I've levelled out. If you are detained, you cannot leave the ward unless the doctor in charge of your care agrees. We could visit for two hours each evening. There may be things that visitors are not allowed to bring into the ward such as sharp items, drugs, alcohol, matches and lighters. This is a ward for people who are very unwell. There will be a mix of patients who are in hospital voluntarily and under the Mental Health Act 1983. Alcohol is not allowed in hospital. If you have questions about your treatment or your rights, ask a nurse or your key worker on the ward. It's not fair and it's not ok. The decision to see a therapist was not an easy one to make. The hospital should put you in a room with the same sex as you. This should be done as soon as possible. The staff will assess you and give you treatment. Once the day came for me to sit in front of this welcoming stranger, chosen for me by an in-take specialist, a tremendous amount of guilt pounded in my body. The police came at 2:30 in the morning after I spoke to a mental health crisis hotline. The availability of specialist wards varies from area to area. Everyone knows that going into hospital is hard, but at the same time, there are moments when leaving and going back … They stated that I was in custody under the Mental Health Act. Hospitalizations can be scary. You can have visitors, but some hospitals only allow visitors at certain times. A psychiatrist will speak to you soon after you go into hospital. If you are seriously hurt or sick, you can go to a hospital emergency department for urgent treatment. The hospital managers are then informed of any changes they need to make. Hey everyone. They should not have men and women in the same room. There should always be separate toilets and bathrooms for men and women. The admission and experience of staying in the psych ward was quite an adventure. My unit has multiple skills groups such as baking, art, meditation, life planning, etc., and we are also fortunate to be able to use the physiotherapy rehabilitation pool and gym when it was not in use (which was just across the hall from our unit). If you are a carer you have the added worry of thinking about what will happen to the person you care for if you go into hospital. You might want to ask some questions like these. Use your postcode to search your area. give you a good reason why they need to do the search. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. But if you do have to go, hospital can be the best place for you to rest, feel safe and receive the help you need. If you're going to be in the hospital for a little while, you can always bring things that remind you of home, like pictures of your family, stuffed animals, books, or toys — or even put up favorite pictures or posters on the wall around your bed. But there may be a general advocacy service in the area that can help. If you or someone you know needs help, the Mental Health Line offers: professional help and advice ; referrals to local mental health services. This section explains what happens when someone you know goes into hospital. I was going to the hospital and I didn't have a choice. Some hospitals have separate wards. If you are in hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983, staff can search your things without your consent. What other medications might work for me? There will be a routine on the ward. Sort by. To find your nearest emergency department, visit Emergency Department waiting times. There are more staff on this ward, so they can give more support. PICU sounds like “P-Q”. When this happens doctors may say you lack insight. Going into hospital. If this happens, you will not be able to leave unless the hospital doctor agrees. You can search for their contact details online. A nurse can also do this for up to 6 hours. A psychiatrist is a specialist mental health doctor. They can help you to get your views across to staff at the hospital. The next week was a blur. I was abused too and it's painful and traumatizing. If you have any problems with any of the other patients on the ward you should tell a member of staff straight away. Each hospital is different, so we can only give an overview of what you can expect. This is called unescorted leave. Some higher security wards have restrictions on alcoholic mouthwash, aerosols, glass containers, perfume, aftershave, dental floss and nail varnish remover. The ward staff should be able to let you know how to contact an IMHA if you would like one. Our mission is to deliver a better life for people severely affected by mental illness. Going into hospital - for carers, friends and relatives. If you were claiming benefits before going into hospital beacuse of your mental health It is important that you tell the DWP because some benefits stop after you have been in hospital for a certain amount of time. So you need to be admitted. It is staffed by mental health professionals who will ask questions to determine if you or, the person you are concerned about, needs ongoing mental health care and how urgently it is needed. If you're experiencing severe depression symptoms, having thoughts of harming yourself or others, or your treatment just isn't helping, you may be considering checking yourself into a hospital. If you think you should be getting more leave, talk to your RC about this. An Open Letter to the Abused: If you are having difficulties doing everyday tasks, you may be offered help from an occupational therapist. In this section we use the word ‘detained’. Though the thought of going to the emergency room (ER) might be daunting, it's often the best way to keep you safe during the crisis. hide. Finally going to the hospital for mental health. Not all hospitals have an emergency section just for psychiatric emergencies. Some wards have fixed visiting hours and others allow visiting at any time. You may be put on this ward if there is a concern you might be at risk of harming yourself or others. People who understood what emergency mental health meant. It is likely that the PICU ward will be locked, and most patients will be in hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983. There are different types of wards in mental health hospitals. Some wards also have restrictions on items such as razors, matches and lighters. The first time you go into hospital you may go on an acute ward. It was a constant nudge in the back of my brain for months until a rough night of insomnia forced me to finally make the call, and wait anxiously. The two most important things to know about psychiatric hospitals are: 1. I have no problem being on medication because I could not function without it. You can have visitors if you want. Although the hospital is meant to be a safe place, unless you are being observed constantly (i.e. The hospital staff may offer you nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), varenicline or e-cigarettes. If you are unwell and agree to stay in hospital, the hospital staff might call you a voluntary patient. While it was an unfamiliar and uncomfortable place to be, it was also the best place for me and worth it for my mental health. Your abuse is not your fault and you didn't deserve it. But they might not be able to see you, or the visit may be supervised. For this reason, it is not used for people with a mental illness often. A very real option. brought things onto the ward you shouldn’t have, self-harmed on the ward with something you hid in your bag, or. Staff may look through your belongings when you first go into hospital or when you return from leave. You might hear it being called: These phrases mean the same thing. Staff may offer you might be offered talking treatments and occupational therapy to help with developing daily living skills. It aims to prepare you for living in the community. Cancel Unsubscribe. If you have any problems with the care you are getting in hospital, then you may want to contact an advocate. But if they do, they should still: If you are detained under the Mental Health Act, and there are good reasons, the staff can search you at anytime. Try not to take valuable things such as jewellery or large amounts of money onto the ward. If you go into hospital in an emergency, you might not have time to think about taking things in with you. You might also be able to go on leave with a relative, and this is called accompanied leave. When you are well enough to leave, the doctors will say that you are ready to be discharged.The hospital staff might ask you to go to meetings to talk about what will happen when you leave. But you may need to go into hospital if you become unwell. Speak to a member of staff on your ward to see if they have any activities you can take part in. You might get medication, talking therapy and occupational therapy. I was to sick to do anything else besides spending my days in a hospital bed alone. Hospitals for mental health issues are intended to thoroughly evaluate the crisis, act quickly to stabilize the teen, and develop a plan for continued care. If you try to leave but a doctor thinks you are not well enough to leave, they can keep you in hospital for up to 72 hours in an emergency. I came into hospital on no medications and now I take 3 medications on a daily basis and I have another I take as needed. They should ask for your permission before they search you. Ward staff should have details of the IMHA service that covers your ward. When I got to the emergency department, I was brought straight into the psychiatric area. PTSD. The staff at the hospital should do weekly ward rounds. I'm going to the hospital because I've been having pretty bad suicidal thoughts. Although relatively new to this world, she is passionate about mental health promotion and thoroughly enjoys writing about mental health. They might be your psychiatrist, nurse, psychologist or occupational therapist. Or sometimes it is just called leave. If you do not tell them the DWP may overpay you. The EMTs were kind and explained why she needed to be strapped in. Or you don’t want help. I was allowed to ride in the front of the ambulance while my husband followed along behind. If you are a voluntary patient, you are not entitled to see an IMHA. She also volunteers for a mental health organization where she delivers presentations about mood disorders to high school students. The policy on charging will vary from area to area. The rooms are colourful with lots of art and decorations, most of the staff are caring and really want the best for you, and the patients are some of the most amazing people I've ever met. If the person you care for goes into hospital you may intend to carry on providing some care whilst they are in hospital. share. There should be a chaplaincy or spiritual care service that you can use. They should wear name badges. Hospital staff can sometimes keep you in hospital under ‘deprivation of liberty safeguards’ (DoLS). But there are times when people become unwell and they need to go into hospital. Registered Charity Number 271028. I stayed for two days in the emergency ward before I was moved to the inpatient psychiatric unit. Staff might search you if they think you have something that is not allowed on the ward. Depending on your area, it may be a floor of a regular hospital or a freestanding psychiatric hospital. Powered by Vocal © 2020 Creatd, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Tell another health or social care professional, such as a psychiatrist or social worker, and ask for an assessment to see if you can be made to go to hospital under a section of the Mental Health Act (often called being sectioned). You may feel comfortable with your carer being told some things but not others. 2. I don't care what your abuser said to you, they are a liar! This could be a friend, family member or carer. If you are having serious thoughts of harming yourself or others, please tell a family member, a friend, a teacher, a crisis hotline, and go to the emergency department to seek help. I expected clinical, white rooms, scary patients, and horrible, mean nurses. If there are not enough free beds in your local hospital, staff could send you to a different hospital. I began to shiver, like I was cold, though the Arizona temperature was a comfortable sixty degrees for January. Depression can consume every one of your thoughts. Can you explain my diagnosis or treatment? There may not be somewhere safe to keep them. You can ask visitors to bring things to the hospital that you might have forgotten. They can help you to overcome your problems and become more independent. You can find many hospitals for different needs including suicide prevention and self-inflicted-injures in most parts of the world. You may wish to be hospitalized if you're having symptoms that are putting you or others at risk, such as suicidal urges, mania, or psychosis. But in some areas, you can only be referred to the crisis team by your GP. You may have a care-coordinator you can speak to. Im waiting for my mom to get me and take me. This is more common in higher security hospitals and forensic unit wards. And sometimes, it can become too much to handle. The hospital staff may be dressed in their own clothes or in a uniform. Living with a mental illness my entire life, I know the struggles one can face while trying to survive day-to-day life. If you are worried about your things when you are in hospital, you could try talking to: If you have children, you can arrange for them to stay with a friend or family member while you are in hospital. Being in the hospital didn't take away all my problems. You may be admitted to a specialist ward. Arrangements for the patient’s accommodation should also consider the patient’s history and personal circumstances, including; There should be an area where you can spend time away from your room during the day. It is different to the Mental Health Act. Whether it be your first admission, you are seeking an admission, or you're a battle-scarred-mental-illness-veteran in for another stint, here's what to expect and what it all means. On this page, a 'carer' means anyone who helps you who is not paid, like friends or relatives. If you are not happy with the way they are searching you, you can ask to see this policy. Doctors will speak to you at ward rounds or meetings, so they can decide what treatment you need and whether you need to stay in hospital. tell you when they will give it back, and. I developed social anxiety (because my therapist told me I apparently already had GAD) and suicidal thoughts. If you don't want to come back, it is best to tell a member of staff. don’t take your medication and hide it in your bag. It is much easier for your carer to do these things if you tell staff that it’s OK. But if your day-to-day life is stressing you out, a short break can go a long way for your mental health. For example, staff might check on you every hour. Going to emergency. This might involve cooking classes or managing bills. 78 Comments . I just gotten out a mental hospital about a month ago and some … My anxiety was consuming me everyday, my depression was out of control, I had next to no social skills or confidence and all I could think about was suicide. If you're experiencing a mental health crisis, staying in hospital might be the best way to keep you safe and provide you with the level of treatment you need. Usually during the first few days, you get multiple mental health assessments and physical health assessments (generally just blood work and an average check up). But there are times when hospitalization is needed. You can find more information about ‘Going into hospital – money matters’ by clicking here. I heard yelling and was dissociating and i decided that it was time to get help. Staff may move you to PICU from an acute ward, or you might go straight to PICU. Some psychiatric units have social groups. If you want your carer to have this information, you should tell staff and they can put a note on your record. Your doctor might think it is better for you to leave with a member of staff, and this is called escorted leave. This means that you can leave if you want to. These meetings are to make sure that you have the support you need when you leave hospital. Some of your benefits might stop or reduce after 28 days. Do you think my symptoms might be caused by physical illness. If this is the case, you may prefer visits to be shorter, or less often. I offer these pointers because knowing what I know now back then would have helped me get through the experience with less angst. I attempted serious self harm twice while I was inpatient and one of those times I ended up in the emergency room. If your RC is happy for you to leave the ward for a short time, this is called section 17 leave. The length of stay will be very short, usually for several days. I want you to know that it's not your fault. Doctors call them voluntary patients. I went into the psychiatric unit for the first time in January 2017. If your visitor does not want this to happen then they cannot force them. You might not be able to go into hospital even if you want to. If you are not well enough to do this, then you can ask a carer or a member of the ward staff to tell the DWP. They might have to go into your home and move items into storage. You can leave hospital if you want and you do not have to come back. Reply. Staff at the hospital are trained to help you get through what can be a stressful time for you and your family. If this happens the hospital will keep you separated from everyone else to give you privacy. Hospital stays for mental health are usually pretty short (from a few days to a week or two). The hospital is often a necessary step to help stabilize severe symptoms or adjust medications, both of … You may find visits stressful, depending on how you are feeling. The law says that the local authority can charge you for this. I attempted to talk my way out of being brought to the hospital, but they knew I needed help. If you would like to be admitted as a voluntary patient, you can try the following. If you don't take all the things you need, you could ask someone to bring things in for you. The treatment may be provided on a one-to-one basis or in a group with others with similar difficulties. But you may need to go into hospital if you become unwell. Loading... Unsubscribe from Jess’ Life? These services can be used by anybody of any faith, and by people who are not religious. Medication gave me my sanity back. This page has practical information about going into hospital. We were going to be okay. Medication and therapy together generally work best as a combination. This is called the common room or day room. You could sign a consent form and give it to staff if you think this is easier. The psychiatrist will decide what treatment you need when you are in hospital. It is more common for people with dementia or learning disabilities. The government have made all hospitals smoke free zones. Everyone is friendly and welcoming. Am I Going Back To Hospital? Each hospital is different, so we can only give an overview of what you can expect. Your carer can be involved if you want. your care coordinator in the community, if you have one, or. They stated that I was in custody under the Mental Health Act. You are a voluntary patient if you are not in hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983. If you have a mental illness, most of your treatment will be outside hospital. This depends on the hospital's security policies. This means that staff will watch over you to make sure that you are safe. If a doctor at the hospital agrees that you need to be in hospital, they will admit you. It was a very internal environment. Contact your local crisis team. Jess’ Life. If you do not want visitors at all, then you do not have to see anyone. The first UK-wide mental health and money advice service dedicated to supporting people affected by mental health and money issues. First I want to say I am sorry. And in some hospitals there may be animals used as part of your therapy. If you are on a locked ward, a member of staff will need to open the door for you to leave. I am sorry for what happened to you. Visiting our son felt like visiting a high security prison: Only immediate family members were allowed. When my health took a serious decline at the start of my freshman year, my mental health went with it and all of these issues that I had stuffed in the closet came out. I am sorry you are hurting. If you are unwell you may feel that you need treatment in hospital. You should tell staff about any electrical items you have to make sure you are allowed to bring them in. Not all hospitals and wards offer activities like these. While you’re at the hospital, meals are prepared for you, your laundry is done for you, and your meds are given to you by nurses at scheduled times. Our son has a serious mental illness and it was not going away. If you are in hospital, you may go to a rehabilitation ward to help you become more independent. 90 percent of people will say "army" or "military." The hospital staff might want to search the people who visit you. Mental Health Update! You could ask someone to keep an eye on your home and feed your pets. You will be able to wear your own clothes on the ward. Or if someone who can make decisions for you agrees. In mental health treatment, there are different levels of care, meaning how much supervision and treatment you need. In the emergency room after a serious incident. And if it needs to change. I attempted to talk my way out of being brought to the hospital, but they knew I needed help. Doctors call this being detained under the Mental Health Act. Dani September 7, 2020 at 8:56 pm . While the majority of people with mental health conditions will likely not need to spend time in a hospital or treatment center, an individual may need to be hospitalized so that they can be closely monitored and accurately diagnosed, have their medications adjusted or stabilized, or be monitored during an acute episode when their mental illness temporarily worsens. Not always. (See our legal pages on You can find more information about ‘Confidentiality’ by clicking here. toiletries like body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, hair gel and make-up. One misstep and you will fall, Dom A pebble in the void, the only direction, down. An advocate is someone who does not work for the NHS and who might be able to help you with any problems with your care. This page has practical information about going into hospital. During the second hospital stay, the hospital we started in did not have mental health services for children there. Your friends or family can find out about visiting from the staff on the ward. These rooms may be for men and women. Tell a nurse or your doctor if you are not happy with the visiting arrangements. Carer's assessment - Under the Care Act 2014, Confidentiality and Information Sharing - For Carers, Friends and Family, Planning for the future - your relative's care and support. And that's when you need to reach out and take care of yourself. The psychiatric unit was nothing like I thought it would be. .css-d8ali9-Footer{padding:1em;}.css-1bjgiud-SiteLink-Footer{color:#1A1A1A;padding:1em;}ExploreContactPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseSupport. The stays in my unit ranged from 2 days to over a year. You spend both days and nights there. In hospital, you are helped to manage your mental health problem in a very specific environment which, once changed, can make someone feel like they are mentally back at square one, home in the house with the same ghosts that haunted them prior to admission. They have to open the door for you unless you are detained under the Mental Health Act. In some cases, you might have to go into a room with people who are not the same sex as you. This is up to you. Therapy can also sometimes involve partners and families. We were going to be okay. The Mental Health Act 1983 means doctors can force people to go to hospital if their illness puts them, or other people, at risk. Hey. Contact your GP. In some hospitals, there are separate day rooms for men and women. This feeling I knew well. Never would I of thought that my borderline personality disorder, or emotionally unstable personality disorder as the doctors officially diagnosed me with would of ever worked within a romantic relationship. Ward rounds are when staff members meet with you to see how your treatment is going. If you detained in hospital, then you are entitled to see an Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA). Your carer is not allowed to be given information about your care unless you want them to know. I get it. If you - or someone you know - are going to hospital for mental health care, you might be wondering what to take and what’s useful. Registered in England Number 1227970. report. Our network of groups, services and advice lines are on hand to get you the support you need. Not everyone stays the same length of time. This includes your home, furniture and pets. Laura Wotruba, director of public affairs for the Michigan Health and Hospital Association, says only 4 percent of all inpatient admissions across the state last year were for a primary mental health diagnosis; 31 percent had a primary or a secondary diagnosis. Going into hospital is a worrying time. A new study shows a growing number of Canadian children and youth are seeking help for mental health disorders at hospital emergency rooms and … Some of these good reasons maybe you have: If the staff take any of your items they have to: The rules for searches are reviewed regularly. the particular needs of transgender patients. 6 Things to Bring With You If You Are Hospitalized for Your Mental Health At the end of December 2017, I got admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit for the first (and hopefully the last) time. Many hospital rooms have a TV and a telephone to use while you're in the hospital. If you don’t talk to staff about it, they will not help your carer to do these things for you. Anxiety can quickly spiral out of control. These may include: Children and young people should be in a ward that is suitable for people of their age. If staff are worried about you, they may put you on observation. In general, a hospital admission for a mental health issue is very much considered a last resort as in reality there is some loss of privacy and autonomy, and for some it can be an unpleasant experience – for instance, you might find yourself in a room with someone else experiencing severe mental health issues. Doctors call this treatment in the community. Careful though. And it was ruining my life. If this is not possible, contact your local authority and speak to children's social services about the situation. Find out more about claiming benefits and going into hospital. Going to the ER for a mental health crisis may be a thing of the past, a new study shows. Suicide can start to look like a real option. This website uses cookies to give you the best experience. Most people living with mental illness will never need to go to hospital for treatment. best. If you have a mental illness, most of your treatment will be outside hospital. Going into hospital is called an admission. You can see an advocate called an Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA). Maybe share your thoughts or stories if you'd like. There may be times when you are unwell but don’t realise it. They can only do this if you cannot make decisions for yourself and it is in your best interests. If you speak to your GP about your mental health concerns, they can: ask questions about your feelings and thoughts that may help you better understand what you are going through and what support is available. This doctor is called your responsible clinician (RC). Some hospitals ban them. Doctors call this treatment in the community. After weeks of clinging on for dear life - literally - I have regained some semblance of balance. If you were ever sitting right next to me when this reaction appeared, you'd never know. save. This might be called a discharge meeting or a pre-discharge meeting. No. If this happens you will have to pay the money back. You might be able to leave by yourself. Some might say "childhood abuse" or "rape victims." Your visitors may be able to bring in food and drink for you. Hospitalization can also be helpful if you're finding you… forensic units for offenders with mental illnesses. My daughter needed to be transported via ambulance to a nearby behavioral health hospital. Going to the hospital can be difficult. Visiting the ER can connect you with resources that will help you manage and overcome these issues. Inpatient hospitalization (IP) is 24/7, acute care and support. The hospital should have a written policy on searches. offer your medication if it's appropriate and/or free talking therapies. When I got to the emergency department, I was brought straight into the psychiatric area. They should only do this if it is needed because you are very unwell. Like coming in with physical chest pains, those with mental health emergencies don’t always fit the criteria for admission. There should always be separate toilets and washing facilities for men and women. Doctors call this 'treatment in the community'. When you hear the word, what do you think of? Emergency rooms are for more than treating chest pains or … This is because the hospital staff have to protect your confidentiality. In some hospitals you will have a room of your own. You can find more information about ‘Discharge from the Mental Health Act’ by clicking here. 0 comments. If you have visitors, you could ask to use a private room rather than sitting in the dayroom with other people. And if the doctors think you need to be there. A comprehensive evaluation begins at the time of admission and is completed by interviewing the teen, family members, and mental health or school professionals who have worked wit… If you are leaving for a while, ward staff may ask you to come back by a certain time. You may need specialist care that local NHS services cannot give you. This is the same as other hospital wards you may have been on. Speak to someone in your community mental health team (CMHT), if you have one. some money, bring coins in case there is a pay phone on the ward, history and personal circumstances where known, including history of sexual or physical abuse and risks of trauma, and. Or stay with you all the time. You can go on your own or with visitors. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 2.65K. I was going to the hospital and I didn't have a choice. It will depend on the number of beds available. ask your doctor to see if there is any reason why you can’t be searched, and. But I also have the support I need for afterwards and as a preventative measure to prevent serious damage. The hospital also connected me to a therapist I see at an outpatient clinic. You can leave hospital unless you are detained. This meeting would involve: • you,• your care team in hospital, and• any staff from community mental health services who will support you when you leave hospital. There will be regular mealtimes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Mental Hospitals Provide Safety and Structure for Patients. Depression and other mental health issues are very common. Im honestly hoping to become in patient because that's what i think i need . Growing up it was something in which I had always struggled with, relationships! Mental illness is normally treated outside hospital. Experiences in mental hospitals vary from extremely positive to very negative and this often depends on the individual's situation and the specific mental health hospital (Types of Mental Health Facilities).Before you enter a mental health hospital, though, it's important you get the facts on what it's like inside mental hospitals. They can only do this if you agree. There may be a water machine or a kitchen to make hot drinks. The decision to section someone is very serious and can only be taken jointly by a team of approved mental health professionals (AMHPs). Some do not. I managed to do quite a bit of self harm in hospital. Emergency departments are in many public hospitals across NSW and open 24 hours a day. The treatment is fast-paced and intense. When you go into hospital, one of the nurses should ask you for your details. Other hospitals may have wards with a few beds in the same room. Many people agree to go to hospital themselves. Rethink Mental Illness Registered Office 89 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TP United Kingdom 0121 522 7007 | info@rethink.org. The local authority must protect your property if it could get lost or damaged. 100% Upvoted. Go to the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department of a local hospital. There may also be an out-of-hours service. A psychiatric hospital, also known as inpatient treatment or a psych-ward, is a hospital that cares for individuals with mental illnesses and health problems. People on the ward round will be involved in your care. In some hospitals there are creative activity groups. Going to hospital for psychiatric treatment. I was wondering if anyone else has ever been hospitalized and if they had some advice for me. If you get benefits, it is important to tell the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) that you are in hospital. Make sure you tell the staff exactly what you want to happen. You may want help from a friend or relative, or perhaps an advocate. 1:1 observation) there are always opportunities to harm yourself. Although this can be a frightening thought, you may find it less intimidating if you know what to expect from the process. The police came at 2:30 in the morning after I spoke to a mental health crisis hotline. When you go into hospital, doctors might say that you have been admitted. You might have to go into hospital when you don't want to. If you can’t do this, your local authority may have to keep an eye on your things. I went to the hospital because the emotional and mental anguish I was experiencing had become more than I could handle. Your NHS may offer to transfer you to a hospital in another area. These services may be provided by your GP surgery, a large local health centre, a specialist mental health clinic or a hospital. We were allowed to speak to our son on the phone for 10 minutes, twice a day. You cannot smoke on the ward. Your visitors can get information about what they are not allowed to bring from ward staff. the Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP), if you have been detained. no comments yet. This would usually mean a unit with specially trained staff. When you have time, think about taking in: There should be a ward policy about mobile phones. You will be offered more activity and less supervision here.