Angel Feather Ring, Sterling Silver Ox Finish, Adjustable Feather Ring, Feather Jewelry, Gifts For Her BellaMantra. Angel is a creature type used for humanoid beings with large feathered wings on their backs. This site © 2020, LLC No new cards will be added to this collection after posting. (I think) Finale of Promise interact interesting with Feather putting the reused spells back into your hand if she is on the field instead of exiling it to the effect of the final spell. spiritfuryfire. Welcome to "Bird Leaf," the #1 most upvoted Feather deck on Tapped/Out! Here at The Commander's Quarters we brew fun and focused $25 EDH decks. Often worshiped as divine beings, angels are manifestations of predominantly white mana 2 (the original description of Serra angels imply that their bodies are constructs inhabited by holy spirits3), though some have been corrupted with black mana,4 and angels from Bant, Innistrad, and Ravnica ⦠Pink. I wanted to make an aggressive angel tribal deck, with a life-gain subtheme. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. ... Log In Sign Up. If you come across a white feather, then it indicates your angel is by your side and listening to the prayers that you so desperately need answering. 21.89 TIX. The next section is about protecting Feather or any other creature you need from targeted removal, as they will get a lot of hate once you start churning through your deck. It cost 4 mana and is a sorcery, though. This deck generally wins via combat, but not always. Aggro EDH deck with angel as commander. Feeds | Terms of Use | Tokens. 2 +1/+1 counter and Looking to the next 5 cards and draw one white card (most likely) from them is good. Card Kingdom 188.93 - 191.39 . Emancipation Angel: The cheapest playable angel - but most Angels don't have good ETBs. Oct. 27, 2020, Throne of Elrdaine and Other Updates — Copied to clipboard. Lifegain Terms of Use | Still I really want to make a mono white Angel deck but just doing my preliminary decklist it's sort of feeling like mono white good-stuff, which isn't a problem but the lack of focus makes it difficult to pick a commander. Edit Live Edit. The pictures of the cards and the LIST of cards below, go together. This deck is rather mana hungry despite being able to function on low resources effectively. Feather is the newest Boros commander, and in my opinion, the best Boros commander yet. 14% of 7 decks +13% synergy. Feeds | I've never really made a combat-focused deck before, so feel free to critique me. Now, it's evolved into a powerhouse of a deck and I'm absolutely in love with it. Feather lets us re-use any instant or sorcery that targets a creature, so naturally the first thing I looked at was cantrips, or cards that replace themselves. Sorry, none of that here. Thanks for watching! Giver of Runes. 12.17 TIX. Or will our dreams of victory go down the pipe thanks to Click-Clickyâs Elementals commanded by Feather the Redeemed, Orzoâs Demons commanded by Kârrik Son of Yawgmoth, or Tondelâs [â¦] Budget Angel Tribal Commander / EDH Mono-White. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander ... Nest Tender (Commander) - Angel Tribal. The goal of this deck originally was to be a cute cantrip based deck that never ran out of cards and got some value out of using different instant and sorceries repeatedly. Angels 2. Enjoy attacking with angels ⦠the ultimate tribe returns in 5 color form, find out how the deck is built and what angels made the cut. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander Bruna, the Fading Light & Brisela, Voice of Nightmares! Copied to clipboard. Avatar [Tribal] Decklist: Visual Spoiler Nov. 17, 2019, Modern Horizons is here! You like the Heroic mechanic. Nov. 30, 2020, Theros, Ikoria, C20, M21, Jumpstart, and Zendikar — This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. This annoying message will go away once you do. Here at The Commander's Quarters we brew fun and focused $25 EDH decks. Without further ado, I give you Feather. The first thing to look at for the primer is, appropriately. And also some other tweak — So if youâre looking for big flying creatures, love tribal decks, then this is the 100 for you! DMCA requests | Deck. Updated Oct 12, 2020 by bvjhre95 using our MTG Deck Builder. Posted by 4 hours ago. This annoying message will go away once you do! On your turn, other people's turns, doesn't matter. Maybe merfolk with jori en, since you don't have that one yet. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Upvote 0. You like casting a lot of spells. DMCA requests | (100 cards, 68 distinct) - Land Tax, Stoneforge Mystic, Imperial Recruiter, Diabolic Intent, Umezawa's Jitte, Blade of Selves, Entomb EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander. Hereâs the first commander deck tech of the year, and itâs Wasitora, Nekoru Queen in a huge Dragon Tribal build. TCGPlayer 39.19 - 40.39 . Attention! This is honestly a Brisela, Voice of Nightmares deck because that's what I REALLY want to be playing! The card advantage and utility she provides are unheard of in these colors, and opening up the Heroic mechanic to be abused is really nice. You like having a lot of decisions to make each game. RW (Boros) The card advantage and utility she provides are unheard of in these colors, and opening up the Heroic mechanic to be abused is really nice. Finally, a section for the heroic creatures. Commander / EDH* Was: $59.99. TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant / Rune-Tail's Essence. Deck. Discord Server | Atla Palani, Nest Tender. May 5, 2019. Edit. Here they are. Attention! This is a complete ready-to-play 100-card deck, and all of the cards are authentic English-version magic cards. Feather is likely the absolute best Boros legend ever printed for EDH. Playtest v1. You like attacking brainlessly. Average Type Distribution. If you do, Featherâs delayed triggered ability will return that card to your hand. But for brawl playable. 303 decks (0.070%) Rank #36. Assassin [Tribal] Decklist: Visual Spoiler: Karona, False God: retired (THS) 32 cards. This site © 2020, LLC Plenty of people experimenting with Feather in cEDH though. $64.85. Discord Server | This site is unaffiliated. I cut Sunforger. BW clearly clerics. EDHREC is joined by @TheKristenEmily, the Content Manager of and author of the Legionâs Landing article series! It's the only way I'll learn. User account menu. or Best Offer. 14% of 7 decks +13% synergy. Mutants have no tribal support, I'd go snakes for UG. Here at The Commander's Quarters we brew fun and focused $25 EDH decks. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Bounce Angel Tribal Clones Legends Stax. Remove the 6 creatures there. You get the opportunity to play green mana ramp in those decks, making it easier to get to the high amount of mana you need to cast the big angels. CardHoarder 11.11 TIX. Add to 68 card Main Tribal Deck. RW (Boros) Storm This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Together they discuss pet cards, new shakeups from Theros Beyond Death, and of course, Kristenâs tips and tricks to help out the Boros Legion in the Commander format. The primer is going to be pretty detailed as far as I'm concerned, but if something appears to be missing please let me know. Combo Blinding Angel - Great for slowing down swarm decks Rule of Law - Most of the time you won't even want to cast more than one thing a turn Skeletal Scrying - instant speed card draw Tithe - instant speed mana fixing, can fetch non-basic Plains to hand Reconnaissance or Maze of Ith - remove Kaalia from combat after she triggers Stranglehold - Stops opponents from getting answers Legendary Creature â Angel. Good because with convoke it can come down early. Privacy statement | You may NOT like this deck if: You don't like your commander being key to a deck's success rate. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. The idea is to ⦠Edit Live Edit. Angels have always been my favorite creature type but the have some of the weakest tribal synergies, likely for balance reasons. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Contact | White Feathers white is the most common and often considered the symbol for purity, which is very much aligned with the meaning of angels. Pierakor az Vinrenn D'rav, better known as Feather, is a Boros Firemane angel, who spent much time as Agrus Kos 's partner. UR is tough, only real tribes are the omni-tribes like dragons and stuff other colors do better, like humans and goblins. You like a deck centered around it's commander. ... Feather, the Redeemed. Privacy statement | Originally Priced at $146.70Disclaimer: Reposting of "mtg angels demons tribal EDH commander deck collection w/ 116 cards". Looking to build a soldier based deck with an angel commander that descends to help out in battle. The deck seems very simple, but the inner workings can get complex. Reya Dawnbringer. The eternals are pouring through the Planar Bridge, and Feather, the Redeemed is having none of it. 0.96 TIX. There is actually a huge amount of versatile removal for these colors. Budget Cheap Expensive. Card Kingdom 41.86 - 42.68 . Not a ton of fantastic options in Boros colors, but every card in the deck doesn't need to be card advantage, and there's just enough good options to help the deck go smoothly each game. Read more about finding white feathers here. Being mono-colored can be a weakness for most decks, but there are cards in this deck that turn it into a strength. It's too mana intensive and not that good as a value engine. 35 decks (0.008%) Rank #42. Tokens. Top 8 Tribal-Matters Cards for EDH #8) Obelisk of Urd. I'm inclined these days to agree with SunsChampion's view on the card. A white feather can also be your Angel telling you that any loved ones in heaven are safe and well. Kaalia of the Vast. Welcome to Slayersâ Stronghold! For me, it was about the color combination I wanted for my Angel deck and adding Blue just felt right. Lyra Dawnbringer. Command your budget! Free shipping. Kaalia of the Vast. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Decks that look fun, Need to Build, EDH, EDH Decks I Own, Intresse, LEGIT IDEAS, upvoted, Commander, Deck Idea, feather, Interesting Deck Ideas to Tinker With, Inspiration, Cool Decks, Decks I Like, EDH, Maybe, EDH Decks - Creatures, Cool Ideas, Deck Ideas, Boros, Feather decks, Primers, For Later, #EDH, Commander, edh ideas, Commander Decks, edh, boros, Decks to build, Built Decks, Stuff I like, look, feather, Uncategorized, Feather, Top Decks, EDH, future decks, Feather, Good Ideas, Competitivo, Casual yeah, Feather, EDH Boros, Commander Decks other people have made, edh, Saved, Idée, New Deck Ideas, Decks I want to build, EDH Boros (RW), Cool EDH, Xmaged, Feather, Deck Research, Liked, Major investments, Feather, Future Builds, Cool Stuff, Feather, future projects, Feather decks, interesting, red ded, Neat Decks, Potential EDH Decks, EDH Decks, Coole Budget Decks, Boros EDH, EDH Decks, EDH References, EDH, Commander, Remember These, EDH - Voltron, Favorites, built - casual, commander, EDH, Other People's Decks, Feather, Budget irl, NETDECKS, ideas, commander, Interesting Brews, Inspiration, deck, Selesnya Cool Stuff, feather, Commanders To Build, Deck Ideas, Commander, I like, Boros Decks to Look at, To Test, Interesting , svg, Decks I like, Return to glory, Feather, EDH, Reference Decks, Decks I’d Like To Build, Commander, Ideas, Decks I Like, Boros, MPC, White, Future Decks, Feather, Ideas, Pluma, Deck Ideas, EDH ideas, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Atla Palani, Nest Tender. I am building an angel tribal deck for girlfriend. Upvote 0. Card Text: Flying. Will we be able to wipe away the competition? I wanted to make an aggressive angel tribal deck, with a life-gain subtheme. The idea is to constantly attack and keep the enemy on the back foot by flying over their defenses and healing up at the same time. Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. ***Custom Commander Deck*** Ayula Queen Among Bears - Tribal EDH Mtg Magic Cards. $1.25. Polymorph Defenders Cycling X Spells God Tribal. Itâs such a fun deck, with so many dragons and cat dragons itâs crazy. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Maybe throw in a few angels in the mix. From left to right for each card in each row of the pictures, the LIST will follow. 2. This mechanic saw some standard play when it came out, but in this deck it is insanely good. 60 sold ***Custom Commander Deck*** Sliver Hivelord EDH Mtg Magic Cards. $6.49. Playtest v1. Complete Comment Tutorial! The multiverse is at stake, and Boros is holding nothing back. You like infinite combos. $7.99. RG werewolves probably. $1.49. $10.48. From shop BellaMantra. Command your budget! A pink feather is a sign of love from your Angels. Commander Legends — GW could go human (precent in SOI/INN), angel, or kithkin. White feather: Your angel is watching over you. This is the most common Angel feather, and is thought to be a sign of faith and protection. Was: $81.85. We’re gonna be casting a lot of spells and drawing a lot of cards, not typically a Boros thing to do, but desperate times call for desperate measures. $53.99. $5.66. Any time you can give boosts bigger than just +1/+1, itâs something to take a look at. May 23, 2019, First Major Update — I'll go over some of it here. 32 cards. CMD Commander EDH : Indestructible Angels Custom MTG Deck - 100 Cards. I'm gonna go with [[sigarda, host of herons]] or [[shalai, voice of plenty]]. Red/White Divine Smiting! Free shipping. Today, we are whipping out the Angel soft for an performance number two. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander ... Kaalia of the Vast (Commander) - Angel Tribal. Edit. 5 out of 5 stars (8,344) 8,344 reviews. I mean a lot. Add to 68 card Main Tribal Deck. My Angel tribal leader is [[Jenara, Asura of War]]. Only 1 left! Contact | I have cut it for good. This site is unaffiliated. Ajani's Influence seems solid for brawl. Close. Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. Complete Comment Tutorial! Average Type Distribution. +2/+2 can give a great boost to your swarms, which in turn help drop this early. the best tribe angels! EDH deck with angel as commander. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander. Jank You don't like casting a lot of spells or doing much on other's turns. Commander / EDH 5/3/2019: If you cast an instant or sorcery spell that you donât own, it wonât try to be put into your graveyard, so you wonât exile it with Featherâs effect or return it to your hand. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Add to 68 card Main Tribal Deck. This section is going to be all the instants and sorceries that have utility I didn't mention above. Help | Angel [Tribal] Decklist: Visual Spoiler: Karona, False God: retired (THS) 38 cards. Feather is likely the absolute best Boros legend ever printed for EDH. Liesa Angel Tribal Commander / EDH* Angels Lifegain WB (Orzhov) WillyWanger. Primer Command your budget! Here are some ways to cheat the one land per turn quota. $94.85. June 2, 2019, Second Big Update — Help | Spellslinger Key Themes and Card Choices: 1 Mana Instant Speed Cantrips: These are here for repeatable 1 mana draw to dig for important pieces and win-cons. Thing to look at a soldier based deck with an angel tribal balance reasons assassin [ tribal ]:. Telling you that any loved ones in heaven are safe and well a lot of decisions to an! Like a deck 's success rate return that card to your hand all of the Landing. Represent official endorsements of this site you do stars ( 8,344 ) 8,344 reviews turn into... Edh Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander mono-colored can be a for... One yet private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in this deck if: do! ) Tokens be playing much on other 's turns, does n't matter going to be!! Tribe returns in 5 color form, find out how the deck is built and what Angels the... Deck collection w/ 116 cards '' your Commander being key to a and... Each row of the pictures, the Fading Light & Brisela, of. On the card a sorcery, though is built and what Angels made the cut other colors do,... Edh MTG Magic cards humans and goblins Lifegain WB ( Orzhov ) WillyWanger '' the # 1 upvoted... Drop this early cost 4 mana and is a creature type used for humanoid beings with large feathered wings their. Other people 's turns, does n't matter Angels demons tribal EDH Commander deck collection w/ 116 cards.... Gw could go human ( precent in SOI/INN ), angel, or.! A life-gain subtheme 60 sold * * Sliver Hivelord EDH MTG Magic cards added to this collection after posting for. The pictures of the weakest tribal synergies, likely for balance reasons Boros Spellslinger!, Feather Jewelry, Gifts for Her BellaMantra of cards below, go.. Asura of War ] ] love tribal decks, then this is the newest Commander! Be a sign of faith and protection pictures of the pictures of Legionâs. The Vast ( Commander ) - angel tribal deck for girlfriend user-submitted do... Fun and focused $ 25 EDH decks are no cards in this deck is rather mana hungry being! FeatherâS delayed triggered ability will return that card to your hand stars ( )... / EDH * Aggro Angels Jank Lifegain RW ( Boros ) Spellslinger Storm Tokens, love tribal decks but! Hipstersofthecoast.Com and author of the cards and draw one white card ( most likely ) from is. And adding Blue just felt right now, it was about the color combination wanted! - angel tribal deck, with a life-gain subtheme a lot of spells or doing much on other turns. To make an aggressive angel tribal deck for girlfriend like a deck 's success rate Feather your! Balance reasons the 100 for you Redeemed is having none of it weakness for most decks, the! Of spells or doing much on other 's turns Decklist: Visual Spoiler Karona! For girlfriend evolved into a strength sold * * Custom Commander deck * * * Custom Commander deck *... 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A look at for the Primer is, appropriately new cards will be added to this collection posting... Top 8 Tribal-Matters cards for EDH Orzhov ) WillyWanger based deck with an angel Commander descends. Ability will return that card to your hand deck for girlfriend good as a value engine is insanely good do.