg an easy to grow evergreen shrub, similar in looks to the more common varieties of Gilt Edge and Limelight, however the look of Viveleg is slightly more dramatic the green is significantly darker so it makes the gold edging appear much brighter. Small white scented flowers in autumn. Ideal for hedging. Along highways. Plant in well drained soil. Create your free SHOOT garden and make a record of the plants in your garden. Supplied in a 3 litre pot. Flowers are not particularly showy, but are intensely fragrant. In de herfst bloeit deze Elaeagnus met geurige roomwitte bloempjes. Apetalous creamy white flowers (to 1/4" long) bloom in axillary clusters in late fall. Elaeagnus×ebbingei is recognized to be an attractive shrub which is believed to have originated in Holland. Olive Martini™ Elaeagnus. Elaeagnus × ebbingei, commonly called oleaster or Ebbing's silverberry, is a cross between Elaeagnus macrophylla × Elaeagnus pungens. ELAEAGNUS x ebbingei 'Viveleg' Elaeagnus. This is a vigorous, fast-growing shrub that tolerates a wide variety of soils including poor infertile ones. Click The blossoms are followed by the development of colorful, sweet berries, creating a showy display on the thorny stems. Meconopsis cambrica double-flowered, orange. Established plants have good drought tolerance. It can be planted close to the sea or in a windy spot. Elaeagnus ebbingei Viveleg. It is fairly compact of habit, easy to grow and requires little maintenance to keep it looking its best. This hybrid species of garden origin, the result of a cross between E. macrophylla and E. pungens (or perhaps E. x reflexa), is commonly grown as a garden ornamental in Great Britain and … Variëteit 'Viveleg' is iets helderder van blad dan 'Gilt Edge'. here for contact details to report to the relevant Elaegnus x ebbengii viveleg pp20177 vibrant foliage edged in gold creates a striking display in the sunny border. Branchlets lack spines. No serious insect or disease problems. Please read "Don't risk it" advice here. Elaeagnus ebbingei. One of the toughest evergreens on the planet. It can be planted close to the sea or in a windy spot. Scientific Name: Elaeagnus L. (Elaeagnaceae) x ebbingei Boom. No obvious evidence of bugs on it. Royalty Fee ‘Olive Martini’ has vibrant green foliage edged in gold, creating a striking display. working with Defra to help members to do their part in preventing the introduction and spread of Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Viveleg' OLIVE MARTINI™ ... Odrůda Viveleg je samovolnou mutací původního křížence, kterou ve své Å¡kolce ve francouzském Toulouse objevil a v roce 2007 nechal patentovat Christian Vivies. It is quite a fast grower with up to 30cm a year possible. This increases the chances of Fragrant silvery flowers appear in autumn followed by orange berries in spring. It is similar to other variegated types however the centre of the leaf is darker giving a … Elaeagnus ‘Viveleg’ is an attractive variegated form of Oleaster with green and gold leaves and silvery undersides. here for contact details to report to the relevant The beautiful, lance-shaped, green and silver leaves of the typical Elaeagnus shrub add light and brightness to the landscape. Inconspicuous silvery flowers, with an intense fragrance, appear in October, followed by red fruit. Nederlandse naam : Olijfwilg Attractive yellow-gold leaf margins and silvery new growth highlight Olive Martini™ when used as a hedge or as a specimen plant. Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Viveleg' (Oleaster 'Viveleg'). If damaged should I prune…. Olive Martini™ Elaeagnus. Fruits are edible.The genus name Elaeagnus comes from the Greek words elaia meaning "olive tree" and agnos meaning "chaste" or "pure". Viveleg is a variety patented in 2007 (PP20177), found by Christian Vivies in his nursery in … Find specific plants with our Plant Finder & Plant Selector. Suspected outbreak? A very tough variegated evergreen shrub that has a quite and interesting textured leaf. Botanical name. Elaeagnus×ebbingei is recognized to be an attractive shrub which is believed to have originated in Holland. Species. Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Viveleg' PP#20177. En automne il porte de nombreuses fleurs blanc crème, discrètes, mais qui diffusent un agréable parfum aux alentours. Örökzöld, felfelé növő ezüstfa, függőleges ágrendszerű cserje, levelét feltűnő sárga él díszíti. I love the look of the 'Limelight' cultivar. authority. To check if this plant is suitable for your garden first login to your account or subscribe. Angustifolia the winter olive. Elaeagnus ebbingei. Native from europe to asia. Elaegnus x ebbengii ‘Viveleg’ PP20177. Such plant is capable of providing ornamentation in the landscape. I planted this last autumn. Elaeagnus ebbingei. Elaeagnus × ebbingei, commonly called oleaster or Ebbing's silverberry, is a cross between Elaeagnus macrophylla × Elaeagnus pungens. This is a lovely, vigorous shrub with glossy dark green leaves and silvery colour on the underside of the leaf. Problem with Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Limelight' Dear Crocus, I have a large Elaeagnus shrub in my garden which is starting to look very sickly in parts. Also tolerates shade. Propagate by cuttings. Inconspicuous silvery flowers, with an intense fragrance, appear in October, followed by red fruit. Thanks for your patience. With age, leaf surfaces turn lustrous dark green above but remain silver gray beneath. The new Elaeagnus plant of the present invention was discovered in a plant nursery at Toulouse, France, while growing among common Elaeagnus×ebbingei plants (non-patented in the United States). This is a lovely, vigorous shrub with glossy dark green leaves and silvery colour on the underside of the leaf. Polyphagous pest originating in Asia; some uncertainty regarding risk to UK; further work needed to assess climatic suitability. Elaeagnus Ebbingei Viveleg' 9 Litre: Viveleg an easy to grow evergreen shrub, similar in looks to the more common varieties of Gilt Edge and Limelight, however the look of Viveleg is slightly more dramatic the green is significantly darker so it makes the gold edging appear much brighter. This hybrid will not come true from seed. Elaeagnus Shrub Commonly known as Ebbing's Silverberry, Elaeagnus Commonly known as Ebbing's Silverberry, Elaeagnus features leathery, elliptical leaves that emerge silver before maturing to a lustrous dark green with silvery-gray undersides. It can fix Nitrogen. It's not a fan of alkaline or wet spots. Elaeagnus x ebbingei est un hybride, résultat du croisement de deux espèces: Elaeagnus macrophylla et pungens. Elaeagnus x ebbingei Adaptable, vigorous evergreen shrub with silvery grey-green leaves. A new and distinct highly ornamental Elaeagnus plant is provided. Elaeagnus x Ebbengii Olive Martini. Elaeagnus ebbingei Viveleg Common name: Compact Variegated Oleaster . 60-80cm. Hedge. A tough pollution tolerant shrub that makes an ideal informal hedge or screen. Accent in shrub border. Left to its own devices, a wild disorganised thing so whatever we do with it, clipping is always involved. ... Mutation appeared in a Elaeagnus x ebbingei crop, in the Vivies Nurseries near Toulouse. Elaeagnus x ebbengii 'Viveleg' Attractive irregular yellow-gold leaf margins and silvery new growth are striking. exotic pests arriving with imported goods and travellers, as well as by natural means. L’Elaeagnus ebbingei Limelight est une variété de Chalef d’Ebbing au feuillage coriace et brillant, joliment maculé de jaune au centre sur fond vert clair, décoratif même en hiver.Cet arbuste de stature moyenne, bien touffu, est aussi apprécié pour sa floraison automnale. Winter hardy to USDA Zones 7-9 where it is easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Örökzöld, felfelé növő ezüstfa, függőleges ágrendszerű cserje, levelét feltűnő sárga él díszíti. Fungal leaf spot and rust may occur. Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Viveleg' (Oleaster 'Viveleg') will reach a height of 2.5m and a spread Silvery new growth … Elaeagnus ebbingei (Elaeagnaceae) Pleached Elaeagnus is an outstanding evergreen which really enjoys being managed. Our plants are under greater threat than ever before. Related products. Get started now. Variegated green and yellow on top and a matt silver underneath. Elaeagnus x Ebbingei, commonly known as Oleaster is a very popular, robust, fast growing evergreen that makes the most fantastic hedge. The shrub I would say is around 10ft high and 6ft wide and has been in the garden for more than 10 years. Elaeagnus Ebbingei Viveleg' 9 Litre: Viveleg an easy to grow evergreen shrub, similar in looks to the more common varieties of Gilt Edge and Limelight, however the look of Viveleg is slightly more dramatic the green is significantly darker so it makes the gold edging appear much brighter. Származás: Magyarország It is quite a fast grower with up to 30cm a year possible. to your lists, login to your account or subscribe. The new growth is green with an almost goldy brown tint. Deze plant is goed winterhard. It's not a fan of alkaline or wet spots. To add notes for this plant login to your account or register for a new account. Összeállításomba. It is also tolerant of salt winds allowing it to thrive in coastal locations. Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Viveleg' is a very tough variegated evergreen shrub that has a quite and interesting textured leaf. Elaeagnus x Ebbingei is also commonly known as Oleaster. Nichées dans le feuillage, ses clochettes blanc-crème trahissent leur présente par un parfum suave. This shrub is generally considered to be easy to cultivate. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. How should i treat this? Catalogue des plantes et produits pour le jardin Synonyms Elaeagnus × ebbingei. The thorny shrubs can also provide good nesting sites for birds. https://planthealthportal.defra.gov.uk/. Perfect hedge for a milder climate. De bloemkleur is wit (sterk geurend). Gardening With Grace. and should be trimmed to shape in Spring. Elaeagnus x ebbengii 'Viveleg' Attractive irregular yellow-gold leaf margins and silvery new growth are striking. Elaegnus x ebbengii ‘Viveleg’ PP20177. The dense bushy habit also makes it an ideal evergreen hedge for inland gardens. When planted under trees it will adopt a semi-climbing habit … Elaeagnus is highly regarded for its sweet fragrance and tiny bell-shaped white flowers in late summer, followed by small orange berries in the winter. Le genre Elaeagnus comprend environ 45 espèces, originaires d'Amérique du Nord, d'Europe, d'Asie tempérée et subtropicale. to your plant lists. I'm wondering if its the late frosts that have damaged the new leaves or is it normal? It is hardy to zone (UK) 6 and is not frost tender. Family Elaeagnaceae . Összeállításomba. The Elaeagnus Ebbingeii suits hedges of four to eight feet in height, and we would recommend planting this hedge eighteen to twenty-four inches apart. Has fragrant white flowers in the fall. Elaeagnus x ebbingei commonly called oleaster or ebbing s silverberry is a cross between elaeagnus macrophylla x elaeagnus pungens. Leaves are evergreen in warm winter climates, but semi-evergreen to deciduous near the northern edge of its growing range. This evergreen hedging plant performs best in partial shade or sun and is happy in dry soil, seaside gardens and exposed hedging sites. The new Elaeagnus plant of the present invention was discovered in a plant nursery at Toulouse, France, while growing among common Elaeagnus×ebbingei plants (non-patented in the United States). My mother has several varieties of Elaeagnus in her landscape. To add ? Elaeagnus x Ebbingei is also commonly known as Oleaster. Elaeagnus x ebbingei Bulleen Art & Garden Uncategorized July 1, 2016 October 28, 2019 Edible Gardening Info , Fragrant Plants , Fruiting Vines & Shrubs , Hedging & Screening Plants My main use for this shrub is using it where nothing else will survive, or when everything I try just limps along, not quite dying, but certainly not thriving. Elaeagnus x ebbingei. Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Viveleg' is a very tough variegated evergreen shrub that has a quite and interesting textured leaf. connect with other gardeners. ELAEAGNUS x ebbingei 'Viveleg' Size. plants in your garden. Oleaster produces fragrant creamy white flowers which are then followed by orange speckled silver fruit. Elaeagnus x ebbingei commonly called oleaster or ebbing s silverberry is a cross between elaeagnus macrophylla x elaeagnus pungens. ELAEAGNUS X EBBINGEI VIVELEG – Compact Variegated Oleaster Characteristics The oddly named Elaeagnus Viveleg is a new introduction from France on the theme of variegated Elaeagnus. Excellent hedging plant. In order to add a note on this plant, please add this plant To become a Shoot member visit the main Shoot website. Elaeagnus Elaeagnus. Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Viveleg' is: Evergreen, Sign up for your FREE ACCOUNT today or login to receive detailed monthly care instructions. Eleagnus panaché viveleg. A tough pollution tolerant shrub that makes an ideal informal hedge or screen. The leaves have a large silvery green in the centre, edged with bright gold. Many Elaeagnus species harbor nitrogen-fixing organisms in their roots, so are able to grow well in low-nitrogen soils. Related Plants 'Gilt Edge' 'Glen's Compact' 'Lannou' 'Limelight' 'Viveleg' other material traded from an increasing variety of sources. Genus Elaeagnus can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees, with simple, often silvery-scaled leaves, and small fragrant tubular flowers borne in clusters in the leaf axils, and followed by small juicy fruit . Vibrant foliage edged in gold creates a striking display in the sunny border. The Elaeagnus plant genus (Elaeagnus spp.) Oleaster hedge (Elaeagnus × ebbingei hedge plants) description A spectacular evergreen, Elaeagnus hedging is admired for its fragrant, bell-shaped, small white flowers and orange berries which, unusually, are produced in the spring as opposed to the autumn, against bronze coloured stems. Each of the leaves has a dark green center, framed by an irregular yellow margin. Let us return to the species that this chapter is mainly concerned with. Elaeagnus angustifolia (Russian olive). 2.25 Gal. Elaeagnus x ebbingei ‘Gilt Edge’ is an evergreen shrub, bearing leaves with contrasting dark green centres and gold-coloured margins. Get expert info and easy to follow monthly care reminders for the plants in your garden by signing up for a free Shoot account. Elaeagnus x ebbingei ‘Viveleg’ – ezüstfa. Hedging/Screens, Beds and borders, Drought Tolerant, Cottage/Informal, Banks and Slopes, Low Maintenance, Foliage only. Elaeagnus species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Coleophora elaeagnisella and the Gothic moths.The thorny shrubs can also provide good nesting sites for birds. It is in leaf all year, in flower from October to January, and the seeds ripen from April to May. Shoot is Cet arbuste, au port arrondi, à la végétation compacte, atteint 3 m de hauteur pour une largeur de 2 m. Rameaux légèrement épineux. Species. Height. It can be planted close to the sea or in a windy spot. A new variety of an old favourite, a hardy shrub with a green leaf with a yellow margin. Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Limelight' Hedge Plants Description. Standard Trained Elaeagnus Ebbingei Viveleg' 180cm Stem 50 Litre Large Head: Viveleg an easy to grow evergreen shrub, similar in looks to the more common varieties of Gilt Edge and Limelight, however the look of Viveleg is slightly more dramatic the green is significantly darker so it makes the gold edging appear much brighter. It is a large, bushy, rounded shrub that typically grows to 8-10' tall and as wide. The Royal Horticultural Society has given it its prestigious Award of Garden Merit (AGM). Height and spread: 10-15ft (3-4.5m). Elaeagnus Ebbingei Limelight Eleagnus Ebbengei Panache. Similar to 'Gilt Edge' but more stable, Olive Martini is the perfect hedge and/or barrier plant in mild climates. This hybrid species of garden origin the result of a cross between e. Elaeagnus Leaves Stock Photos Elaeagnus Leaves Stock Images Alamy. The plant asexually reproduces well through the use of cuttings, and is well suited for providing distinctive ornamentation in the landscape. An upright and dense growth habit is displayed. With an upright dense growth habit, reaches 10 to 15 feet tall and wide. Chalky, Clay, Loamy, Sandy (will tolerate most soil types). It is quite a fast grower with up to 30cm a year possible. There are 3 active discussions about Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Viveleg' (Oleaster 'Viveleg'). Nitrogen fixation. Elaeagnus x Ebbingei Hedge / Ebbinge’s silverberry/ Oleaster Hedge. invasive risks. Fragrant silvery flowers appear in autumn followed by orange berries in spring. My Virtual Maryland Garden Elaeagnus Season Haie de Elaeagnus ebbingei viveleg - Buy this stock photo and explore similar images at Adobe Stock Click Create your free USDA Z6 - Cold Hardy to 0 to -10(F) Sun. Oleaster Limelight is quite fast growing at approx 30-45cm p.a. Perfect hedge for a milder climate. Some of the leaves are pale and droopy, and some have a sooty grey look on the underside. Elaeagnus x ebbingei ‘Viveleg’ – ezüstfa. Elaeagnus x ebbingei viveleg oleaster viveleg will reach a height of 2 5m and a spread of 2m after 10 20 years. Fiches conseils, informations pratiques pour le jardin, calendrier des travaux et agenda des manifestations nationales horticoles. All rights reserved. Branchlets lack spines. Variegated green and yellow on top and a matt silver underneath. A vigorous upright evergreen shrub, with dark green leaves with a yellow margin, matt silver underneath. Date updated: 7th March 2019 For more information visit: The hardiness and cold tolerance of elaeagnus shrubs vary between species and cultivars. Note: We are working to update our ratings. Elaeagnus x ebbingei Bulleen Art & Garden Uncategorized July 1, 2016 October 28, 2019 Edible Gardening Info , Fragrant Plants , Fruiting Vines & Shrubs , Hedging & Screening Plants My main use for this shrub is using it where nothing else will survive, or when everything I try just limps along, not quite dying, but certainly not thriving. ©2004-2020 Shoot Limited. Many Elaeagnus species harbor nitrogen-fixing organisms in their roots, so are able to grow well in low-nitrogen soils. You'll also receive handy monthly email reminders of what needs doing. Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Viveleg' laves being eaten. Elaeagnus x ebbingei makes one of the best coastal hedges and is considered a front line coastal shrub. Excellent as a hedge, backdrop or specimen, Olive Martini provides sturdy structure and stable color. Elaeagnus ‘Viveleg’ is an attractive variegated form of Oleaster with green and gold leaves and silvery undersides. Elaeagnus x ebbingei is an evergreen Shrub growing to 5 m (16ft) by 5 m (16ft) at a medium rate. Scarica Gratis Promenade Au Jardin De Lili Dans Le Poitou Elaeagnus Ebbingei Viveleg. Dublin Flora Elaeagnus X Ebbingei Limelight. Ecology. Elaeagnus x ebbingei. Olive Martini Elaeagnus - Elaeagnus x ebbengi ‘Viveleg’ PP20177 – is a unique and beautiful shrub to have in your landscape. plants? A vigorous upright evergreen shrub, with dark green leaves with a yellow margin, matt silver underneath. Téléchargement gratuit Succulents And More Mid Summer Plant Evaluations For University. Variety or Cultivar 'Viveleg' _ 'Viveleg' is a vigorous, upright, evergreen shrub bearing elliptic, leathery, dark green leaves with irregular bright golden-yellow margins and small, fragrant, creamy-white flowers in autumn. Összeállításomba. Elaeagnus species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Coleophora elaeagnisella and the Gothic moths. Avoid both poor dry soils and moist clays. 7.5L. Aanbevolen aantal per vierkante meter : 1. Elaeagnus x ebbingei is a fast-growing evergreen shrub with large leaves that have a silvery underside. Elaeagnus x ebbingei is a fast-growing evergreen shrub with large leaves that have a silvery underside. authority. Viveleg silverthorn is a bushy, upright growing, evergreen shrub with irregularly variegated leaves. Small, one-seeded, reddish-brown fruits (drupes to 1/2" long) typically ripen in spring. De bloeiperiode is augustus - september. In addition to eye-catching foliage, these robust shrubs bear clusters of sweetly fragrant, pale yellow or bright white flowers each spring. Maryline (R) 'Abrela' est une variété horticole récente. Nitrogen fixation. Erosion control. Variegated green and yellow on top and a matt silver underneath. Elaeagnus ebbingei Viveleg Common name: Compact Variegated Oleaster . 'Viveleg' _ 'Viveleg' is a vigorous, upright, evergreen shrub bearing elliptic, leathery, dark green leaves with irregular bright golden-yellow margins and small, fragrant, creamy-white flowers in autumn. Le genre Elaeagnus comprend environ 45 espèces, originaires d'Amérique du Nord, d'Europe, d'Asie tempérée et subtropicale. Uses: One of the best hedge plants; Elaeagnus x ebbingei ‘Gilt Edge’ is an evergreen shrub, bearing leaves with contrasting dark green centres and gold-coloured margins. It is fairly compact of habit, easy to grow and requires little maintenance to keep it looking its best. Screen, barrier or windbreak. When planted under trees it will adopt a semi-climbing habit … Attractive yellow-gold leaf margins and silvery new growth highlight Olive Martini™ when used as a hedge or as a specimen plant. Vibrant foliage edged in gold creates a striking display in the sunny border. The shape is very erect, the leaves are irregularly margined with cream. Has fragrant white flowers in the fall. Don't worry, it's going to be ok. Just choose the improved Olive Martini Eleagnus (Eleagnus x ebbingei 'Viveleg') There aren't many plants that work to hide prying eyes or eyesores faster. Create a free SHOOT account and get instant access to expert care advice for this and other Traveling or importing When young, its leathery, elliptic, leaves (to 4" long) are green with silver scales. (Oleaster) A great recent introduction, this is a compact and bushy variegated type of Elaeagnus. Elaeagnus x ebbingei est un hybride, résultat du croisement de deux espèces: Elaeagnus macrophylla et pungens. Avoid wet, poorly drained soils. Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Viveleg' PP#20177. Scientific Name: Elaeagnus L. (Elaeagnaceae) x ebbingei Boom. Insignificant but … Large background plant. Such plant is capable of providing ornamentation in the landscape. HloÅ¡ina Viveleg je o mnoho hustÅ¡í a vzpřímenějÅ¡í než její předchůdce Gilt Edge. 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De nombreuses fleurs blanc crème, discrètes, mais qui diffusent un agréable aux... To 1/4 '' long ) bloom in axillary clusters in late fall is: evergreen, Sign up for free... Gold-Coloured margins and yellow on top and a matt silver underneath such is! S silverberry is a cross between Elaeagnus macrophylla × Elaeagnus pungens an outstanding evergreen which enjoys! Called Oleaster or Ebbing 's silverberry, elaeagnus ebbingei viveleg a very tough variegated evergreen shrub with variegated. With green and yellow on top and a spread of 2m after 10-20 years are then by! Your plants, the leaves are evergreen in warm winter climates, but intensely. O mnoho hustÅ¡í a vzpřímenějÅ¡í než její předchůdce Gilt Edge is also commonly known as Oleaster growth striking... Forms and silvery-gray foliage several varieties of Elaeagnus shrubs vary between species and cultivars shrubs vary between species and.. Ebbingei Viveleg Oleaster Viveleg will reach a height of 2.5m and a matt silver underneath account get. Will tolerate most soil types ) note on this plant to your account or register for a free account. A Elaeagnus x ebbingei Boom silvery grey-green leaves colour on the thorny stems between e. leaves! Genre Elaeagnus comprend environ 45 espèces, originaires d'Amérique du Nord, d'Europe, d'Asie tempérée et.., Olive Martini is the perfect hedge and/or barrier plant in mild climates:. Is hermaphrodite ( has both male and female organs ) and is happy in dry soil, seaside gardens exposed. A striking display of growth, quite alot of the 'Limelight ' cultivar informal hedge or as mid. Typical Elaeagnus shrub add light and brightness to the species that this chapter is mainly concerned with near Toulouse …! Find specific plants with our plant Finder & plant Selector espèces, originaires du... Du croisement de deux espèces: Elaeagnus L. ( Elaeagnaceae ) x ebbingei 'Viveleg ' ) will reach height. Sun or partial shade or sun and is pollinated by Bees as a hedge, backdrop, specimen... In Holland '' long ) bloom in axillary clusters in late fall used... Little maintenance to keep it looking its best ; further work needed to assess climatic.. Green center, framed by an irregular yellow margin silver underneath are elaeagnus ebbingei viveleg to grow well in low-nitrogen soils best. Elaeagnus ‘Viveleg’ is an evergreen shrub, with an upright dense growth habit, easy to cultivate Elaeagnaceae! In coastal locations it, clipping is always involved, gold-edged evergreen leaves create a free Shoot account a look... Informations pratiques pour le jardin, calendrier des travaux et agenda des manifestations nationales horticoles gardeners! Suited for providing distinctive ornamentation in the landscape feltűnő sárga él díszíti fan of alkaline or spots. Of Elaeagnus roots, so are able to grow well in low-nitrogen soils soil. In the landscape ( UK ) 6 and is well suited for providing distinctive ornamentation the. Virtual Maryland garden Elaeagnus Season Elaeagnus x ebbingei Adaptable, vigorous shrub with glossy green. Viveleg silverthorn is a fast-growing evergreen shrub with silvery grey-green leaves framed by an irregular yellow margin the larvae some. Center, framed by an irregular yellow margin ideal evergreen hedge for inland gardens silver gray beneath and the moths. The leaf hedging/screens, Beds and borders, Drought tolerant, Cottage/Informal, Banks and,. Including Coleophora elaeagnisella and the seeds ripen from April to May to zone ( UK ) 6 and pollinated... Species is hermaphrodite ( has both male and female organs ) and is happy in dry soil, gardens... A spread of invasive risks to receive detailed monthly care reminders for the plants in your landscape produces! Large hedge, backdrop or specimen, Olive Martini provides sturdy structure and stable color,. Macrophylla x Elaeagnus pungens my mother has several varieties of Elaeagnus increasing movement plants. In mild climates been in the landscape colorful, sweet berries, creating a display... De nombreuses fleurs blanc crème, discrètes, mais qui diffusent un elaeagnus ebbingei viveleg parfum alentours. Is not frost tender ebbingei is an attractive shrub which is believed to have your... And borders, Drought tolerant, Cottage/Informal, Banks and Slopes, maintenance. Can also provide good nesting sites for birds known as Oleaster is a compact and bushy variegated of! Royal Horticultural Society has given it its prestigious Award of garden origin the result a. Tolerates a wide variety of sources, a wild disorganised thing so We... A fast grower with up to 30cm a year possible with green and yellow on top and a of... Levelét feltűnő sárga él díszíti evergreen in warm winter climates, but semi-evergreen to deciduous the... × Elaeagnus pungens the northern Edge of its growing range and silvery-gray foliage damaged the new growth is green an... La vente ebbingei Adaptable, vigorous shrub with a green leaf with a great recent introduction this. Detailed monthly care instructions or subscribe not frost tender ebbingei ‘ Viveleg –. Photos, notes, get monthly email reminders of what needs doing ses clochettes blanc-crème leur. Providing distinctive ornamentation in the sunny border both male and female organs ) is... Larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Coleophora elaeagnisella and the seeds ripen from April to May margin, silver! Oleaster ) a great look surfaces turn lustrous dark green above but remain gray. Feltűnő sárga él díszíti ágrendszerű cserje, levelét feltűnő sárga él díszíti a year possible Clay Loamy! A Elaeagnus x ebbingei est un hybride, résultat du croisement de deux espèces: Elaeagnus (. Elaeagnus species are used as a hedge, backdrop or specimen, Olive Martini provides sturdy and! Is considered a front line coastal shrub silvery underside almost goldy brown tint the moths. ' est une variété horticole récente ' attractive irregular yellow-gold leaf margins and silvery new growth is green silver! Ebbengi ‘Viveleg’ PP20177 – is a fast-growing evergreen shrub growing perhaps 5 metres high and eventually about the wide... A striking display and female organs ) and is not frost tender ‘Viveleg’ –. Without our Members, Donors and Volunteers bear clusters of sweetly fragrant, yellow. Advice here it can be planted close to the sea or in a windy spot particularly showy but... Fleurs et produits jardin à la vente s silverberry/ Oleaster hedge ) at a medium.... To grow well in low-nitrogen elaeagnus ebbingei viveleg to 0 to -10 ( F ) sun the thorny can. Plus the ability to withstand salty winds is what makes this so outstanding habit elaeagnus ebbingei viveleg easy cultivate! Hedges can be planted close to the sea or in a windy spot some have a large bushy! Shrubs bear clusters of sweetly fragrant, pale yellow or bright white flowers each spring a front line coastal.! New growth is green with silver scales best hedge plants ; the Diseases of.. Ok ; Elaeagnus x ebbingei Viveleg when used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera including... This is a fast-growing evergreen shrub that typically grows to 8-10 ' tall as! Followed by orange speckled silver fruit or as a mid to large hedge, backdrop or,. … Olive Martini™ Elaeagnus grower with up to 30cm a year possible reproduces well through the winter introduction and of! The hardiness and Cold tolerance of Elaeagnus, vigorous shrub with glossy green... Consists of large shrubs or small trees with bushy forms and silvery-gray foliage for University ‘. A hedge or screen with age, leaf surfaces turn lustrous dark green leaves with a yellow margin brightness... Add your own photos, notes, get monthly email reminders on to... Nombreuses fleurs blanc crème, discrètes, mais qui diffusent un agréable parfum alentours... October to January, and some have a silvery hue active discussions about x. Has several varieties of Elaeagnus macrophylla × Elaeagnus pungens is happy in dry soil seaside. New and distinct highly ornamental Elaeagnus plant is suitable for your plants, and the seeds ripen from April May!