The amount allocated to ETC for the 2014-2020 budgetary period is EUR 9.3 billion. The adoption, in July 2006, of the Regulation establishing a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, was both a major change in the legal framework for territorial cooperation, and an understandable evolution thereof. Under each thematic objective a list of investment priorities is defined in the Regulation governing the ERDF[2]. European territorial cooperation to alleviate differences in bordering regions between the Slovak Republic and Hungary, furthermore with other n on-member states of EU such as Ser bia or Ukraine. Examples of priority areas of support specific to ETC programmes are as follows: Given the involvement of more than one Member State in the design and implementation of cooperation programmes, several specific issues are addressed with the regulatory provisions for ETC, such as allocation of liabilities in the case of financial corrections, procedures for the setting-up of a joint secretariat by the respective Managing Authority, special procedures for the involvement of third countries or territories, requirements for implementation reports, etc. The results of this consultation show that there is an overwhelming appetite from public … European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) Programmes, also known as Interreg, have been a strand of EU Cohesion Policy supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the past 30 years.These programmes fund projects in which people from different countries come together to solve shared problems and develop innovative ideas. These programmes cover larger transnational territories and aim to strengthen cooperation on the basis of actions that promote integrated territorial development between national, regional and local entities in large European geographical areas. ETC covers three types of programmes: crossborder, transnational and interregional. The Territorial Review presents a synthesis of findings building on applied research undertaken up to summer 2017 by transnational research teams from all over Europe, working together in ESPON projects. The joint ESPON and Interact Working Paper “Migration and the Role of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC)” stems from the conclusions of the General Affairs Council meeting in November 2015. Parliament considers that the list of the different investment priorities has been adapted to the specific needs of European Territorial Cooperation. ETC is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). ETC covers three types of programmes: crossborder, transnational and interregional. The programmes aim to encourage EU regions to work together. The four macro-regional strategies concern 19 EU member-states and 8 non EU countries. Parliament has strongly defended the need to improve European Territorial Cooperation, particularly in the following aspects: Direct access to language menu (press "Enter"), Direct access to search menu (press "Enter"), Economic, social and territorial cohesion, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Common classification of territorial units for statistics (NUTS), European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTCs), Recovery assistance for cohesion and the territories of Europe (REACT-EU). Regional Policy │ 3 Overall regulatory framework One Common provisions regulation for the European Structural and Investment funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF) 5 Funds-specific regulations for ERDF, ESF, EAFRD, EMFF Introduction 3 1.2. A 'Macroregional strategy' is an integrated framework endorsed by the European Council, which may be supported by the European Structural and Investment Funds among others, to address common challenges faced by a defined geographical area relating to Member States and third countries located in the same geographical area which thereby benefit from strengthened cooperation contributing to achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion. This document does not necessarily reflect the views of the Special EU Programmes Body. This book fills an existing academic literature gap by providing a sound and synthetic analysis on the process of European Territorial Cooperation over the last 30 years. It has clear European added value: helping to ensure that borders are not barriers, bringing Europeans closer together, helping to solve common problems, facilitating the sharing of ideas and assets, and encouraging strategic work towards common goals. Cooperation actions are supported by the European Regional Development Fund through three key components: cross-border cooperation, transnational cooperation and interregional cooperation. European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) has been a part of cohesion policy since 1990. 1/90 European Territorial Cooperation Italy – Croatia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 DRAFT 3.14.0 May 2015 Style Definition: Heading 1 labour mobility flows, mobility obstacles, labour market integration as an element of wider territorial integration etc.). for the preparation of European Territorial Cooperation programmes . Consequently, a clear hierarchy of rules on eligibility of expenditure had to be established at European level. European Territorial Cooperation is central to the construction of a common European space, and a cornerstone of European integration. The Council emphasised that Interreg programmes, even though operating with a medium and long-term perspective, may support, where necessary and justified, and in complementarity with These programmes cover different geographical areas and have different aims. The implementation modalities have been streamlined for cooperation programmes, meaning a reduction in the number of authorities involved in programme implementation along with clarification of their respective responsibilities. ETC is the instrument of cohesion policy that is designed to solve problems which transcend national borders and require a common solution, and to jointly devel… These programmes aim to bring together regions or local authorities having a common border (land or maritime) in order to develop the border areas, exploit their untapped growth potential and tackle jointly identified common challenges. This regulation is subject to the ordinary legislative procedure, in which Parliament is on an equal footing with the Council. Methodology 4 2. The overarching objective of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) is to promote a harmonious economic, social and territorial development … On 29 May 2018, the Commission published the draft regulations for the 2021-2027 programming period. The areas covered by transnational cooperation are to be defined by the Commission, taking into account macro-regional and sea-basin strategies, and with the option for Member States of adding adjacent territories. 1. European Territorial Co-operation programmes 2014 to 2020. EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL REVIEW TERRITORIAL COOPERATION FOR THE FUTURE OF EUROPE. European Territorial Cooperation is introduced as a fully-fledged objective of Cohesion Policy and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The aim of the grouping is to develop cross-border cooperation in the northern Baltic Sea and to promote the region’s competitiveness. The current European Territorial Cooperation programmes run from 2014-2020. How to apply. Read more Partnership principle and multi-level governance during the programming phase of the ES and ESI funds The annual meeting of the European Territorial Cooperation Groups Platform will take place this year in Palma, Mallorca, on 27 September 2019 and is organised by the European Committee of the Regions in partnership with the EGTC Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean and the … Is the only book that focuses entirely on the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) process in Europe ; Shows that the interest in border studies is increasing in Europe, and in many other parts of the world; Outlines that in the EU, 60% of the territories (NUTS3) are border areas, and 40% of its inhabitants live there; see more benefits This is because they are administered by different managing authorities. Cross-border and transnational programmes have to be concentrated on a maximum of four thematic objectives, whereas for interregional cooperation there is no such limitation. In the future, ETC will probably have five components: The proposed regulation also sets out two Interreg-specific objectives: In July 2020, the European Council reached an agreement on the EU long-term budget for the 2021-2027 period. The Territorial Review presents a synthesis of findings building on applied research undertaken up to summer 2017 by transnational research teams from all over Europe, working together in ESPON projects. The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) allows public entities of different Member States to come together under a new entity with full legal personality. Also the Moreover, thanks to a Parliament initiative the outermost regions may combine in a single programme for territorial cooperation the ERDF allocations for cross-border and transnational cooperation. European Territorial Cooperation is the instrument of cohesion policy that aims to solve problems across borders and to jointly develop the potential of diverse territories. EU Council Regulation 1082/2006 of 5 July 2006 forms its legal basis. This report summarises the responses that the Scottish Government received to its consultation on European Territorial Cooperation Programmes for the period 2021-2027. Exchanges of experience can include the promotion of mutually beneficial cooperation between innovative research-intensive clusters and exchanges between researchers and research institutions. Translations in context of "european territorial cooperation" in English-German from Reverso Context: European territorial cooperation programmes shall be submitted by 22 September 2014. European Territorial Cooperation (otherwise known as Interreg) programmes are EU funding programmes that give money to organisations from different countries to work together on a project. May 2013 - Territorial Cooperation Programmes play an important role for the development of Europe. Her research interests include comparative urban governance, planning and urban policies in European cities, urban sociology, and European territorial cooperation. In its conclusions, the European Council proposed allocating EUR 7.93 billion to European Territorial Cooperation. The study includes analysis of the Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes of all EU Member States, as well as analysis of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes. European territorial cooperation has brought Europeans closer together, strengthened connectivity and improved the natural environment, supported by EU mechanisms such as the European groupings of territorial cooperation, and macro-regional strategies. Finally, specific rules were created to meet the needs of outermost regions cooperating with third countries. As of April 2016, 62 EGTCs are in existence. On European level 2,52 % or 7,75 billion Euros of all cohesion funds have been assigned for European Territorial Cooperation (objective 3) is. They provide support for projects aimed at promoting cooperative and economic development. They provide support for projects aimed at promoting cooperative and economic development. These common challenges include issues such as: poor accessibility in relation to information and communication technologies (ICTs); poor transport infrastructure; declining local industries; an inappropriate business environment; lack of networks among local and regional administrations; low levels of research and innovation and take-up of ICTs; environmental pollution; risk prevention; negative attitudes towards citizens of neighbouring countries, etc. European Territorial Cooperation (otherwise known as Interreg) programmes are EU funding programmes that give money to organisations from different countries to work together on a project. CETS 159 - Additional Protocol to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities; CETS 169 - Protocol No. Thus, the ceiling for technical assistance expenditure has been fixed at a higher level than is the case for other types of programmes. Can the UK still take part in European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg) Programmes after Brexit? European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) Short general description Cohesion policy encourages regions and cities from different EU Member States to work together and learn from each other through joint programmes, projects and networks. This week our European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) team published its findings report from the consultation into Scotland’s participation in the 2021-27 period of ETC programmes. In the 2014–2020 EU budget period, the fifth generation of ETS programmes, … Content requirements with regard to cooperation programmes and implementation reports have been fine-tuned with the aim of reducing the administrative burden for programme authorities. Cross-border cooperation: promotion of sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility by integrating cross-border labour markets, promoting social inclusion and the integration of communities across borders, developing and implementing joint education, vocational training and training schemes, etc. Four EU macro-regional strategies, covering several policies, have been adopted so far: All adopted macro-regional strategies are also accompanied by a rolling action plan to be regularly updated in light of new, emerging needs and changing contexts. 2 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning interterritorial co-operation EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL REVIEW TERRITORIAL COOPERATION FOR THE FUTURE OF EUROPE. European territorial cooperation to alleviate differences in bordering regions between the Slovak Republic and Hungary, furthermore with other n on-member states of EU such as Ser bia or Ukraine. The joint ESPON and Interact Working Paper “Migration and the Role of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC)” stems from the conclusions of the General Affairs Council meeting in November 2015. The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 This instrument is being made using powers in the European Union … The draft specific provisions for European territorial cooperation (ETC) regulation proposes radical changes to interregional cooperation.. How the draft regulation treats interregional cooperation? INTERACT III is a cooperation programme of the European Territorial Cooperation goal, part of the interregional cooperation component (as per point (c) of Article 2(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013 on specific provisions for the support from the European Regional Development Fund to the European territorial cooperation goal, henceforth With the “European Cooperation Day” campaign we would like to remind citizens that many good things come out when we join forces. The European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) is a European Union level form of transnational cooperation between countries and local authorities with legal personality.EU Council Regulation 1082/2006 of 5 July 2006 forms its legal basis. The rule that each Member State has to adopt national rules on eligibility of expenditure (that applies to other programmes under the ERDF) is not appropriate for ETC. In order to maximise the impact of cohesion policy and contribute to the delivery of the Europe 2020 strategy, ERDF support for ETC programmes has to be concentrated on a limited number of thematic objectives[1], which are directly linked to that strategy’s priorities. In 2007, this Initiative was formally named European Territorial Cooperation and became one of the major goals of EU Cohesion Policy. Later in the week they also updated their guidance online for ETC in event of a No Deal Brexit (13 September 2019). European Territorial Co-operation programmes 2014 to 2020. Each of the projects funded by the programmes help the programme achieve its aims. It will also contribute to the priorities of the Atlantic Strategy and On 29 May 2018, the Commission published the draft regulations for the 2021-2027 programming period. Cohesion policy encourages regions and cities from different EU Member States to work together and learn from each other through joint programmes, projects and networks. The keynote speaker of the workshop, which was chaired by European Alliance Group (EA) vice president Cllr Anthony Buchanan from Scotland, was the CoR rapporteur on European Territorial Cooperation and executive member of the Corsican regional authority, Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis. Outermost regions may combine both cross-border and transnational cooperation actions in a single cooperation programme. Cohesion policy action against coronavirus, Improving how funds are invested and managed, Information and communication technologies, Annual Work Programme - Financing decisions, The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, The EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation. Introduction. Editorial by Karl-Heinz Lambertz, president of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and Francina Armengol, president of the Balearic Islands, member of the CoR and president of the Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean, ahead of the 9th annual meeting of the European Group of Territorial Cooperation Platform in Palma, Mallorca, 27 September 2019. Thirty years of European territorial cooperation. European Territorial Cooperation is central to the construction of a common European space, and a cornerstone of European integration. This website is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion … European Territorial Cooperation is an objective of the European Union ’s Cohesion Policy for the period 2007–2013, serving its ultimate goal to strengthen the economic and social cohesion of the Union. In March 2019, Parliament concluded its first reading. 2). The coronavirus pandemic with the sudden closure of EU internal borders was a stark reminder that European territorial cooperation cannot be taken for granted. " In 2007, this Initiative was formally named European Territorial Cooperation and became one of the major goals of EU Cohesion Policy. The following presentation of the cooperation area is based on a territorial needs assessment and a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) of the area drafted in 2013. The European Territorial Cooperation Programme URBACT III will contribute to the Europe 2020 goals by providing a mechanism for stakeholders involved to develop and implement better policies and actions for smart, inclusive and sustainable urban policy in cities. ; 20.36% for transnational cooperation. The EGTC Regulation was established in 2006 and was the first European cooperation structure with a legal personality defined by the European Law. 1 RESUME DE L'ETUDE L’adoption en juillet 2006 du Règlement relatif au Groupement européen de coopération territoriale est à la fois un bouleversement majeur du cadre juridique de la … Vincent Nadin is Professor of Spatial Planning and Strategy in the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology. The consultation followed on from workshops the team held across Scotland in autumn last year. The Pannon EGTC (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation), seated in the city of Pécs, Hungary, was established on 31 August, 2010 with the participation of Slovenian and Hungarian partners. Parliament advocated maintaining the existing ETC structure with its three different types of programmes. This is because they are administered by different managing authorities. For the programming period 2014-2020, for the first time in the history of European cohesion policy, a specific regulation has been adopted covering European Territorial Cooperation actions supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). These programmes, also referred to as Interreg, span a number of themes important to Scotland, from promoting greener initiatives to social inclusion and innovation. One of the many ways that we have worked with partners in Europe is through European Territorial Cooperation Programmes, which have just celebrated 30 years of collaboration. European Territorial Cooperation objective (formerly Objective 3) European Territorial Cooperation is an objective of the European Union’s Cohesion Policy for the period 2007–2013, serving its ultimate goal to strengthen the economic and social cohesion of the Union. Territorial cooperation has the opportunity to counterbalance European disintegration trends. For the programming period 2014-2020, for the first time in the history of European cohesion policy, a specific regulation has been adopted covering European Territorial Cooperation actions supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Moreover, the managing and the audit authority have to be located in the same Member State. Amongst these Initiatives were the INTERREG, launched in 1990, with the goal of preparing European border areas for a Community without internal borders. The draft specific provisions for European territorial cooperation (ETC) regulation proposes radical changes to interregional cooperation.. How the draft regulation treats interregional cooperation? Member States participating in a cooperation programme have to designate a single managing authority, a single certifying authority and a single audit authority. These are also complemented by additional priorities adapted to the specific needs of ETC actions. The European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) is a European Union level form of transnational cooperation between countries and local authorities with legal personality. It has clear European added value: helping to ensure that borders are not barriers, bringing Europeans closer together, helping to solve common problems, facilitating the sharing of ideas and assets, and encouraging strategic work towards common goals. 1. Reinforcing European Territorial Cooperation as a standalone EU cohesion policy goal, underpinned by a sound level of funding for the entire 2014-2020 period; Striking the right balance for thematic concentration, to make it strong enough to be in line with the 2020 objectives, but also flexible enough to be adapted to the different needs of cross-border and transnational cooperation; Improving the management and auditing of programmes, to ensure delivery of good results. Action in this area has expanded over the years to cover broader initiatives such as trans-national cooperation, involving countries from wider geographical areas, and inter-regional cooperation, which brings together regions … Established in 1990, the first European territorial cooperation initiative, Interreg I, focused on cross-border cooperation. 74.05% for cross-border cooperation. Parliament introduced more flexibility into the rules in two ways: by concentrating 80% of the funds on four thematic objectives and leaving the remaining 20% open; and by introducing a flexibility margin of 15% for transferring resources between the cross-border and transnational strands. Programme investments enable the mobilization of under-used territorial potentials, contributing to the competitiveness of Europe and to the necessary economic growth and job creation. These include a regulation on specific provisions for European Territorial Cooperation goal (Interreg). Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes 65, Leoforos Georgikis Scholis, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 469600 Fax +30 2310 469602 Email: Website: Twitter: @etc_interreg Youtube: Grinterreg Joint Secretariat Interreg V-A "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020" How to apply. Third countries may also participate in cooperation programmes. Each programme has its own application process. European Union > European Commission > Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy > Deputy Director-General for Implementation > European Territorial Cooperation, Macro-regions, Interreg and Programme Implementation I (REGIO.DDG.D) Parliament paid attention to the specific challenges of outermost regions, and in order to facilitate cross-border cooperation on maritime borders for those regions, more flexibility was introduced into the 150 km limit rule. As the ETC Regulation falls under the ordinary legislative procedure, the European Parliament was able to decide on its content on an equal footing with the Council. The new European Territorial Cooperation Regulations proposed by the European Commission’s DG Regio make provision for UK participation as a third country, if by that time it has left the EU. In the case of transnational cooperation, Parliament successfully defended its view that the Commission has to take account of existing and future macro-regional and sea-basin strategies when deciding on the list of areas entitled to receive support. This book fills an existing academic literature gap by providing a sound and synthetic analysis on the process of European Territorial Cooperation over the last 30 years. Each programme has its own application process. The programmes aim to encourage EU regions to work together. The new European Territorial Cooperation Regulations proposed by the European Commission’s DG Regio make provision for UK participation as a third country, if by that time it has left the EU. The European Union shares experience with non-EU countries about the process of regional development. In May 2018, the Commission proposed new regulations for the EU’s cohesion policy after 2020. Also, the involvement of several countries results in higher administrative costs. These programmes aim to reinforce the effectiveness of cohesion policy on the basis of actions that promote exchanges of experience between regions on issues such as design and implementation of programmes, sustainable urban development, and analysis of development trends in the Union’s territory. Scotland's Place in Europe emphasises the importance Scotland places on EU cooperation, and although the UK Government has yet to make a decision, the Scottish Government is committed to continuing to take part in European Territorial Cooperation programmes. European Territorial Co-Operation 2021 - 2027 2 Contents Disclaimer Information contained in this document reflects the views contained within the consultation responses received. Each of the projects funded by the programmes help the programme achieve its aims. This means that before the end of 2020 these two institutions will have to reach a consensus on the future rules for ETC. Interregional cooperation will cover the entire territory of the European Union. Finland and Sweden have established a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation – the Kvarken Council EGTC. Introduction and Methodology 3 1.1. cross-border cooperation to contribute to the balanced and sustainable development of the cooperation area, and more widely, to the economic, social and territorial cohesion of the European Union. As of April 2016, 62 EGTCs are in existence. European Territorial Cooperation programmes, which are sometimes known as Interreg programmes, are designed to promote cooperation between member states … The European Territorial Cooperation and Financial Mechanism Office carries out the tasks of the national authority in the field of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) and the management tasks related to other financial mechanisms, such as the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism. European Territorial Cooperation . IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FOR THE EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL COOPERATION GOAL PART A IDENTIFICATION OF THE ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT CCI 2014TC16M5TN001 Title Interreg Baltic Sea Region Version 2019.0 Date of approval of the … Article 178 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013 of 17 December 2013. ; Transnational cooperation: enhancing the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by developing and coordinating macro-regional and sea-basin strategies; Interregional cooperation: enhancing the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders and efficient public administration by disseminating good practices and expertise, promoting exchanges of experience, etc. ETC is the instrument of cohesion policy that is designed to solve problems which transcend national borders and require a common solution, and to jointly develop the potential of diverse territories. European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) has been a part of cohesion policy since 1990. Last week the UK Government wrote out to Interreg UK project partners with an “Important update on ETC no-deal Brexit preparations for UK project partners” (10 September 2019). The EESC underlines that European territorial cooperation (ETC) is a unique instrument of cohesion policy and one of the very few frameworks in which national, regional and local players from different Member States are systematically called upon to carry out joint measures and exchange practices and strategies; These programmes cover different geographical areas and have different aims. The aim of the cooperation is a well tuned development of the south-western border area. In such cases, the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) can also be used to finance cooperation actions. European Territorial Cooperation (ETC), better known as Interreg, is one of the two goals of cohesion policy and provides a framework for the implementation of joint actions and policy exchanges between national, regional and local actors from different Member States. They also include maritime cross-border cooperation where not covered by cross-border cooperation programmes; 5.59% for interregional cooperation. These resources are divided as follows: In principle all internal and external land borders of the EU, as well as maritime borders (regions separated by a maximum of 150 km, or in the case of outermost regions also more than 150 km), can be supported through the cross-border cooperation component. European Territorial Co-operation Territorial Cooperation The European Landscape Convention is a milestone for our work, as it extended its application to “natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas”, and “concerns landscapes that might be considered outstanding as well as everyday or degraded landscapes “ (Art. European labour market integration and provides an EU-wide overview on its implications for cross-border and transnational cooperation areas (i.e. The France (Channel) England area is relatively prosperous in European terms. The concentration of 70% of the resources of the programme for exchange and It was a major change because it is the first Community instrument with regulatory scope in the field. IMPLEMENTATION REPORT FOR THE EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL COOPERATION GOAL PART A IDENTIFICATION OF THE ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT CCI 2014TC16RFCB048 Title Interreg V-A - United Kingdom-Ireland (Ireland-Wales) Version 2018.0 Date of approval of the report by the monitoring committee 06-Jun-2019 Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. , in which Parliament is on an equal footing with the aim of the projects by. Egtc Regulation was established in 2006 and was the first European cooperation Day ” we! Promotion of mutually beneficial cooperation between innovative research-intensive clusters and exchanges between researchers and research institutions investment priorities been. Rules were created to meet the needs of European integration legislative procedure, in Parliament! Interreg ) the EGTC Regulation was established in 2006 and was the first Community instrument with regulatory in! 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