“It is highly unlikely that tar spot will be the only fungal disease in a field,” Tedford says. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Advertisement Geographically, the label allows Lucento fungicide to be used for tar spot control in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin, which are expected to have the highest potential for tar spot development in 2019. If tar spot pressure is high and conditions favor disease progression, the company recommends using higher rates with shorter intervals between application. However, this disease ramps up reproduction and symptom/sign development rapidly. Compare. Tar spot of corn (caused by the fungus Phyllachora maydis) was first confirmed in the United States in 2015 on dent corn in seven counties in northwest Indiana and 10 counties in north-central Illinois. Fungicides were applied at growth stage V12, R1 and R3. • Watch neighboring soybeans. This learning module will take you approximately 30 minutes and will show you the benefits of using a fungicide in your corn and soybeans.// more. Q. The combination of high temperature and decay of leaf tissue in a compost pile helps eliminate tar spot fungi. Fungicides can reduce tar spot. For most maples, tar spot is not a serious disease. Broadform™ fungicide helps maximize foliar disease control on key pathogens including Botrytis, leaf spot, and dieback diseases. The combination of fungicides with more tolerant products will likely be the best means of help in the near term. “In the treated corn, we had about a 23 bu/A response spraying Delaro,” Schirm added. Delaro also increases plant stress resistance to support the full genetic potential of the seed. This application occurred at approximately 1/2 milkline (R5). ai/A Ground Minimum of 10 GPA Aerial Minimum of 2 GPA Apply prior to disease onset when conditions favor disease development. Essentially, advertising suggests that a fungicide application, made around the time of first white flower, and in some cases followed by a second application 14 days later, can be expected to result in an automatic yield increase (pounds of lint/A). The amended label is an example of how Bayer is committed to supporting growers through innovative solutions. Read … Soybean fungicide table: here. View up to date crop reports, livestock information and … Tar Spot of Maple: Rhytisma spp. This recommendation is made as permitted under FIFRA Section 2(ee) and has not been submitted to or approved by EPA. However, fungicide treatments for tar spot are rarely, if ever, warranted. Infection lesions are most commonly found in the lower Management recommendations. ManKocide is a mancozeb plus copper hydroxide fungicide/bactericide to control diseases on vegetable, fruit and tree crops. “By spraying Delaro at the R1 or R2 stage we fought off tar spot moving in for at least three to four weeks.”. In addition to suppression of white mold, Delaro is labeled for other key diseases, such as frogeye leaf spot, aerial blight and brown spot in soybeans. Tar spot is a fungal disease that causes a great deal of concern for home gardeners due to its appearance. If tar spot pressure is high and conditions favor disease progression, the company recommends using higher rates with shorter intervals between application. – Growers facing the threat of tar spot in corn and white mold in soybeans can now use Delaro fungicide to manage those diseases, thanks to a recent label amendment. Efficacy ratings based on limited site locations from 2018 and 2019. Eight products at various application timings were evaluated (Table 1). However, if you start to see the forecast calling for persistent rains heading into VT and you had it in previous seasons, you might need to consider a fungicide application. Hope this was helpful. The diseases are called "tar spots" because their appearance so closely resemble droplets of tar on leaf surfaces. In an Iowa field trial, the untreated check was affected by tar spot very early, but the corn treated with Delaro showed no symptomology until the fungicide wore off. 3) Fungicides. All fungicides in these trials were effective against gray leaf spot. There are others as well that are now labeled for Tar Spot. The Andersons grows enduring relationships through extraordinary service, a deep knowledge of the market, and a knack for finding new ways to add value as we have done for nearly 70 years. However, the Iowa growers who sprayed Delaro fungicide were able to better control the disease. • Manage excessive canopy growth. BASF to Launch New Fungicide Revysol. A new addition this year is product efficacy for tar spot of corn. I know BASF has a new three mode of action fungicide (Veltyma )) with a much longer residual window for 2020 that is labeled for Tar Spot. Tar spot Fact sheet; Short Tar Spot Video; Tar Spot Webinar The Tar spot was found on a live oak sample that was sent into the lab from a private residence. But once the lesions develop, each one can house 1,000 spores, which … Disease With Unknown Yield Impact Pops Up Across Eastern Corn Belt. Delaro®applied at 8oz/A, with 2 GPA when applied aerially, or 10 GPA when applied by ground at VT- R1 timing is labeled for control of key Midwestern diseases, such as gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, rust, and tar spot. The pathogen started appearing in Midwest states over the last few years. The publications are available at the following links: 2020 Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases, 2020 Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Soybean Foliar Diseases, 2020 Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Soybean Seedling Diseases, They can also be found under Crop Protection Network Resources https://cropprotectionnetwork.org/resources/publications. Fungicide timing, fungicide efficacy and epidemiology trials are being conducted to fine-tune tar spot management recommendations. Timing of application varied among products and was suggested by the companies contributing each product. Fungicide for Control of Tar Spot on Field Corn, Popcorn, Corn Grown For Seed Production. New Fungicide Labeled for Tar Spot Control. Velista ® fungicide is the broadest spectrum and only SDHI labeled for anthracnose in the golf market. Fungicides containing copper and mancozeb are labeled for tar spot control in Wisconsin. diameter (Several different fungi in the genus Rhytisma infect the leaves of maples and cause raised, black spots to form on upper leaf surfaces. Maple tar spot is a fungal infection that is relatively easy to control using cultural methods instead of chemical control, although chemical control can be used as a last resort. “Delaro, with the two modes of action, and the prothioconazole in particular, does a really great job at helping with white mold suppression,” said Reif. Tar spot is a corn disease that is caused by the fungus Phyllachora maydis. Tar spot is currently labeled under a 2(ee) for Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin. For Control of Tar Spot in Field Corn, Field Corn Grown for Seed & Popcorn - 2EE For Suppression of White Mold in Soybean - 2EE. Tar spot lesions can take 14 to even 30 days to form after infection occurs. Fungicides labelled for tar spot include Trivapro, and those with FIFRA 2(ee) recommendations allow Aproach Prima, Delaro, Headline AMP, Lucento, Miravis Neo, Quilt Xcel and … “It kind of crept in last summer and has expanded extensively around the state of Iowa.”. Some copper-containing fungicides are labeled for tar spot control. No surfactant was included in applications made at V12. Spectracide Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide 16 oz Spray Concentrate For Gardens Model# HG-51000-2 View the Spectracide Complete Garden Insect Control $ 14 99 $ 14 99. Corn fungicide table : here Limitations: Should be … Purdue University Delaro has two heavy-hitting modes of action to deliver excellent disease control. Trivapro ® fungicide, is a proven, effective management tool for tar spot. “Delaro performed exceptionally well this year on tar spot in Iowa,” said Schirm. diameter (Several different fungi in the genus Rhytisma infect the leaves of maples and cause raised, black spots to form on upper leaf surfaces. Pyraclostrobin (Headline) was the first foliar fungicide labeled in cotton in 2007. Free delivery. This means that timing of application is critical. It is labeled for corn and soybeans and controls some of the most damaging diseases, such as gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight, and rusts. For some growers, 2019 was their first encounter with tar spot in their corn fields. FMC recommends using the higher use rate and shorter interval when tar spot pressure is high and conditions are favorable for disease development. If tar spot is observed and you are irrigating or have had frequent rain, monitor this situation very closely. For tar spot, as with Northern corn leaf blight, growers should go in early with an application around the V4 through V8 growth stages. Tar Spot 4.0 (Phyllachora maydis) -6.0 0.06-0.09 lb. However, this disease ramps up reproduction and symptom/sign development rapidly. Note however, that yield responses varied considerably among locations, time of application and product. There are many fungicides labeled for tar spot suppression. Fungicide. “It protects the senescing flower petals, the primary infection point, and just does a really good job at preventing infection, or drastically reducing it, when the product is applied at the right timing.”. Incorporate fungicides into the management plan: A tassel application of a fungicide labeled for Tar Spot is a critical piece to keeping the corn plant healthy and producing grain. Fungicide application timing is extremely important and needs to be made near the onset of the tar spot symptoms. Tar Spot. Tar spots on the maple leaves develop as a small yellow spot and turn black afterwards. Target Spot Management • Scout! Rotation still should be practiced to reduce the impact of more common (and significant) diseases such as grey leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, and anthracnose. The fungus responsible for the tar spots on the leaves of the tree is the most harmless maple tree fungus. This fungus is characterized by the formation of black, blotchy lesions on the upper side of oak leaves, especially along the veins of the leaves. Apply DuPont APROACH® PRIMA Fungicide at 3.4-6.8 fl oz. This means that timing of application is critical 4. FMC has issued a 2(ee) label for tar spot control in corn (field, seed, and popcorn) for its new Lucento fungicide. Symptoms vary slightly from pathogen to pathogen, but all three organisms produce fungal spots that do look like spots of tar. If the timing is right, it can really steal a LOT of yield. “If soybeans do get white mold, it can take a really good, healthy crop down to almost nothing,” said David Reif, a sales representative for Bayer in Michigan. ... Raise the bar with Delaro Fungicide. Fungicide timing is going to be extremely important for tar spot and needs to be made near the onset of the first tar spot symptoms. Tar spot seems to progress quickly in irrigated environments. Tar spot fungi overwinter on fallen infected leaves. The efficacy data for this disease was based on limited site locations from 2018 and 2019 and products will continue to be evaluated. ™ ® Aproach Prima is not registered for sale or use in all states. The co-chair of the Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil & Healthy Water talks about strip-cropping and interseeding cover crops at a field day in the summer of 2020. This disease can cause yield losses of up to 50 percent, according to the University of Wisconsin – Madison. In a 2018 University of Wisconsin trial, Trivapro reduced tar spot severity by almost 10% in comparison to untreated corn, yielding 12 bushels per acre more corn. Fungicides would need to be applied three times: once at bud break, once when leaves are half expanded, and once when leaves are In addition to suppression of white mold, Delaro is labeled for other key diseases, such as frogeye leaf spot, aerial blight and brown spot in soybeans. LOUIS, Mo. “It’s something we haven’t seen extensively until this year,” said Schirm. Explore the costs, benefits and drivers of soil health at the third annual Project GROW Winter Workshop, featuring Dr. Jill Clapperton, owner and principal scientist at Rhizoterra, Dan Leininger A tar spot infection can cause severe yield loss if left untreated. The disease causes the tree to become very unsightly and appear unhealthy. You should consult an expert before using a fungicide. Pre-harvest Interval (PHI): Zero (0) days Treatment: ManKocide may be applied as an aerial, ground dilute or ground concentrate spray unless specifically directed otherwise in the specific crop use directions. FMC recommends using the higher use rate and shorter interval when tar spot pressure is high and conditions are favorable for disease development. They produce spores the following spring. Below is a map of where tar spot has been confirmed as of 2020. Use the highest specified rate and shorter intervalhigh. West Lafayette, IN 47907, An equal access/equal opportunity university. So if you do put a fungicide spray on at V6, you might have to come back at VT with another application to protect plants during the reproductive phase, should we stay in favorable conditions for tar spot. Needham Ag understands the role of technology in making better use of limited resources within a specific environment by drawing on a wealth of global experience to overcome the challenges facing today's farmers, manufacturers and dealers. Fungicides labelled for tar spot include Trivapro, and those with FIFRA 2 (ee) recommendations allow Aproach Prima, Delaro, Headline AMP, Lucento, Miravis Neo, Quilt Xcel and Topguard EQ. In corn, Delaro also controls diseases, such as gray leaf spot, anthracnose leaf blight, common rust and southern rust, in addition to tar spot. Delaro® is not registered in all states. Tar spot is an aggressive pathogen that affects corn most often during the mid-reproductive cycle, appearing as black specks, almost like splattered tar on corn leaves. 3) Fungicides. The fungus eats away at the stems of healthy soybean plants, leading to decreased photosynthetic activity and premature death. Visit the Crop Protection Network website for more information on how tar spot impacted the 2018 crop and considering a fungicide for late-planted crops. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. ManKocide is also labeled for Frost Injury Protection. Fungicides would need to be applied three times: once at bud break, once when leaves are half expanded, and once when leaves are fully unfurled. Download these helpful knowledge building tools, Design, CMS, Hosting & Web Development :: ePublishing. ... Pre-harvest Interval (PHI): Zero (0) days Treatment: ManKocide may be applied as an aerial, ground dilute or ground concentrate spray unless specifically directed otherwise in the specific crop use directions. While tar spot can affect many species of maple, it is commonly reported on Norway, silver and red maples. In soybeans it controls white mold, frogeye leaf spot, and Septoria leaf spot. Indiana specific data on the management of tar spot is also available in the Purdue Extension publication – Applied Research in Field Crop Pathology for Indiana – 2019. Tar spot lesions can take 14 to even 30 days to form after infection occurs. FMC has issued a 2(ee) label for tar spot control in corn (field, seed and popcorn) for its new Lucento fungicide. The diseases are called "tar spots" because their With strobilurin and triazole components, Delaro provides long-lasting residual control for extended performance growers can count on through the season. White mold, on the other hand, causes yield loss in soybeans by reducing seed number and weight. In corn, Delaro also controls diseases, such as gray leaf spot, anthracnose leaf blight, common rust and southern rust, in addition to tar spot. If you have trouble accessing this page because of a disability, please contact Pest&Crop newsletter at luck@purdue.edu. Indiana specific data on the management of tar spot is also available in the Purdue Extension publication – Applied Research in Field Crop Pathology for Indiana – 2019 In addition to … Disease in the trials was assess… Set your store to see local availability Add to Cart. Boxelder, tulip tree, willow and holly can also get tar spot caused by a Rhytisma fungi. The tables are updated annually and include the most widely marketed products, but are not an exhaustive list. Reif recommends soybean growers apply Delaro between the R1 and R2 timeframe. Lessons To Learn From 2018. 1 A 2ee label is available for several fungicides for control of tar spot, however ef!cacy data are limited Corn Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Foliar Diseases The Corn Disease Working Group (CDWG) developed ratings for how well When applied during this timeframe, some of Reif’s grower customers have seen anywhere from 10 to 15 bu/A yield increases, depending on severity of the white mold infection. • Watch the weather. This year there have been several additions in products, and some new diseases as well. Remember, that the window of opportunity to treat with a These ratings are based off of our independent trials, conducted over many locations and years. Work with your local retail However, fungicide treatments for this disease are rarely, if ever, warranted. A 2ee label is available for several fungicides for control of tar spot, however, efficacy data are limited. Maple Tar Spot Treatment. Just because you had severe tar spot one season does NOT mean you are going to have it the following year. Prevention is the key with this disease, but if nearby trees are infected, you can’t reasonably expect to totally destroy this fungus without community support. Because of the way maple tar spot disease is transmitted, complete control of maple tar spot is virtually impossible on mature trees. For example Tar spot in corn and target spot in soybeans. Focusing on Smarter, Sustainable Fertilizing Strategies, Managing Prevented Planting Acres, Disaster Aid, Lucento Fungicide Issued a 2(EE) Label for Tar Spot in Corn, Sporecaster: New White Mold Risk Prediction Smartphone App Now Live, [Webinar] Digging into Soil Health: The Role of Soil Microbes, Healthy Soils Healthy Climate Act Bill Introduced in the Senate, [Video] Seeding Cereal Rye with the Combine, Compound Interest: Building on the Benefits of Organic Production. Fungicide timing will be complicated by the disease's latency period, Kleczewski noted. 4. Tar spot seems to progress quickly in irrigated environments. In addition to disease control, Delaro improves plant health, promoting healthy, dark green leaves for improved photosynthesis. However, optimum application timing will be critical for a fungicidehere. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the revision of the federal registration, adding tar spot and white mold to the long list of diseases that Delaro helps farmers manage. There are many fungicides labeled for tar spot suppression. FMC has issued a 2(ee) label for tar spot control in corn (field, seed and popcorn) for its new Lucento fungicide.Per the 2(ee) label, Lucento fungicide can be applied at the onset of the disease up through the R4 growth stage with a maximum of two applications per year. Keeping as much staygreen into the plant is critical to slow late infections … Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over. In addition, several 2(ee) labels that can manage tar spot will be available starting in 2019. Syngenta offers Trivapro fungicide for tar spot management. In addition to controlling anthracnose, Velista also protects against dollar spot, brown patch and more. To learn more about Delaro fungicide and the diseases you can control using it, contact your local Bayer representative or visit www.delaro.us. What I've Learned from No-Tilling: One Bold Move Leads to Decades of No-Till Success, 5 Pillars for No-Till Farming Effectively, Efficiently, Making the Precision Basics Even Better with Implement Guidance, How No-Tilling Can Help Growers Ease Flooding Issues, Strip Cropping and Interseeding Cover Crops with Marty Weiss. In 2018, yield losses were reported up to 30-40 bu/A, according to Michigan State University. A. Tar spot has occurred in northern Illinois and Indiana each year since it was first discovered in 2015. It is primarily a cosmetic disease that makes the tree look a little ragged but does not kill the tree, nor even cause serious defoliation. The Updated 2020 Fungicide Efficacy Tables Are Now Available For Corn And Soybean, https://cropprotectionnetwork.org/resources/publications, Applied Research in Field Crop Pathology for Indiana – 2019, Department of Entomology Miravis Neo is part of the new Miravis fungicide line from Syngenta containing the Adepidyn molecule. Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Target Spot and Fungicide Use in Cotton Trey Price pprice@agcenter.lsu.edu 318-235-9805 @ppp_trey Corynespora cassiicola (Berk. “In my area, specifically, it’s a serious disease growers are thinking about every single year.”. In addition, a number of the fungicides have a 2ee label for tar spot, so it will be important to check if your state has this label for use. If tar spot is observed and you are irrigating or have had frequent rain, monitor this situation very closely. Shoot for the R1-R3 window, and remember, revenge sprays after the fact are not going to help you manage tar spot, although they may make you Each year the members of the Corn Disease Working Group and the North Central Regional Committee on Soybean Diseases (NCERA 127) with the support of the United Soybean Board establish ratings on the efficacy of fungicides for corn and soybean diseases. Fungal leaf spots are the most common and obvious diseases present during ornamental crop production. More Tar Spot Information. The fungicide active ingredients listed were tested over multiple years and locations by the members of these groups. 901 W. State St. While certain characteristics may often be present with each type of leaf spot disease, there are no hard and fast rules about diagnosing by […] The disease was detected very late in the growing season and no yield loss was reported in fields where the disease was first confirmed. Host Plants Tar spot of maple in northeastern North America is caused by three species of the fungus Rhytisma: R. acerinum, R. punctatum and R. americanum. Trabutia quercina is an ascomycete fungus that specifically targets species of oak trees, creating a disease commonly known as Tar spot on the leaves. The three robust active ingredients in Trivapro, including Solatenol ® fungicide, provide preventive and curative disease control and plant-health benefits, helping growers stay a step ahead of tar spot. per acre for control of Tar Spot (Phyllacora maydis) in corn. For example Tar spot in corn and target spot in soybeans. Luckily, this disease is generally a cosmetic problem, rather than a real health issue for trees. Fungicide application timing is extremely important and needs to be made near the onset of the tar spot symptoms. These ratings are based off of our independent trials, conducted over many locations and years. Should You Rely on Technology to Guide Your Nitrogen Decisions? The tar spot seen on maples is caused by three related fungi, Rhytisma acerinum, R. americanum and R. punctatum. Tar Spot of Maple: Rhytisma spp. Fungicides can reduce tar spot. Remember, that the window of opportunity to treat with a fungicide can pass rapidly as this disease can move quickly. Disease is usually spotted in early beans before cotton. It can currently be found in states such as Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. “The label expansion reassures our grower and retail customers that we do have activity on these diseases,” said Dustin Schirm, Bayer customer business advisor for northern Iowa. Consult the product label before buying and using a specific fungicide. Efficacy ratings based on limited site locations from 2018 and 2019. Per the 2(ee) label, Lucento fungicide can be applied at the onset of the disease up through the R4 growth stage with a maximum of two applications per year. The disease eats away at healthy green leaf tissue and leads to increased lodging in corn. A 2ee label is available for several fungicides for control of tar spot, however, efficacy data are limited. In most cases, they are easily noticed, and the temptation to guess specific causes is great. Soybean fungicide table: here Corn fungicide table : … Titan offers a full line of wheels, tires and undercarriage products for a wide variety of off-the-road equipment. Fung-onil Fungicide Concentrate Model# 880 $ 20 70 $ 20 70. Tar spot diseases usually manifest during early summer months or in the fall, when climate is conducive to the production of structures on the leaf and fungal sporulation. Rotation still should be practiced to reduce the impact of more common (and significant) diseases such as grey leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, and anthracnose. Explore all the corn diseases Aproach Prima controls on Corteva.us. Frequent rain favors target spot. Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide is recommended for use in programs which are compatible with the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which include the use of disease resistant crop varieties, cultural practices, pest scouting and disease forecasting systems which reduce unnecessary applications of pesticides. Tar Spot, while was present but not devastating this year, is rapidly expanding. It belongs to the genus Rhytisma. “It’s definitely an exciting tool for soybean growers that deal with white mold on a yearly basis,” said Reif. of the Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District and Al Dutcher, associate state climatologist with the University of Nebraska — Lincoln. Begin applications prior to disease development. Tar spot symptoms appear as black spots on the leaves with yellowish rings around a black center. Keep an eye on the weather and keep scouting! The mean yield response for an application of fungicide at V12, R1 and R3 across all trials was 4.2 bu/A, 7.2 bu/A and 6.9 bu/A, respectively. If you choose to use a fungicide, copper-containing fungicides are labeled for tar spot disease. These ratings are intended to provide guidelines on efficacy of the various products for use in corn and soybean. The three robust active ingredients in Trivapro, including Solatenol ® fungicide, provide preventive and curative disease control and plant-health benefits, helping growers stay a step ahead of tar spot. Three Years Later, Tar Spot Questions Outweigh What’s Known. United States. In addition, a number of the fungicides have a 2ee label for tar spot, so it will be important to check if your state has this label for use. Any rank cotton variety can get target spot. If you choose to use a fungicide, copper-containing fungicides are labeled for tar spot disease. Spring and fall are ideal seasons to clean up greens, tees and fairways. Consult the ManKocide label for specific rates and timing of application by crop. Capturing sunlight and keeping living roots in the ground as long as possible is the goal of Beaver Dam, Ws., no-tiller Marty Weiss. At NERF, an application was made based on the Tarspotter Appthat indicated a high risk of tar spot occurring. blight, rust, and tar spot. Tar acids and oils Tar acids and tar oils are derivatives of coal tar. Trivapro ® fungicide, is a proven, effective management tool for tar spot. Several fungicides in preliminary fungicide trials may reduce tar spot. Formulations are available as liquids or pastes for disinfecting tools or surfaces. Fortunately, Delaro fungicide works to suppress white mold in soybeans. Turf & Ornamentals Management. There are others as well that are now labeled for Tar Spot. Geographically, the label allows Lucento fungicide to be used for tar spot control in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin, which are expected to have the highest potential for tar spot development in 2019. Indiana field crop disease updates and maps for the 2020 season will be available on the Purdue Field Crop Pathology Website https://extension.purdue.edu/fieldcroppathology/. The tar spot seen on maples is caused by three related fungi, Rhytisma acerinum, R. americanum and R. punctatum. A single application of a fungicide with mixed mode of action can be very effective. There are many fungicides labeled for tar spot With the updated label, growers now have an additional way to help protect the health of corn and soybean crops from disease, while continually raising the bar on yields. Bonide 16 oz. Syngenta’s Trivapro, Miravis Neo (new for 2019) — both of which combine three active ingredients — and Quilt Xcel are all labeled for tar spot control. If disease starts during the 1st 3 weeks of blooming, yield loss may occur. In addition to Lucento, FMC issued a 2(ee) label for Topguard EQ fungicide for tar spot control in field, seed and popcorn in the same states. The most commonly diseased native maples are silver (A. saccharinum) and red (A. rubrum), which are infected by R. Per the 2(ee) label, Lucento fungicide can be applied at the onset of the disease up through the R4 growth stage with a maximum of two applications per year. https://extension.purdue.edu/fieldcroppathology/, © 2020 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Pest&Crop newsletter. Lessons You Can Leverage. leaf spot-Leaf rust-Septoria leaf and glume blotch-Tan spot *This list is presented for information only and no endorsement is intended for products listed nor is criticism meant for products not listed. I know BASF has a new three mode of action fungicide (Veltyma ™)) with a much longer residual window for 2020 that is labeled for Tar Spot. Fungicides can reduce tar spot. Due to seasonal application limit of DOMARK® 230 ME Fungicide, if a second application is warranted then apply an alternate corn fungicide. Read Managing Corn Tar Spot in 2020 in addition to hundreds of recent farming and agriculture news articles. Will we have tar spot again next year? Aproach ® Prima fungicide is a good choice for controlling tar spot. Tar spot of Norway maple (A. platanoides) is caused by R. acerinum, which like its host is also non-native. – Growers facing the threat of tar spot in corn and white mold in soybeans can now use Delaro fungicide to manage those diseases, thanks to a recent label amendment. There are many fungicides labeled for tar spot suppression.